Shock tactics for knife carriers

Jan 19, 2008
Oh my, the poor little darlings who use knives are going to be made to suffer :O(

These idiots in power have devised another new punishment for those who stab people. They are going to make them visit their victims in hospital. Hasn't it got through to that thick moron Jaqui Smith that most victims end up on mortuary slabs.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said seeing "gruesome" injuries would be a tougher deterrent than simply sending all knife carriers to prison.

I bet those little cherubs are throwing their blades away right now at the thought of such terrible punishment.

what planet did Brown and his cretins arrive from? God forbid we have another two more years for them to wreak havoc with their screwball dictats.
Jan 6, 2008
Brown and most MPS are not living on this planet.Thay have bodygards 24/7 what do thay know about living in the real world. As for Jaqui smith her mother still changes her nappey every day (silly little girl).

To stop all the killing going on bring back hanging and have a death row like the US.
Mar 14, 2005
Quite agree bring back hanging ,You need a horrific deterent like that, to install fear into the minds of people that take up knife carrying .
Dec 9, 2007
Capital Punishment : Now that's one subject that Brown & co wouldn't dare hold a referendum on.

Aug 28, 2005
i agree if you take some ones life you should be executed , why go to all the expense of keeping them in prison , look what it cost for those 2 that killed james Bulger , and all the other murderers that are laying back in comfort ,i remember years ago when Myra Hindley needed to go to hospital there was an escort of 6 police cars ,and there was no sitting about for hours like joe public ,she was seen straight away
Mar 14, 2005
Once again, typical reactions of frustration as a result of a feeling of inability to tackle the problem by the roots. Still the same old futile expectation that punishment is actually an effective preventative measure. Punish by all means but don't expect that fewer crimes will be committed with the implementation of harsher punishment.
Aug 28, 2005
there may not be fewer crimes , but it might save the tax payer a lot money ,keeping some layabout in luxery , plus there is allways a chance that some dogooder will campaign to set them free to commit another murder which has happened in this country on quite a few accasions ,

Lord Longford was a campaigner trying to set Myra Hindley free
Mar 14, 2005
The problem won't go away as long as society breeds people bent on violence. Violence breeds violence.
Jun 20, 2007
"violence breeds violence"-dont you think that if they were to recieve the same caliber of violence back,they would think twice about comitting an act of violence in the first place?
May 25, 2008
" look what it cost for those 2 that killed james Bulger "

Are we going to start hanging children ?? Careful you may get what you wish for. If the Police and the Courts get it wrong you can't call the hanged person back, and say sorry.

Is that the best we can come up with " hang them " Marshal Marshal we need a posse will be the next cry.
Mar 14, 2005
This could be one area where Muslim law could be introduced into the British judicial system as previously suggested by eminent judges/clergy/etc. Why not make the punishment fit the crime or as the Bible states "an eye for an eye" etc.

My opinion is that there are various reasons for the spate of mindless killings at present - initially the punishment is not a deterrent and secondly there is too much violence on the TV, computer games, videos, internet, etc. Fair enough there is an on/off switch but the morons who are doing the killings get their buzz from these scenes before going out on the street to copy their so called "heros". Mrs whitehouse would turn in her grave if she knew what is being shown on TV these days - even before the 9:00pm watershed - Eastenders being a classic example - who watches such c**p. This type of programme in my opinion is aimed at the scum of society. Another rubbish programme is Big Brother - what a total waste of electricity. Reduce the carbon effects - get all this c**p off our TVs, videos, etc.


It starts off with weak lilly livered do goody types who go in to shock if a parent taps their childs leggy or handy when it does not follow a enough is enough parental command.

You have the same softly softly whingers who bleat if a teacher waggles a digit to close to a school thug or ill mannered brat.

The truth is that too many kids get to their teenage years thinking they are bullet proof and can get away with anything as they've never had a good short sharp shock.

You have a breed of out of control little hard nuts who have never been knocked back on their heels, as they have bumbled through their short lives virtually un-challenged carrying a knife boosts their ego and prestige on the streets and they see themselves as invincible.

Your politicians and youth workers talk about social problems and bandy sound bite reasoning and PC wet scenario answers to the problems.

The truth and fact is one of the main problems is the ethnic backgrounds of many of the guilty scumbags. Knife carrying is common in a number of cultures as is gang membership. What you face in the UK is due to the failure of your government to control immigration and the resentment due to far to much PC.
May 25, 2008

I would agree with 90% of what you are saying, the only problem I have with it, is how do we change it ??? France has it's problems, Germany to. Our media have hyped this up so everyone is going around thinking they may be the next to be stabbed. You know as well as I do that is very unlikely, this is gang war just like the mods and rockers of the 60s. Only now they use knives as a matter of routine. I do believe that the Home Seretary is beyond her competence level, and until we have one who can command the situation it will just go on and on.
Mar 14, 2005
I go along with a lot of what Colin (bridgend) says, even though I'm not an advocate of "an eye for an eye" and I don't think the reasons given are the whole story. I see the root cause as a general lack of teaching to respect one another in modern society. There is no need for adopting a hard hand in the process. Our children grew up without experiencing any form of corporal punishment and yet I can be proud to say that they have become courteous, responsible and respectful members of society.


Frank at home in France I never see kids back chatting to the police.

Get police out of their cars, stop persecuting motorists wth Mr Plods with radar guns and get the police policing the streets.

Get rid of the PC nonsense. Jobs for who ever is prepared to work and no hands outs for lame ducks who feel the UK owes them a living. Tell the EU and Amnesty to stuff the Immigration laws and Assylum seeker quota's and throw the Human Rights nonsense back to Brussels or the UN and sort out who and what you have going on here.

I live abroad and abide by the rules and local ways, if I don't like it I would move on. I would not expect laws made for me to be given priority for a job.


I go along with a lot of what Colin (bridgend) says, even though I'm not an advocate of "an eye for an eye" and I don't think the reasons given are the whole story. I see the root cause as a general lack of teaching to respect one another in modern society. There is no need for adopting a hard hand in the process. Our children grew up without experiencing any form of corporal punishment and yet I can be proud to say that they have become courteous, responsible and respectful members of society.
My children had a little corporal punishment and are both courteous responsible honest adults.

We've seen many cases where children who have gone off the rails have had weak parents who have refrained from corporal punishment.
Mar 14, 2005
I go along with a lot of what Colin (bridgend) says, even though I'm not an advocate of "an eye for an eye" and I don't think the reasons given are the whole story. I see the root cause as a general lack of teaching to respect one another in modern society. There is no need for adopting a hard hand in the process. Our children grew up without experiencing any form of corporal punishment and yet I can be proud to say that they have become courteous, responsible and respectful members of society.
Mine never even received the slap of a hand.
May 25, 2008
Morning Euro,

I seem to remember riots in France in the very recent past !!!

I don't think they were back chatting the police I think they threw bricks at them ????? LOL

Same reason for the riots as here, under class, no jobs, poor education. Manipulated by politics on the grounds of race,be it goverment or even Teachers unions it just goes round and round.We have a school here in Aberdeen that has a full time Police Officer on duty to protect the teachers. Now if that is not "you reap what you sow" I don't know what is. Our low level of educational achievment has now come home to roost.

I don't know what is the answer to this, except it is not around at the minute. It needs First Rate Politicians ( which we don't have ) to sort it out, otherwise we will have mobs touring the estates fighting with our own children. These children do belong to someone !!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
Quote "Same reason for the riots as here, under class, no jobs, poor education".

Haven't I heard that a thousand times before? Oh yes, it's a phrase that's been used since 1997 by "New Labour".

Of recent years they have they have reduced it to one word, "disenfrachised". What is their answer? Let in the worlds unemployed, underclass and criminals and fragment the country even more on race and religious grounds.

The E.U. make these millions of dictats but theres only one country that follows them to the letter, this one. Others, if the E.U. ruling doesn't suit, simply ignore it.

Let's take just one issue of the difference to them, them meaning the rest of Europe and us.

Of recent times a politician, who is a member of the government in waiting and is still sulking because he lost the party leadership job, decides to throw his toys out of the pram and cause


I go along with a lot of what Colin (bridgend) says, even though I'm not an advocate of "an eye for an eye" and I don't think the reasons given are the whole story. I see the root cause as a general lack of teaching to respect one another in modern society. There is no need for adopting a hard hand in the process. Our children grew up without experiencing any form of corporal punishment and yet I can be proud to say that they have become courteous, responsible and respectful members of society.
I assume Lutz that your children have been brought up in a different culture, not the UK.

May be you were lucky with your children and their surroundings and peer groups. I had the misfortune to live next door a family who never used corporal punishment as did other neighbours. A verbal warning may be fine for some, for many it is not.


Morning Euro,

I seem to remember riots in France in the very recent past !!!

I don't think they were back chatting the police I think they threw bricks at them ????? LOL

Same reason for the riots as here, under class, no jobs, poor education. Manipulated by politics on the grounds of race,be it goverment or even Teachers unions it just goes round and round.We have a school here in Aberdeen that has a full time Police Officer on duty to protect the teachers. Now if that is not "you reap what you sow" I don't know what is. Our low level of educational achievment has now come home to roost.

I don't know what is the answer to this, except it is not around at the minute. It needs First Rate Politicians ( which we don't have ) to sort it out, otherwise we will have mobs touring the estates fighting with our own children. These children do belong to someone !!!!!
Frank the French riots had nothing to do with the average street in France or the majority of French kids and Police.

Streets that police avoid because of the Ethnic ?? that PC do goody types raise. But we are not supposed to mention that in case someone is offended by the truth.
Jan 19, 2008
Morning Euro,

I seem to remember riots in France in the very recent past !!!

I don't think they were back chatting the police I think they threw bricks at them ????? LOL

Same reason for the riots as here, under class, no jobs, poor education. Manipulated by politics on the grounds of race,be it goverment or even Teachers unions it just goes round and round.We have a school here in Aberdeen that has a full time Police Officer on duty to protect the teachers. Now if that is not "you reap what you sow" I don't know what is. Our low level of educational achievment has now come home to roost.

I don't know what is the answer to this, except it is not around at the minute. It needs First Rate Politicians ( which we don't have ) to sort it out, otherwise we will have mobs touring the estates fighting with our own children. These children do belong to someone !!!!!
Correct euro, it was based on race grounds, mainly muslim North African. Many of the people are there illegally anyway, especially in the Marseille area. My sons French friends, one who lives in Lille and another in Paris said the French people do not consider the Marseille region as part of France. Whether this is true or not I don't know but what his friend told him.
Mar 14, 2005
I go along with a lot of what Colin (bridgend) says, even though I'm not an advocate of "an eye for an eye" and I don't think the reasons given are the whole story. I see the root cause as a general lack of teaching to respect one another in modern society. There is no need for adopting a hard hand in the process. Our children grew up without experiencing any form of corporal punishment and yet I can be proud to say that they have become courteous, responsible and respectful members of society.
Maybe they were brought up in a different culture, but that was the culture of the family, not of the country that they happened to live in. Like most children, they weren't always angels and needed punishment. On a few rare occasions they did test the temptation of a spontaneous hard hand reaction to the limit, but in the end they respected rational reasoning to learn what was right and what was wrong.


Morning Euro,

I seem to remember riots in France in the very recent past !!!

I don't think they were back chatting the police I think they threw bricks at them ????? LOL

Same reason for the riots as here, under class, no jobs, poor education. Manipulated by politics on the grounds of race,be it goverment or even Teachers unions it just goes round and round.We have a school here in Aberdeen that has a full time Police Officer on duty to protect the teachers. Now if that is not "you reap what you sow" I don't know what is. Our low level of educational achievment has now come home to roost.

I don't know what is the answer to this, except it is not around at the minute. It needs First Rate Politicians ( which we don't have ) to sort it out, otherwise we will have mobs touring the estates fighting with our own children. These children do belong to someone !!!!!
We live 75 miles from Marseilles and have not been there in ten or more years LB! I would say you sons friends are right, it is a city at odds with many other areas of France.


I go along with a lot of what Colin (bridgend) says, even though I'm not an advocate of "an eye for an eye" and I don't think the reasons given are the whole story. I see the root cause as a general lack of teaching to respect one another in modern society. There is no need for adopting a hard hand in the process. Our children grew up without experiencing any form of corporal punishment and yet I can be proud to say that they have become courteous, responsible and respectful members of society.
At my age most children I've known have been brought up in a "family". I knew a boy whose parents reasoned with him and explaind the error of his ways, he listened and then broke every window in their home that was owned by the fathers employer. That and worse happened mumerous times. His family were repatriated to England and the father lost his job. Children and sittuations differ, talking does not always work. It may have worked with your children in your familly sittuation, that does not mean that it works for all or that you have a magic parental touch.


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