To obtain maximum occupancy then sites fees need to be lower when there's less demand, ie mid-week - or higher when there's more demand, ie weekends - they're the same thing - most sites charge the same for Saturday night as a mid-week night despite demands being very different.I cannot think of a better way to kill off caravanning in the long term then this proposal. Families are the future of caravanning, if they are priced out then there over time it will die. The sites need to be pricing themselves so they have maximum occupancy, a quadruple priced Saturday would see sites empty.
Caravan Club used* to reduce the pitch fee by 50% for mid-week nights but retain the per person charges at full rate - so only a small % reduction for a whole week booking for a family.
Sites can set their own business model and choose whether their market is weekenders or holidaymakers who are there 7 days/week.
* maybe still does, I've given up even looking at the Club Site charges.