otherclive said:
SteveW77 said:
otherclive said:
Anseo said:
SteveW77 said:
We just drink bottled water.
The only times I really need bottled water is when I am in the car or out for a walk
I fill a bottle from the tap, works for me

We’ve virtually stopped using bottled water and use drinking bottles filled from a tap. For years I’ve been trying to get my family to recognise that paying good money for water that is filled into plastic bottles and then transported from who knows where is a nonsense. But it wasn’t until Blue Planet that they changed their views. But mine were financial not environmental. I’ve still got a twenty year old Sigg bottle that I use. I generally carry two bottles alongside me in the car central console.
I hardly think 40p a day will break the bank
Two people at 40p per day is £292 per year. Car tax plus tv licence paid courtesy of my local water board without bothering my bank.
I do not spend every day in my caravan, so it;s only a very small expenditure in the scheme of things.
A bill for drinking water on a 5 week holiday was £21, total cost of holiday £3500, so not really worth getting in a lather about.