Sequoia Parc - Review & Mossies

Jan 12, 2009

Has anyone stayed at this campsite.

Reviews good or bad will be very much appreciated.

I have looked at the website and all looks fantastic although some of the reviews have said how bad the mossies are in August.

This is our first time to France with our caravan, and wanted to know are the mossies bad in general in France at this time of year or just certain areas.


Dec 14, 2006
Almost everywhere you go, unless you're very high up, you may get mosquitos. Sometimes they are worse than others - but take plenty of repellant, and one of those plug ins with a tablet which you replace every night. We've also found burning citronella candles, or those green coils helps.

Start putting on the repellant before dusk - which is when they seem to be most active, and keep the flyscreens across all the windows, rooflight and door.

Some years they seem to be a real pest, others hardly noticeable - but best to be prepared.
Jan 2, 2006
We have been to this site and hated it but that was when it was new and of course ETTO.In all the years we have been going to France mozzies have never been a problem,when we first went having heard asll the horror stories we bought all sorts of stuff to deal with them,we still have it.

On that site the main issue you may encounter is ants.
Aug 4, 2005
Hi Sam,

We stayed at Sequoia Parc about 6/7 years ago. We were there late June into early , mossies weren't a problem but as Plotter said there were a lot of ants about - millions of them. I had read reviews of the site before I went so was aware of their ant problem and went prepared with plenty of ant powder. Applied this liberally to the ground before the awning groundsheet went down and around the area of the corner steadies and never had a problem with ants inside the van.

The site was clean, well kept with a lot of brightly coloured flower beds. The driveway was quite impressive the way it was landscaped with lots of flowering shrubs and bushes. Access /exit was by means of security barrier operated with fob type key, deposit required for that.

Toilets/shower block were of the type with part roof /part open air. They were cleaned regularly but there was a bit of a problem with swallows nesting in the internal eaves. Looked cute with the young chicks peering over the edge of the nest but not so cute when you stepped out the shower and found their "calling card" all over your towel.

Restaurant and bar located near the main entrance buildings. Food take away on site. The bar, as well as opening into the restaurant area also had a service area to the external courtyard. Entertainment was held there several nights a week.

Pitches were of a good size but waste and water points were very thin on the ground.

The site is a mixture of statics, chalets, tourers as well as permanent tents set up by tour operators. When we were there a lot of the statics and chalets appeared empty, I reckon the site would get very busy in the main season.

Shop on site selling bread and basics, supermarket nearby in Marennes. Again when we were there the traffic was not a concern but I have read of others experiencing heavy road traffic in that area during peak holiday season.

Pool complex looked very inviting but despite being advertised as heated and with air temperatures of 35c the larger pools seemed very cold and remained virtually unused the entire time we were there. The small kids pool was the only one that seemed to get used. My grandson who normally does not bother about how cold the water is lasted only a few minutes in the large pool before he came out shivering.

No disposal points for household rubbish on site, you need to bag it and take it to the one central point just outside the site gates. Saves large rubbish trucks coming on site but could be a bit of a trek depending where you are pitched.

Appeared to be two areas for tourers, main one to the left as you go through the gates. The other up to the right amongst the chalets and statics, thats where we were. The main area looked a bit open with little or no shade from trees, but could be different by now. The other area looked to be a more established part of the site with trees and hedges separating the pitches.

Not my favourite site although I would consider going back but not in peak season.

Please remember this was about 7 years ago so there might have been changes. Anything specific please ask.

Jan 12, 2009
Hi Sam,

We stayed at Sequoia Parc about 6/7 years ago. We were there late June into early , mossies weren't a problem but as Plotter said there were a lot of ants about - millions of them. I had read reviews of the site before I went so was aware of their ant problem and went prepared with plenty of ant powder. Applied this liberally to the ground before the awning groundsheet went down and around the area of the corner steadies and never had a problem with ants inside the van.

The site was clean, well kept with a lot of brightly coloured flower beds. The driveway was quite impressive the way it was landscaped with lots of flowering shrubs and bushes. Access /exit was by means of security barrier operated with fob type key, deposit required for that.

Toilets/shower block were of the type with part roof /part open air. They were cleaned regularly but there was a bit of a problem with swallows nesting in the internal eaves. Looked cute with the young chicks peering over the edge of the nest but not so cute when you stepped out the shower and found their "calling card" all over your towel.

Restaurant and bar located near the main entrance buildings. Food take away on site. The bar, as well as opening into the restaurant area also had a service area to the external courtyard. Entertainment was held there several nights a week.

Pitches were of a good size but waste and water points were very thin on the ground.

The site is a mixture of statics, chalets, tourers as well as permanent tents set up by tour operators. When we were there a lot of the statics and chalets appeared empty, I reckon the site would get very busy in the main season.

Shop on site selling bread and basics, supermarket nearby in Marennes. Again when we were there the traffic was not a concern but I have read of others experiencing heavy road traffic in that area during peak holiday season.

Pool complex looked very inviting but despite being advertised as heated and with air temperatures of 35c the larger pools seemed very cold and remained virtually unused the entire time we were there. The small kids pool was the only one that seemed to get used. My grandson who normally does not bother about how cold the water is lasted only a few minutes in the large pool before he came out shivering.

No disposal points for household rubbish on site, you need to bag it and take it to the one central point just outside the site gates. Saves large rubbish trucks coming on site but could be a bit of a trek depending where you are pitched.

Appeared to be two areas for tourers, main one to the left as you go through the gates. The other up to the right amongst the chalets and statics, thats where we were. The main area looked a bit open with little or no shade from trees, but could be different by now. The other area looked to be a more established part of the site with trees and hedges separating the pitches.

Not my favourite site although I would consider going back but not in peak season.

Please remember this was about 7 years ago so there might have been changes. Anything specific please ask.

Thank you Robert

Your review was helpful.

I hate anything creepy crawly, so think we will give this site a miss, although I have been told that the mosquitos are worse along the SW region of France.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Nov 4, 2004
Stayed on the site in August 2007,quite busy but very clean.Pool opened at 10 but if you didnt start queing at 9.30 you would never get a sunbed,water was cold but on a hot day was refreshing,the surrounding area becomes gridlocked when the weather is poor as the whole world and his dog seem to go out.


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