Skateboards on site

May 5, 2005
Been to Black Horse site for a week and very nice it was too but on a safety note ther were a few kids there no problems with that at all but was concerned about a couple of kids skateboarding down the path downhill to the toilet.They have no real way of stopping if a car reverses out.At leats with a bike they can brake,ring bell etc and remembering the child that died in a collision on a CC site not long ago should skateboards be permitted.Kids have to do something I know and I have no moans about them playing,or am I too much of a mollycoddler
Aug 9, 2005
I agree with you completly, skateboards are dangerous, even more so on a Caravan site,looks like another accident waiting to happen, what are the wardens doing about this kind of thing, if it was my site I would say that they can't be used due to the safety factor.
Jul 4, 2005
Hi Shiba,

While not wanting to stir up a hornets nest, why dont we ban Dogs on sites as well. I'm sure statistics will show that more injuries were caused on caravan sites per year through dog bites than skateboard accidents!

If we look at the bigger picture shouldnt we therefore ban BBq's, cars, alcohol, smoking (it kills far more than skateboards)etc etc etc.

Accidents are waiting to happen in all walks of life and are a fact of life, we just have to accept that thet will happen - we cant just ban everything that MIGHT cause an accident - it goes back to what I was saying about dogs - Accidents waiting to happen.

Please - no offence meant!


Mar 14, 2005
Looks like yet another "lets ban " thread, this time,Skateboards.

If we take all the things people want banned, or severely restricted we have, in no particular order:

Kids, Dogs, Washing Lines, Rotary Driers, Bikes, BBQ's, TV's, TV Aerials, Generators, Drink (for those who "party" after 9pm), Windbreaks, etc etc.

Since when has the car been the major player on camping sites, and everything and everyone must give way to them, whatever?

If a driver is going to reverse, it is his or her responsibilty to ensure it is safe to do so, not for everyone else to take avoiding action, and on a camp site, it is already a known fact that children will be about, playing, doing their own thing and enjoying themselves.

I fail to see how skateboards are more dangerous on camp sites than anywhere else?

Maybe we should ban LPG as it just may catch fire, or awnings as they may just blow away and hit someone, or maybe caravans totally as they damage the grass.

How silly is the above......very,just like the ban everything brigade.
May 5, 2005
there is a 5mph limit there but skateboards go loads faster the rdiders had no helmets etc it is well known that a small collision with the ground can give major damage to the brainthey should allocate an area if it is permitted.A dog out of control on site would not be allowed by warden but a youngster on a skateboard is?It will only be when there is a serious accident or death that something might be done
Mar 16, 2005
"Looks like yet another "lets ban " thread, this time,Skateboards.

If we take all the things people want banned, or severely restricted we have, in no particular order:

Kids, Dogs, Washing Lines, Rotary Driers, Bikes, BBQ's, TV's, TV Aerials, Generators, Drink (for those who "party" after 9pm), Windbreaks, etc etc.

Since when has the car been the major player on camping sites, and everything and everyone must give way to them, whatever?

If a driver is going to reverse, it is his or her responsibilty to ensure it is safe to do so, not for everyone else to take avoiding action, and on a camp site, it is already a known fact that children will be about, playing, doing their own thing and enjoying themselves.

I fail to see how skateboards are more dangerous on camp sites than anywhere else?

Maybe we should ban LPG as it just may catch fire, or awnings as they may just blow away and hit someone, or maybe caravans totally as they damage the grass.

How silly is the above......very,just like the ban everything brigade."

No doubt when your child is knocked off his/her skateboard it will not be that silly.

No doubt you will blame the other party no matter what how it happened....

Now how silly is that.

Children will be children,thats how it is supposed to be,we as adults need to use our experiences to protect them. i do not mean smother them either.

Skateboards are ok,but not for roads and where cars travel be it on site or not, that is a road first and foremost. not a skate area.
Jan 19, 2008
Be back later. Just gone to take a pill and have a lie down.

I must be ill because I actually agree with gio.
Ummmm no thanks gio ... very kind of you but I think I'd rather take them off Dr.Harold Shipman than you, nothing personal of course :O)
Jan 9, 2008
Apart from the odd graze we've seen skate boarders on sites for very many years and those are the only accidents we've ever seen.

One of the accidents was to me as well, some teeneages let me have a go as I kept joking with them that I could do hjumps better when I was a youngster.

I got hurt and they and a load of other people found it very funny. The fall that is not me getting hurt.
Jun 25, 2007
We really hope that skateboarding isn't banned on sites as our eldest son will drive us round the bend if he's not allowed to use his board!

He always wears a helmet and respects cars and other road users. He never skateboards where the rules restrict him (CC sites don't allow it near the toilets - fair enough). We don't allow him out before 10 am owing to the noise of his rumbling wheels unlike some dogowners whose pets wake us up VERY early sometimes! Before you ask, no we're not anti-dog, quite the opposite and will more than likely get our own pooch before too long especially if our youngest has anything to do with it, but we do find yapping at 6am a bit too much to bear - we get it at home from our near neighbours' dog too!

We think the key here is parental control. We don't watch our older boys every minute of every day but we know where they are and what they're doing and check on them frequently. Most of the time, they're within our sight anyway. We like to think they are sensible and well mannered (so we're told by fllow campers) and if we didn't believe this, they would never be out of our sight.

Come on everybody, let's live and let live! We just all need to be considerate to each other and remember that we all do things to annoy others sometimes. Like others here have said, even BBQs and washing lines get up some peoples noses!
Jan 9, 2008
Hey I'm with you, caravanning is supposed to be a light hearted and fun time. I agrrew ith keeping balls and kites away from people and caravans.

Providing kids are not in danger and move out the way of cars and outfits let them have a bit of fun on site roads.

Of course skateboards weren't even around when I was a kid.

Hell, I'm just jealous that I'm not nimble enough to wizz around on one and how do they make then stick to there feet when they jump?
Nov 20, 2007
Velcro... and while we are at it why don't we ban newspapers because if a page was to blow away and land onto a car windscreen which meant that the driver was unable to see he could run into a skateboarder......
Jan 19, 2008
I don't ever recall being bothered by skateboards but I suppose there will be one day when some out of control kid will get injured/killed and it will put the mockers on it for all sensible kids.
Jan 19, 2007
Hi All

Its not about banning anything is it . We want the next generation to love the caravan sites as much as we do. Its about educating the kids to be responsible so that they will educate their kids etc etc. Nobody wants to see last years catastrophe happen to another youngster but how do we as a the caravanning fraternity go about avoiding that. Last spring, I asked what we could do to encourage safety issues for youngsters on site, after seeing a youngster clip a car and smack into a caravan on his bike and, it was suggested that I should go to adult only sites (even though I can't with my grandaughters AND their bicycles). This is a problem for all of us as, if health and safety get hold of it, even the responsible kids won't be allowed their skateboards. Once again, its the few spoiling it for the majority.


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