SERIOUS - HEALTH WARNING for current PC issue

Feb 12, 2008
Got the mag in the post today. Inside is a green pouch. If you have any form of neck/back problem THROW IT STRAIGHT IN THE BIN - WITHOUT OPENING IT.

My wife, who has a serious neck problem, didn't, because there is no warning as to what may happen. As you remove the contents, a wire rimmed disc bursts open and if it does what it did today, flies up in your face.

How absolutely imbecilic.

Sorry guys - solicitors letter will be on its way. This is classroom stuff, not professional retail publishing.


Mar 26, 2008

Just checked the date on your posting and realised that it isn't April 1st....Ooops, just realised you may be serious, I actually thought your post was quite funny until then !.

On a more serious note though, there was more risk of injury from PC coming through your letter box and fracturing a major leg bone when you jump back with the shock, or landing on a box of matches that you'd left lying at the front door and setting fire to the entire street....Then you might have a case to sue PC.

I'm sure the freebee frisbee is meant as a bit of fun, along with the freebee stickers, however you may wish to have your Solicitor look at the prospect of taking PC to court for insulting your intelligence, unless of course you didn't actually know where your corner steadies were, in which case the stickers could be helpful.

I'm sure my kids will enjoy chucking the frisbee about and when they lose it, no cost to me.
May 20, 2006
Serious? this thread must be a joke.

solicitors letters? isnt the frisbee just a bit of fun.

theres too much of this "blame" culture these days.
Apr 22, 2006
OH Damnation

Was thinking I was doing well. Opened this months magazine and found the green thingy. Pulled it out and it popped into shape, daughter was delighted. Have promised (bribed her) that she can play with it next time we are away.

Now there was I thinking that's great what harm could she do with that, piece and quiet without any cost for a couple of hours.

But no now fear and horror.

What if I am pitched next to Graham, gust of wind gets up blows the frisbee onto their barbecue and I am going to be sued for the piosnous gases coming off.

Will PC be paying for my whisky tonight as this stress is killing me.


Mar 14, 2005
Having a serious neck injury myself and having spent hundreds of pounds on a chiropractor over the past two months and still being in exactly the same position with no improvement - I have just sent a runner to Morrisons to buy a copy of the mag.

Maybe if it flies up in my face when I'm not expecting it, it may cure me.

Dec 16, 2007
I have to say mate that you are going slightly over the top, i thought it was a nice thought for PC to put this in, it actually made me smile when i opened it up.

I will be taking this with me on the weekend and as it is small enough to put in my pocket the dogs will have great fun chasing after it.

Why is it these days that people contact the solicitors over anything.

Soon i will be to afraid to walk out the front door !!
Dec 30, 2009
Ian Swift, thats what I used mine for, the dog loved playing with it in the garden, alas it didnt last long.

If anybody has spare ones send them to Reece the jack russell he'll soon destroy them.

Oh and Grahanm he didnt like it flicking open either.



Aug 26, 2007
Hey this is not fair. I want one!!

My frisbee was missing. The first I knew about it was when reading the editor's column!!!!!!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
Isn't Grahams post exactly what this country is coming to, sad really. First of all I thought he was a joking then reading further obviously he wasn't.

It's another disease, like political correctness, that is blighting the country, people out to see who they can sue and how much they can get. Unfortunately I have a brother-in-law with the same mentality, he's even trained his son and daughter-in-law on how much he can screw out of the state through sitting on his jacksy. There must be some justice because his latest claim for asbestosis failed. I was so pleased. His daughter-in-law is claiming disability for post-natal depression, from 10 years ago, yet she can go around doors selling Avon. He's even got my sister on to it. She's trying for RSI and another complaint I've never heard of. Oh I forgot, they have a mobility car and he still manages to smoke and pour ale down his neck first thing in the morning.

I'm not saying Graham does all that but he obviously has the compo bug :O(


Mar 14, 2005

'His daughter-in-law is claiming disability for post-natal depression, from 10 years ago'

Does anyone know if you can claim it from 16 years ago??? I'd be interested to find out as I could do with a few quid.

Jan 19, 2008
I'll ask my bro-in-law Lisa, he'a an authority on sciving and what you can screw out of the state.

He now has heart problems (self diagnosed). One of these days he'll cry wolf once too many.

If he has a DHS Doc to visit him at home he hides his fags/ashtray and stays in bed and props a walking stick up by the bedside cabinet.

When he had to go to Sheffield for tests for Asbestosis he told them he couldn't possibly drive there from Mansfield. They offered him a taxi but he said he couldn't sit that long so they sent an ambulance. He has no problems driving to the Trent at Muskham and to sit fishing all day. He has no problems laying a patio or garage extension at home or fitting a kitchen for a neighbour. He hasn't worked for at least 20 years and the annoying thing is he's safe from the governments exercise of getting people back in work. They aren't targetting the long term ones probably because they know it's a lost cause and sciving is now part of their psyche.
Jan 31, 2008
Actually, I can sympathise with Graham's wife, I know exactly where they are coming from.

I don't get the PC mag but I have read loads of reports on this so called frisbee on all the caravan forums. It sounds rather like a Lastolite, a pop out reflector used by Photographers and yes, they can pop up quick sharp! My wife also had a serious neck injury so I know what it's like for her to suffer sudden movements.

A while ago, someone sent her a joke in an email, one of those video/powerpoint/Flash shows where you watch something seemingly quite innocent when at the end comes a shocking surprise which made her jump. So much so, it made her poor neck hurt for the rest of the day and she was in tears with the pain.

And it seems that PC mag haven't published what this "green thingy" is, let alone a warning on the cover that it can pop out.

You lot can laugh, ridicule and scorn until you get a serious neck injury yourself and know what it feels like. I can fully understand Graham's post.
Mar 21, 2008
It's the magazine that's the problem, not the frisbee.

Imagine, if you will, someone with a heart condition stooping to collect their post only to discover that their PC magazine has arrived - on time!!


Sorry guys, couldn't resist it! Thanks for the early mag (and the frisbee).
Jan 19, 2008
Legs, I can also sympathise with her regarding the pain, what I have NO sympathy with is those who have an experience like that and their eyeballs start rolling showing
Aug 23, 2006

I'll give the compo culture a miss.

My problem is we read PC every month when we've bought it from Tesco and really enjoy it.

We didn't even get the frisbee in our Tesco one.

In fact we were just about to take up an offer for a subscription but we've been put off by the recent posts,

We'll do without the frisbee but not the mag.

Here's a tip though you can get magazine subscriptions through Tesco's voucher scheme and it's really good, you can't get PC though.

Another tip for Graham we open all our mail with a safety hat and glasses in place, also wear a good pair of gloves you never know..............The other trick is to hold the mag. by the bindings(like I do at Tesco)and let all the bumpf fall out.

Thinking about it we'll stick with Tesco where they've been well thumbed in case.

Oh well that's another subscription PC mags lost.

Best regards

Jul 5, 2007
I've just opened my copy of this months PC and indeed there was a free gift inside.

In these days of greed and avarice - i think the spreading of a little good will, fun and joviality is to be commended!

The frisbee did indeed 'pop out' and the resulting jolt I received cured my 10 year long back problem - I'm now off to play the piano (something I've not been able to do since my falling from a ladder in Cheam in 1998)

Thanks all at PC!


Mar 14, 2005
I've just opened my copy of this months PC and indeed there was a free gift inside.

In these days of greed and avarice - i think the spreading of a little good will, fun and joviality is to be commended!

The frisbee did indeed 'pop out' and the resulting jolt I received cured my 10 year long back problem - I'm now off to play the piano (something I've not been able to do since my falling from a ladder in Cheam in 1998)

Thanks all at PC!
Brilliant! I haven't managed to buy a copy yet but am hoping to do so tonight (my runner let me down).

I hope I jolt and my neck gets cured.

Mar 14, 2005

Just checked the date on your posting and realised that it isn't April 1st....Ooops, just realised you may be serious, I actually thought your post was quite funny until then !.

On a more serious note though, there was more risk of injury from PC coming through your letter box and fracturing a major leg bone when you jump back with the shock, or landing on a box of matches that you'd left lying at the front door and setting fire to the entire street....Then you might have a case to sue PC.

I'm sure the freebee frisbee is meant as a bit of fun, along with the freebee stickers, however you may wish to have your Solicitor look at the prospect of taking PC to court for insulting your intelligence, unless of course you didn't actually know where your corner steadies were, in which case the stickers could be helpful.

I'm sure my kids will enjoy chucking the frisbee about and when they lose it, no cost to me.
Well ive just found out what it is .I thought it was a hand held fan in case the /C failed


Mar 14, 2005
Which edition is the frisbee in?

I went to Morrisons and there was a towing DVD in June's mag. I looked at three packs for July and there was nothing in any of the July editions. I bought the June edition in the end.



Mar 17, 2007
Oh its a frisbee! I thought it was a rubix cube type of puzzle given the hour I spent trying to twist it back into the pouch.

Oct 25, 2006
Many, many thanks to you all in explaining just what the 'green thing' is. I was completely mystified as to is purpose.

I think you must have all fallen for the rather obvious plot of being side tracked with this free gift.

My copy of this months PC has a much more erious 'defect'.Pages 67 to 98 inclusive are contained in the magazine TWICE. And pages 99to 130 are missing!

Needless to say a very nice lade at PC has agreed to send me a 'proper' copy.

Suggest some of you had better check your editions and not be side tracked by Grahams health warning!!

May 5, 2005
we had one with 'Vanish',the stuff you had to your washing when its filthy, grandkids had killed it got another one now with my first subscription edition,received on time.Well done PC now where is my Autoglym kit,chop chop or I will be seeing my solicitor for breach of contract :)


Mar 14, 2005

Please could someone kindly answer my question:

Which edition (month) is the free frisbee in?

Many thanks.



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