Shrewsbury Flower Show

Mar 14, 2005
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In August we are going to Lady Margaret's Park Caravan Club site at Chirk for the weekend of the Shrewsbury Flower Show. Does anyone know whether the Shrewsbury Park & Ride goes anywhere near the show ground please?
Mar 14, 2005
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Have a look at the web site

it should give you all the details.

I have used it several times and coudn't fault the service.
Apr 4, 2005
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The park and ride does take you to the show ground. If you can DO stay for the fireworks, they are great and the atmosphere super. Very envious. The buses look great at the end of the shows as people get on them with hollyhocks, shrubs etc. etc!! Have a great time. Chris
Mar 14, 2005
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The last park & ride bus leaves Shrewsbury town centre at 6.30 pm. Perhaps I can get a pss out to go and collect the car and then stay for the fireworks.
Mar 14, 2005
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The last park & ride bus leaves Shrewsbury town centre at 6.30 pm. Perhaps I can get a pss out to go and collect the car and then stay for the fireworks.
ps. meant to say thanks Chris. Oh to be able to edit our posts!!
Mar 14, 2005
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If you go into shrewsbury via the welsh bridge there is a large carpark (paid) just before the bridge (turn left just before the bridge) by the river bank, so no need to use the park and ride, I never do and I go into shrewsbury frequently
Mar 14, 2005
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If you go into shrewsbury via the welsh bridge there is a large carpark (paid) just before the bridge (turn left just before the bridge) by the river bank, so no need to use the park and ride, I never do and I go into shrewsbury frequently
Thanks Roo.
Apr 4, 2005
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Hi Dusty

I am puzzled!! We always park and catch a bus from the car park to the showground and then catch the bus back after the fireworks at approx. 10pm so maybe there is more than one park and ride. The official park and ride which we used earlier in the year is by Oxon Park Caravan Site, so perhaps that is the one which finishes at 6.30`. The one we use for the flower show is different but I do not know Shrewsbury enough to give you better details. If anybody else knows this park and ride it is somewhere near a site which seems to have a rally at about the time of the show as the bus goes past the caravans shortly after leaving the parking field. I know we have used this as after the fireworks there are not many cars left in the field but it is still accessible. Sorry to ramble a bit but I will try to find out more before August!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Chris

I was going by the park & ride details on the website suggested by Alan. There must perhaps, be a special service for the Flower Show. Does anyone else know of this service?
Mar 14, 2005
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I have just spoken to the organisers. If you follow the yellow AA road signs they take you to car parks from where park and ride schemes operate for the show. The last buses leave the show 15 mins after the fireworks finish.
Apr 4, 2005
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I have just spoken to the organisers. If you follow the yellow AA road signs they take you to car parks from where park and ride schemes operate for the show. The last buses leave the show 15 mins after the fireworks finish.
Hi Dusty

Great! Glad you found the info. You've got me wanting to go again now as it is about two years since we last went and it was a great day with a lovely warm still night. Look forward to hearing how you enjoyed it even though it is some time away!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Just got back from a great weekend. The fireworks at the Shrewsbury Flower Show were fantastic. Parking was very easy. We followed the yellow AA signs from the A5 and they took us to parking on a sports field next to an NCP carpark just over the river from the town. It was and an easy walk to the show.

In the evening looking for a meal went into a pub with a no smoking area but found that they had run out of bitter beer!!!! Ended up eating at Pizza Express.

On Friday night we had a meal at The Poacher's Pocket at Chirk which I can recommend for food and a friendly atmosphere.
Mar 14, 2005
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Just got back from a great weekend. The fireworks at the Shrewsbury Flower Show were fantastic. Parking was very easy. We followed the yellow AA signs from the A5 and they took us to parking on a sports field next to an NCP carpark just over the river from the town. It was and an easy walk to the show.

In the evening looking for a meal went into a pub with a no smoking area but found that they had run out of bitter beer!!!! Ended up eating at Pizza Express.

On Friday night we had a meal at The Poacher's Pocket at Chirk which I can recommend for food and a friendly atmosphere.
Got an extra 'and' in there for some reason!
Apr 4, 2005
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Hi Dusty

Glad you had a good weekend - I was a bit worried about you with all that rain! Glad you stayed for the fireworks, they are worth seeing aren't they. We often use the Poachers

Pocket when we stay at Llangollen and agree it is a good place to eat. Where are you off to next then?!! As usual, happy caravanning,

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Chris,

It was a bit wet to begin with and when the rain was at its heaviest we joined everyone else in one of the marquees! By mid-afternoon the rain had stopped and the day brightened up although black clouds kept appearing they missed Shrewsbury.

Next outing is France at the beginning of next month. We are heading down to Verwood for a couple of nights and then catch the 2.00 pm fast ferry from Poole to St. Malo. We shall have an overnight stop near Combourg and we are then going near to Angouleme, on the edge of the Limousin area, for about a week. We haven't decided where to go after that but we shall sail home on the 19th.
Apr 4, 2005
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Hi Dusty

Sounds like a nice trip. We haven't taken the caravan to Europe yet although we went with Eurocamp a few times when the children were young. At present we have a rather ancient car which is a bit of a stop gap,which we feel might complain at such a trip! However, this time next year, my husband retires a little early, and I have all sorts of trips in mind, plus a newer car of some sort!!!! Anyway have a good trip yourself and I've decided to do Shrewsbury again next year, even if only for the fireworks!

Regards Chris
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Dusty

Sounds like a nice trip. We haven't taken the caravan to Europe yet although we went with Eurocamp a few times when the children were young. At present we have a rather ancient car which is a bit of a stop gap,which we feel might complain at such a trip! However, this time next year, my husband retires a little early, and I have all sorts of trips in mind, plus a newer car of some sort!!!! Anyway have a good trip yourself and I've decided to do Shrewsbury again next year, even if only for the fireworks!

Regards Chris
Thanks Chris. I hope your husband has a long and happy retirement. Enjoy all those trips that you have in mind!

If you decide to visit France with your 'van and want any advice email me at work - - and I can give you a contact telephone no. We have been caravanning in France since 1986 so I suppose we are now fairly seasoned visitors.

Incidently, we are hoping to do an evening balloon flight from Cholmondeley Castle on 26th of this month, weather permitting. This will be the 5th attempt.

Regards Dusty.
Apr 4, 2005
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Thanks Chris. I hope your husband has a long and happy retirement. Enjoy all those trips that you have in mind!

If you decide to visit France with your 'van and want any advice email me at work - - and I can give you a contact telephone no. We have been caravanning in France since 1986 so I suppose we are now fairly seasoned visitors.

Incidently, we are hoping to do an evening balloon flight from Cholmondeley Castle on 26th of this month, weather permitting. This will be the 5th attempt.

Regards Dusty.
Thanks for that Dusty. It would be good to have some pointers of where to head for etc. etc. so I will keep this email address.

Hope the weather is calm for the balloon flight; sometimes they come over here. I will keep a look-out for you!!

I can tell you my husband is looking forward to retiring, although he is quaking at all these plans I have!! Just have to win the lottery but not much chance, as we don't do it! Anyway, have a good trip to France.



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