Mar 14, 2005
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I am angry that in 2003 the government decided that we should all benefit from "healthy competition" and that Royal Mail should not have a monopoly on postal services, the result of this is total chaos and the public don't even know the full details! Firstly, the regulators, Postcomm said that to give the competitors a level playing field they can compete with Royal Mail, so obviously they have cherry-picked the best business clients but what most people don't realise is that these private companies collect the mail from businesses then drive it to their nearest Royal Mail depot to deliver it for them, worse still, the Royal Mail are forced to deliver it at a loss to give competitors a "fair chance to compete", which means Royal Mail have to cover (at a loss) the cost of your postmans salary, pension, sick pay etc. Our local postmen now have had their regular rounds broken up, they arn't allowed to leave the sorting office until 9am, the full-time staff are not being replaced and they have to work longer hours with no overtime.

I watched a local postman last winter in the heavy snow, pushing his bike with a very heavy sack up a steep hill, he fell over repeatedly, was soaked through and his trousers were frozen below his knees. Most wouldn't want their jobs, they have already been working in the sorting office for four hours even before they start their round. They are not striking for money, they are fighting for the delivery service we all want, ironically Royal Mail and the postal workers want the same thing, they just don't seem to be able to communicate! The competitors don't want to carry the cost of delivering to every front door, they have been trialling the cost of walking up every path from John O Groats to Lands End and admit they couldn't possibly deliver a letter for the prices Royal Mail charge. I hope we don't lose our postmen, I live in a village with only 10,000 people, so I wouldn't have to queue as long as people in towns each morning at the sorting office for my mail, but imagine the traffic if we lose our postmen! I am glad I spoke to our postman, I have now read the unions, Royal Mail and Postcomm's comments and I think our postmen need our support - business's will suffer in the end if private companies can't drop the mail off at a Royal Mail depot to deliver it for them for a cheaper price than they can do it and yet it will be them that finish off Royal Mail. The postmen incidentally are not against modernisation as stated in the press, in fact they were in favour, the only problem is computers go wrong, the mail sticks together, plastic wrapped magazines get caught in machinery and its the postman who end up re-sorting it. Thats not to mention fingers cut on letter box's, homes with tiny letter box and large magazines to push through, dogs biting them and snapping at their fingers...... I will have more respect for the job they do. Like all companies, some staff let the side down, but at our local office they make a point of making sure anything that looks like a birthday card is dropped off, even if it came in late, there are always two sides to a story and the press and media are only portraying the views of Royal Mail and the government (who really want to privatise it and sell it off to a foreign country) then the prices can shoot up!
May 25, 2008
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The postmen incidentally are not against modernisation as stated in the press, in fact they were in favour, the only problem is computers go wrong, the mail sticks together, plastic wrapped magazines get caught in machinery and its the postman who end up re-sorting it.

Which is what they are paid to do !!!. If they got on with doing what they should be," Delivering Mail " rather than worrying about something they can't affect everyone would be better off.

This is about the Union trying to dictate to Management it don't work.

Mind you if I was on
Mar 14, 2005
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Yep, Gumbo, thats what they are paid to do, so why the massive investment in modernisation/machinery when its not working? The point they are trying to make is that they WANT to get on and deliver the mail, the lorries can't go faster than 56mph, Postcomm say that they can't leave the sorting office (even though they are sometimes ready to go out and deliver), the mech sorted mail comes into the office after they have gone out on their rounds (on bikes a few miles away...) They are trying to get management to agree to working rosters that run smoothly, lots of postmen don't even know which day of the working week will be their day off - they sometimes arrive in the early hours only to be told to go back home again, that will be their day off! Their "lunch" break works out that they are on their bikes, the mail sacks are heavy enough without their sandwiches and flask! And where do they go to the loo when they are miles from the sorting office in the middle of a housing estate? The rounds are much larger and taking a lot longer so the working day for them is not brilliant and they are simply trying to give the service we received years ago and yet allow for modern technology.
Sep 18, 2009
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they WANT to get on and deliver the mail⇦br/>

Possibly so - but I'd be even happier still if they wanted to shove it through the correct letterbox!

Swapping mail that has been incorrectly delivered is becoming something of a social activity in our part of the village.
Jun 28, 2007
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Sorry but I think your view is a little rose tinted , posties have many perks of the job that you and I simply dont get.

Like if you finish your work/duties early you can go home early , yep I know several posties and their scheduled 8 hour working shift in reality is about 4 hours , once their round is done they get to go home.

Or as is the case one one guy I know he opts to take on un manned rounds (say when someone is sick which is surpirsingly regular) oh and dont feel sorry for him , he gets paid OVERTIME for this yet its still in his alotted working shift.
May 5, 2005
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Posties round her use their own cars to deliver the post have lost 1 out of 2 P.C.magazines since I subscribed,very easy to leave something 'accidentally' in the car.Hard to feel sorry for them really as a self employed fitter I have healthy competition every day and no redundancy package if things go wrong
Jan 12, 2007
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The postal service gets my vote. They are up against market forces they cannot realisticaly compete with. The cherries have been taken off of the cake and given to the private sector.

Keep up the fighting spirit Royal Mail.
Jan 12, 2007
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Well, I have to feel sorry for these guys.

All the profitable stuff has been offered out for competition and whats left is never going to be competititive.

The day that private companys start to deliver normal post door to door will see the cost of a first class stamp go stupid and thats a sad loss for everyone.

Peter mandelson the un-elected ??? is really a ???? perhaps its time for union money to boycott the labour party and invest in someone else, but who?

And what now, 30,000 temporary staff to be employed, probably taking advantage of the growing immigrant population who will send all their money off to other shores and will probably have difficulty reading the address on the front of the envelope.

Sad sad state of affairs. I'm all for a level playing field but it will never happen
May 25, 2008
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" probably have difficulty reading the address on the front of the envelope "

Don't be silly it is read by a machine. what the unions don't want !!!!
Mar 24, 2009
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I see Royal Mail are recruiting 30,000 temporary staff, say goodbye to any sort of reasonable service. The theft rate will rise, credit cards, cheque books etc.

It is a known fact that many recruited are unable to read, and just simply repost their alloted mail.

Please don't blame the postie it is the RM management taking instructions from government.


May 25, 2009
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Where did I read that it is policy to send Postie out with a bundle of "YOU WERE NOT HOME" notices, rather than a bag of parcels. And that this ALWAYS happens if the postie is new.

30,000 temporary postmen? Can I have the contract for printing those notices?

Jun 20, 2005
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That is 6 x more than the people who live in my little town.

How on earth can they be trained in time on the machines , software and general H&S?

Who does the training? There's a money spinner!

Just remember Ronald Reagan binned all his air traffic controllers when they went on strike.




The Royal Mail usually hires a lot of temporary staff at Xmas, this year they have doubled the number. Many of those hired have worked for the RM before and so do know the system. Students often do this work as a bonus income. It is also interesting that 100000 people have applied so far for the jobs, so there are a lot of people out there who want the work.

Unless there is a very rapid solution there is no doubt that at the end of it there will be even less work for the RM, and so many posties will be let go anyway. Even if Amazon and JL etc return some business to the RM at the end of this, they will inevitably keep other Companies on part of their business, just in case. As mentioned by others the Union boss is really suffering, you can tell by his waistline and of course his Union is getting a lot of money from the RM to operate their Union in RM premises.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm amazed at the views of the public, I have been following this strike and trying to understand why my mail is delayed which is very inconvenient so I thought I'd check it out for myself. Unfortunately not all postmen get to enjoy the
Jan 19, 2008
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The strike does have it's advantages if the posties have any sense. Less votes for these pathetic morons in government who are probably pulling the strings of RM management anyway.
Jan 19, 2008
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" probably have difficulty reading the address on the front of the envelope "

Don't be silly it is read by a machine. what the unions don't want !!!!
I don't see many machines reading the address as they push the mail through the door around our way.
May 25, 2008
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ACAS to do what ??

Consultation is telling you what is going to happen. Arbatration indicates you don't want it to happen.

So what's the point of ACAS in this dispute ?? Let TNT have the lot Postmen, Sorting, Parcels Pensions ( paid for by the sell off cash). Transfer under the rules as laid down by the European Union TUPE, bobs your Uncle sorted (not a pun).

One we tend to forget the EU have done more to protect workers than either Nu Labour or the Tories.
Jan 19, 2008
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Having just spoken to my SIL he informs me that RM pay the posties to put the junk mail through the doors because it is a profitable part of the RM business.

RM now want to stop the allowance they pay the posties although they will still have to deliver it. RM also want to scrap the early start allowance. Losing this pay will cost my SIL
Mar 14, 2005
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Like all other forms of employment there are the true reliable workers and those who will only do as they see fit and to hell with their colleagues. I fully sympathise with Lord B's, SIL as it appears that management are attempting to increse the workload of the front line postie but yet reduce their pay and conditions. I have yet to see mention that last year the chairman of Royal Mail was awarded


Mar 14, 2005
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My daughter is a stay at home mum so it looks as if she might have to get a job.

I thought you said in previous posts (probably about a year or so ago) that your daughter chose to be a stay at home mum.


Mar 14, 2005
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Rupert - I support the post people too.

I was speaking to our post man this morning, he said even though he's a single parent and financially not very well off at all, he's still going to strike tomorrow. Good for him.



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