rude neighbours

Mar 14, 2005
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I am seeing more amd more comments made on touring vans, who go camping on open sites here and France, who keep their curtains closed and erect great walls of China aroung their vans and cars. We started 7 years ago and always see this happening. Could the people who do do this explain to me why? If you don't want anyone to see or talk to you why do you go camping? Or make others out there can explain it to me. We have never put up the curtains in our awning and in France we don't even put the doors in is this wrong or should we make ourselves prisoner on our holidays???
Mar 14, 2005
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We put windbreaks up and create a "garden" in which our dogs can safely laze beside us without annoying our neighbours and without having to be tethered to a stake. The windbreaks also allow us to sunbathe in privacy... The curtains/screens are closed and opened in accordance with blocking excessive heat from the sun, OR because we want privacy at that moment in time. We don't go camping to "meet" people; if you want to meet people, go to the pub or join a social club (or use one of the many chat rooms online). We both have stressful jobs and there is nothing rude about wanting peace and quiet when we go away in our van. I would never be rude and whilst I am happy to pass the time of day, I have no desire to socialise or 'get involved' with camping neighbours. Different strokes for different folks and all that...
Mar 14, 2005
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Marie....your right, I see it so often as though they are marking out their territory. I put up a wind break around my sons and daughters tents and that is all. Like you, while in France I leave the front out of my awning and only close the blinds etc at night. I enjoy caravaning and meeting people to have a chat about ?? Well anything and everything that takes your fancy, my wife usually says "and you go on about women talking" but this doesn't stop me nejoying a little chat. I am however put off by the "barrier" people. I don't even bother trying. During your travels look for me and you'll be welcome for a chat.

Jan 19, 2002
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perhaps it's to keep prying eyes off the TV/microwave/fridge etc that are within the awning - be a shame to miss the comforts of home after all if some blighter nicked them.
Mar 14, 2005
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I also noice this rather unusual behaviour. I can only think 2 things, they dont want anyone to stray onto their plot of land,their pitch is theirs and they pay for it so keep off, or they are totally anti social. I'm not nosey, but on hols like to meet people and pass the time of day.......Its up to them but its not for me.....Eric
Mar 14, 2005
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Oh boy am i glad i've nener pitched next to Brian. Apart from that you mustn't think this is a typically British characteristic. It is found amongst the Dutch, moreso amongst the French and even seems mandatory amongst the Germans, each one intent on building his own little third reich.
Mar 14, 2005
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I see more and more comments on the forum commenting on the way people choose to spend their time. Life should be about live and let live unless it impacts on you. If your neighbours want to watch TV, keep the blinds drawn , stay in bed all day etc then what has it got to do with anybody else?


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