we really need a van

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Sep 8, 2006
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We got talking to a couple on site who advised us that the value of our van was less because no one wanted a van with an end bathroom now, I politely advised we use our washroom each day for a shower, wash etc and wouldn't have bought a van without one, in fact our touring friends also have end bathroom. It is annoying when people have to force their views upon you - we are all different hence all the different layouts offered. Next caravan will have a double fixed bed and end bathroom! Oh my god it will be worth peanuts :eek:) But at least it will be our choice.
Jan 19, 2008
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I find it amazing D&P. How many when purchasing a van are thinking about it's re-sale value? Not many I bet :O)

If I was that worried I wouldn't bother buying one in the first place if the stress and worry about how much I'm losing would cause me to have a coronary :O(


One should consider that a caravans bathing facilities can double up for other uses.

A shower cubicle to you or I can be a home from home on the road for a loyal Butler. Eh what your Lordship ;)
May 21, 2007
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I'm sure some of you like me have brought up a family( 3 kids ).

Over the years, due to kids growing bigger,and bringing friends along ,our choice of caravan layout has changed a few times.

The kids have flown the nest (they now have kids of their own).Last year we purchased a Coachman Amara (yes I've read the other thread)with an end bedroom.The wife uses the shower all the time.

We & kids have come to the conclusion that this is the best caravan we have ever owned.The end bathroom is brilliant.Go in ,do the 3 esses,and then get dressed.Great.

Our personal choice.


Pat (8 miles from Daventry)
Aug 4, 2004
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What is annoying to us is that we have not used the on site toilet facilities for over 3 years but we still have to pay for them!
May 2, 2005
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Have read all the comments and just thought.....maybe I should qualify that I do not have the seperate cubicle set-up. Maybe my opinions would be different if I did.

One thing I have seen is the comments about Re-sale value.

If buying / selling used, them perhaps a consideration, but if buying new....but consider this...if you buy a van for say 14k, don't you loose just over 2k when you sign....VAT....or at least you do when trading in.

Pretty sure that the lack of a shower would not affect the re-sale value by 2k+...

My preffered option would be to have the space,usually occupied by a shower, left empty.

Wonder what the "base" price would be for a van with all the "mod-cons" vs a basic van with an options list....

Feb 8, 2008
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The wife and I don't use either shower or heads in the van. Dogs need to go for pee so we just stop at the blocks and use the site's facilities after they've been to the dog walk. Long time motorcycle campers so just got used to it I suppose but do appreciate benefits of the van for all other respects. Like having a tardis compared to the small 2 man tent strapped to the bike.
Jul 15, 2005
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Reduced to the absolute minimum, you don't really need anything in a caravan other than a spot to sleep. Basically a caravan is a tent on wheels... But many people think it's nice if their caravan has a heater, a gas hob, toilet, etc.

I think the answer to your question lies in the balance between the items that are exssential, the items that you feel are nice, and the items that are simply a weighty extravagance... And that will probably be different for everyone.

For instance, I give a quiet chuckle whenever I see a manufacturer fitted table lamp and chintz lampshade - for me that's just unneeded weight...


But as a passing comment, I certainly fell that manufacturers have recently been bundling in cheap "goodies" - like poor quality "free" TV's - rather than concentrate on the basics - like build quality.
May 14, 2008
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As a long time camper, let me tell you that for me the utter luxury of caravanning is the table and bench sofas...sitting in comfort, with something soft to lean back on - bliss. Playing cards at a table, eating at a table, putting the glass of wine on a stable surface. Sitting in comfort whilst gazing out at the rain. I could go on and on!

A bathroom in the caravan would need cleaning and lots of water carrying - it has never been part of the tent experience, so I don't miss it. Our caravan has a bathroom cubicle, but we're taking it out bit by bit to get more space and reduce the weight. But maybe when we're older, and our memories of tents have faded, we'll be less willing to trail across to the toilet block in the pouring rain.

Mar 14, 2005
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We wouldn't be without the shower in the van - I even fitted on to a Viking Fibreline van in 1968. The only down-side is fetching and removing water, so a semi-serviced pitch and an in-van shower are the best of all worlds.


Aug 26, 2007
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I love my end bathroom with seperate shower & the whole family use it all the time. We do tend to stick to CL's so we do need it. I just don't see the point of paying around
Aug 28, 2005
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we love our separate shower ,and all the mod cons ,and as for having more space , thats why my wife and i bought a twin axle for the 2 of us ,and as our van is in constant use all year here and abroad ,we dont wish to live like cave men ,personally i dont care what other people want ,every body is an individual , a few people i see going to the shower block , come back back in the same clothes they went in , so if they wash properly ,they must put there dirty clothes onto a clean body ,
Apr 1, 2008
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To shower or not to shower that is the question !!

Have Bailey Monarch Series 5 which has the sort of S shaped shower with no door.

We prefer the old sealed plastic drum type, reason better water sealage, doesn't take up some much room. Just used serviced pitchfor first time ever could therefore use much water and drainage without lugging it all = Blis,in Vezere region of France.

Have a couple of large friends who find it difficult to get out of narrow bit on S curve.


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