Route to Italy

Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Eileen

We actually went to Garda from Zeebrugge but it is the same most of the way.We went down through Belgium and Luxembourg to Strasbourg on our first day. It was a comfortable 350 miles or so.

You could go A1, A26 and A4 autoroutes to Strasbourg. However you will pay tolls on these French motorways.

If you went A16 to Dunkerque and then A25 to Lille and then A1, A22, A27 into Belgium and then A8, A16, A7, A15, A4 into Luxembourg A6 A3 and back into France and then A4 to Strasbourg you will have atoll free run! Also brim your tank in Luxembourgas diesel is cheaper than water! [Well not quite]

From there we went into Germany on the way down and Alsace on the way back just to vary it. Either way you end up in Switzerland! Swiss roads are great. We stayed at Lake Sempach as we wanted some time in Switzerland. Fabulous site. And then went through St Gotthard tunnel and on to Garda.

I can give you more details if you wish or e mail you my travel log if you let me have your e mail address.

Please ask if you want any more info.

Regards & Merry Christmas



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