security..what else can we do??

Mar 14, 2005
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Had a near miss this week.I keep my caravan in storage at a farm.An attempt was made to steal my van, Hitchlock removed,wheelclamp removed,entry into van to disable alarm (door not forced,must have masterkeys?).

Luckily van not taken,but ready to go..entry into 2 other vans (doors not forced)

NOTHING TAKEN. Entry/exit was through 2 stubble fields,2 hedges and the perimiter fence...What else can we do to protect our property?????
Mar 14, 2005
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Mike, I look at it like this.

If they want your van they will get it somehow, all you can do is make it as difficult as possible.

In addition to the normal devices ie wheelclamps,towlocks etc, use heavy duty chains and locks to attach anything like gas bottles,barbies etc to the outside of the van.

None of all this will stop a determined low-life but it will slow him up. My final job is to open the black tow plug and short all the leads to one another and hope they try to tow the caravan away.

Lets see how long it takes them to replace all the fuses in their tow vehicle. With a bit of luck their wiring may burn out or damage their onboard management system.
Mar 14, 2005
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Mike, There is a company called SMARTnav who are in the process of making a tracker to be fitted to the caravan which is activated via the alarm fitted to the caravan. When the alarm is activated, the tracker which is GPS guided is also activated and the police are alerted. I believe the power source is solar powered with battery back up or something on those lines. I have SMARTnav fitted to my tow vehicle, this is how I know about their products. Hope this is of some help to you.

David L
Mar 14, 2005
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We've just bought a new 'van, & the Insurance co insisted on a theft deterrant, so we had Thiefbeaters micro-dot the 'van. Any one who nicks it won't be able to sell it or its parts as they're all invisibly marked and can be traced quite easily by the Police. You get a big discount on your insurance too. Thiefbeaters claim 100% recovery rate of the few vans that have been stolen.
Mar 14, 2005
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They may have simply been after the cushions, you would not be the first. On one site we visited last year this happened, a new van was stripped of all its cushions/seats, beware!
Mar 14, 2005
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You say the hitch lock and wheel clamp were removed and this will worry many who rely on these for security. It might be helpful if you said what make/model they are and how they were removed, or am I the only one who expects security equipment to actually protect.
Mar 14, 2005
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hi all ,

i have just been reading your discussions on security, we have had the same conversation today , my partner and i are due to pick our caravan up on monday , so we went to see whats what on the security side of things ,ins co want to know wot we got fitted etc ,....mind boggling or wot ?so many options ! u r right if they r gonna take it they will but i do believe a lot of vas are stolen to order, hence me asking much do these tracker devices cost?also this micro dot i just read about ?if anyone can tell us it would be greatly appreciated, i,m sure we r going to b scared to death to leave our van ...they cost enough as it is ,and for a low life to come and just take it makes me so angry,besides it wont fit in the house,lol,,,thanks ,...wendy


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