servicing extras

Mar 14, 2005
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I have just had my caravan serviced by a main dealer. There has been an additional charge of £3+vat for brake cleaner, £4+vat for oil/grease/lube and £2+vat for unspecified 'consumables'.

How much brake cleaner can you buy for £3.53 and how much would you use on a single axle service? The same goes for grease at £4.70 ( I'm at a bit of a loss to know how much oil they would use and on what?).

Are these charges justified or just a con?
Aug 2, 2006
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Hi Ray, When I do a service for a customer the plus parts bit is useally the one shot nuts if required (depending on the age of the van) filter, shoes etc, the brake cleaner and lube comes as part of the service charge.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ask for an "All-inclusive quotation" before booking the service.

Most dealers quote an all-inclusive price where the only variables are single or twin axle and water filter needing change.

If you dealer charges for "consumables", find another dealer UNLESS their total bill works out less than an all-inclusive deal!
May 21, 2008
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Annoying isn't it to find add ons to the bill. I used to have a VW LT35 which wasserviced my our main agent. Despite me filling the screen washer bottle so full it over flowed, they still insisted that they charge
Mar 14, 2005
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You do have to be careful with the extras and check the bill before paying.

A story that always comes to mind is of a colleague of mine that took his car in for a service. When he went to pick it up it was parked in exactly the same way in the parking slot as when he left it. This made him suspicious, so he decided for the first time ever to check the bill. 'What are these items?' he challenged the service manager. 'Spark plugs and points, part of a standard servicing', he was told. At this point he asked the service manager to accompany him to his car where he pointed at the badge, 'TD'. Do you know what the D stands for? he asked him. (For the non technical types, this is a Diesel car, so no spark plugs or points). He told the manager that 'I'll be back at this time tomorrow to collect it after it's had a full servicing, and I don't expect to receive a bill'. He returned the next day to a serviced car, and didn't receive a bill.
Mar 27, 2005
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Hi All

Would agree with Roger L. One has to take into account the bottom line figure, if that is acceptable then how the costs are broken down is immaterial
Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you for your replies. Those who said it doesn't matter about individual items, its the bottom line that counts, are using the same arguement I use for site fees.

Nobody actually answered the question how much brake cleaner would you use on a single axle caravan ( serviced annually) and how much does it cost? Even if the service cost is not the highest then the cost of extras has still got to be reasonable.

Just like Steve in Leo's experience with car servicing I have been charged for windscreen washer additive in spite of the bottle being full with a mixture of 3.1 water to additive.
Mar 14, 2005
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When I have my motor serviced it is a fixed price, so I now ask them not to top up the windscreen washer as its full and would they kindly put the bottle of washer liquid in the boot of the car for use later, that way they cannot rip you off saying they have filled it up when they haven't.
Mar 14, 2005
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When I have my motor serviced it is a fixed price, so I now ask them not to top up the windscreen washer as its full and would they kindly put the bottle of washer liquid in the boot of the car for use later, that way they cannot rip you off saying they have filled it up when they haven't.
Good Idea - Thanks


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