

Mar 14, 2005
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I've just been browsing sites and came upon one in Derbyshire. Sounds, really friendly (not). Couple of things taken from their site:

'Seasonal pitches really aren't suitable for families with children and teenagers. Youngsters get bored coming to the same place every week and can create problems. As a family site we welcome children coming on touring holidays or occasionally visiting but not on a regular basis'

'Electric hook-ups are for lighting and domestic appliances - NOT heating: circuit breakers will cut out if heaters are used'

'There is a maximum of TWO dogs per unit - Rotweilers, Alsations & similar breeds that people are uneasy about camping alongside are not accepted'

'Add Bank Holidays surcharge - £2 per night for ALL Bank Holidays Nights.*

*Note: 4 nights minimum booking for Easter, Spring Bank & August Bank Holiday.*

*3 nights minimum for May Day Bank Holiday.*'

Don't think we'll be making a booking.

Aug 12, 2007
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Actually, none of that sounds particularly unreasonable to me. And at least they're telling everyone up front, so you know exactly what their stance is.

But each to their own. :eek:)


Mar 14, 2005
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We use an electric heater sometimes.

Also, really p***es me off when they start quoting breed specific bans. Why don't sites just state something along the lines of:

All dogs to be kept under strict control and on leads at all times (and state the max length of the lead). Owners of dogs causing a nuisance to other campers will be asked to leave and no refund given. Examples:

*Dogs constantly barking, whining, howling or yapping

*Dogs fouling the park and owners not cleaning up after their dogs

*No dogs to be tied to trees/lamposts or other such structures

*Any dog which shows an apparant aggressive nature towards people (for instance lunging, growling, snarling or attempting to bite people).


We were away in the spring on a lovely site and Mr and Mrs Stupid arrived next door with a dachund and a CKCS. The spaniel was tied to a 25ft tow rope outside their van. The first morning they were there, as I came back from a walk with one of my dogs, the CKCS came galloping up (on its tow rope) and went for my dog. It then proceeded to ty and get to us by tangling itself around my car tyres........ 6.30 am Mrs Stupid was screaming..

The next morning, I was sitting outside the awning with my other dog (dog on lead and was asleep) when the spaniel came rushing over to us (tow rope flapping behind it). I kept thinking, 'it'll stop in a minute'. Mr and Mrs Stupid had forgotten to secure the dog. So, the dog leapt on mine, I pulled it off. My poor dog must have been thinking 'what the hell.....' Anyway, credit to my dog, he just ignored it. I picked the spaniel up by the scuff (by this time Mr Stupid was near me). Mrs Stupid was screaming her head off. He did apologise and said it had bitten a greyhound the day before. I politely told him that his dog had been very lucky today, if my dog had been of a different temperament, his dog might not have been around to see its next fried breakfast and milk.

Aug 12, 2007
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I guessed which bit of the site's rules had particularly got up your nose, Lisa ;o)

It seems like this thread is destined to become yet another dog rant (well done Lisa, you do know how to stir things up! LOL), but before it does, I'll just say my piece and then that will be it as far as I'm concerned.

I'm assuming the site's EHUs are less than 16 amp, hence the 'no heaters' rule - fair enough, no doubt the site owners get fed up with inconsiderate campers tripping the electrics.

As for breed specific bans - like it or not, Lisa, and whether it's justified or not, some people are afraid of those particular breeds mentioned. It could be a generalisation owing to media coverage, or they may have genuine cause to be afraid, who knows.

It would seem the site owners - in my humble opinion, anyway - seem to care a great deal about the comfort and happiness of their clientele and make rules accordingly. If it's a private site (which seems likely from your description), then it is of course up to them to make whatever rules they see fit. Since their rules appear to be clearly stated on their website, no-one has to go there if they don't agree with them.



Nov 12, 2009
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I' not sure if this topic qualifies as the first 'dog rant' of the new forum because it originated on the old version earlier on.

The site rules are whatever the owners say that they are, they can decide which animals and how many they will and will not allow on their site and which families will be allowed to use seasonal pitches.
More often than not circuit breakers would cut off when portable heaters are used so there's nothing unusual about the rules on heaters.
Many sites charge extra for Bank Holidays, again nothing unusual in that.
There will be those who welcome the owners rules and those who don't but the latter couldn't claim that they were not told.
You summed it up when you said that you didn't think that you'd be making a booking, tourers can always vote with their hitches and go somewhere else.
Aug 5, 2010
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This is me (LMH) but I couldn't log on so created a new account.

All I'll say is sorry for the 'RANT' and 'KNOWING HOW TO STIR THINGS UP' etc. I have been spoken down to by Sooze. I used to actually quite like you Sooze but easy come, easy go.

Anyway, mods, feel free to remove the thread and please also remove my two membership names (LMH and Lisa H).
Mar 14, 2005
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We have a dog and take it with us in the caravan - so far there has been no trouble with it. It has appeared quite friendly with other dogs on site. I think that postings of this nature should be looked at in a more sympathetic and light hearted way. Yes some people are afraid of the larger breed of dog but surely it is not the dog at fault but the owner. If the owner was to respect site rules and ensure their dog is kept under control there should be no problem.

I have previously had friendly banter with both Sue and Lisa and I am sure Lisa would be missed if she was to pull off the forum. We all have our opinions and on some occassions this may not be in agreement with others, There have been many previous instances on this forum of ill feelings but the contributers shook hands or kissed and made up and all ended well. Therefore lets bury the hatchet and have no further ill feelings on this or any other posting on the forum.


Mar 14, 2005
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The orginal posting seems to e about ite rules placed by the site owner, who is quite within his rights to do so, but the original poster has issues with that.
We all have our likes and dislikes and can choose where to go.
It then went off a bit into what happened on a totally different site, and had nothing at all to do with the original posting.

With Colins posting I have a question or maybe two.
Colin wrote that some people may be frightened of bigger breed dogs, but surely that is not the dogs fault, but the owner (or similar wording as I cannot see the posting now)
My question is if people are frightened of big breed dogs, how is either the dogs fault, OR the owners fault.
Neither has had any input to the mental state of someone they have never met????????

However, lets keep this posting kind of on topic and that is about sites and their rules,,NOT about the ins and outs of dogs.

Maybe one should be questioning the extra £2 per night for bank holidays,whose fault is that?
Aug 12, 2007
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My apologies if you feel offended, Lisa. Clearly the winking icon and 'LOL' didn't convey the tongue in cheek nature of my remarks.
Aug 5, 2010
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Thanks for the apology Sooze and thanks for the support Colin. Greatly appreciated. So sorry if I was really curt, I'm having a bit of a bad day.

Damian, I mentioned the site we were on and the problems with the neighbouring dogs because if dogs of a certain type had been banned from the site above (the one with the £2 extra chage for bh's), then the site would still have a problem with dogs, take the CKCS episode. The woman had no control over it what so ever, it was a nuisance because of her. Just because someone has a breed people may feel nervous about, it doesn't automatically mean its a savage and out of control.

But I do vote with my feet anyway.

Have I explained that properly? I'm not sure if I have as it sounds a bit gobbldy ****.

Aug 4, 2005
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LMH said:
'Electric hook-ups are for lighting and domestic appliances - NOT heating: circuit breakers will cut out if heaters are used'

(/quote]Back to the original post.I thought heaters were "domestic appliances" and how will the circuit breaker know if someone uses a 500w heater rather than a 500w hairdrier for example.
Jan 19, 2008
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colin bridgend said:
There have been many previous instances on this forum of ill feelings but the contributers shook hands or kissed and made up and all ended well.

That ain't going to happen between us matey so don't build your hopes up.


Nov 12, 2009
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Lisa I was only kidding when I said that your post was the first 'dog rant' on the new forum. I've often had to take some action to seperate packs of snarling dog owners and I have been known to throw a bucket of virtual cold water to break up forum dogfights. I thought that you'd realise that I was joking.
The virtual dogs on the old forum were very well behaved and sat quietly with me watching and sharing my amusement while their their masters were growling, snapping at kids and piddling up each others wind breakers.
I really like dogs but as you probably know my o/h is scared to the point of being phobic about them because of a past experience but we've never been troubled on any site we've visited by dogs, children or teenagers. We don't go to non dog sites or adult only sites but prefer owners to take responsibility for their dogs which fortunately in our experience they always have done.
If the campsite site wants to have rules governing which dogs and how many of them are allowed though it's up to them, their site - their rules.
Jan 10, 2010
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With regards to dogs on site irrespective of which breed or size it is, its down to the individual owner to keep it under control the "its alright it wont touch you" doesn’t work. I dont know how your dog will react Ive probabilly never met it before. Dogs are only under control when on a lead irrespective how obedient they are,I trained dogs for over 15 years this was the first thing my instructors told me.
Jun 20, 2005
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Thank goodness not all sites are as Dickensian as Lisa's find in Derbyshire.
Apart from one site I experienced in Scotland most are either 10 or 16 amp. Surely only the EHU will trip if the occupier tries and pulls more than the 10 or 16 amp? Surely the site owner factors in electricity usage in their charges, so why say no heaters?
For my part as a seasoned old dog I've never been bothered by the "slated types" of dog. The real nuisance ones are those with little red bows in their heads that incessantly bark all day and night. Their only walk is to pee & poo by my outfit.

Anyway, like Lisa I'll avoid that site in Derby wherever it is??




Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ann
I couldn't log in so created a new account, I've now managed to get on it from home but I'm still not sure if I am supposed to change my password.

Feb 3, 2006
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Like what they say or not I am very much in favour of all sites clearly letting you know what to expect when you get there. Saves booking into the equivalent of Fawlty Towers. Full marks to this particular one for being honest and upfront.
My only objection to their statement comes with the heater bit... limit my power and /or charge me what you want but let me use what I want. I'll then decide wether you are value for money and worth a visit !