Silly touring stories

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Mar 25, 2007
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a couple of summers ago I was staying on a small family owned site just outside of blackpool we were there for a 2 weeks and were sitting having lunch one day as one of our neibours packed up , as it was only my second outing towing the van I was keen to watch and learn as this more experienced couple hitched up. they had a bailey senator twin axle and a shogun jeep , everything looked to be going great until he went to hitch up , the he raised the jacks and wound the jocky wheel bringing the nose of the van up as high as possible , but it wasn;t hight enough it was locked too far down. I looked on in disbelief as he unscrewed the handle holding the jockywheel in place dropping the nose of the van onto the grass and the jockey wheel fell off. He then went on to blame his missus as he tried to pick up the caravan from the grass by hand like Geoff Capes I tried hard not to giggle but it was a sight.I grabbed my jack handle and offered him ahand , by winding the 2 front jacks we managed to attach the jockey wheel and get the nose hight enough , then he started to try and position the car properly and as he was moving back then forward then back again his wife opened the back door to check on baby just as he pulled forward and ran right over her foot !

she started hopping around like a kankaroo and he started shouting at her for being " so bl**dy stupid " I looked back at my van to see my wife and mum laughing thier heads off and that set me of , the lady was ok lucky the grass was soft and they came over for a cuppa before they set off.

and the only reason I knew how to get thier van off the ground ? I did the same thing the first time I took my van away :)


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