Slow Diesels

Dec 16, 2003
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Audi's new R10 sports car won the famous 12 hour Sebring endurance sports car race in the states yesterday.

The car even started from the pit lane I undersatnd !

This would have been unheard of a short while ago, it is also a major step for diesel technology and computerised diesel engine managemen!

It has to be a further big step in the advance of diesel road cars, Audi will take this car to LeMans in June for the 24 hour.

To you NON "PETROL HEADS" this probably means nothing.

But with the budgets these cars eat up, Audi are not just out playing with their toys!

With Bio Diesel coming more on line, we could soon have Diesel

sweet smelling eco friendly economic sports cars, 4x4's etc on our roads and not have to rely on our "friends" in "Arabia" or gas supplies.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm just wondering where you're going to find all that space to grow enough BioDiesel to cover all our needs. Probably requires sacrificing some of our forests but then we're faced with yet another environmental problem.
Jan 1, 2006
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Thanks to mr Brown and our caravaning Mrs Beckett we in the UK are light years behind the rest of the EU and need to catch up but also thanks to Mr Brown needing all the tax on fuel, as a farmer if I am to produce crops to produce this fuel I will need to be able to make a profit. and to grow sugar beet at
Dec 16, 2003
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I was not suggesting that Bio fuel will rule the world, just that an advance in diesel technology makes gives more opportunities.

You can run gas and diesel together, so I guess with time there will be other discoveries and actions that may ease are reliance on oil!
Jul 12, 2005
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The problem with this is that the oil companies produce a lot of revenue. Unless any new system makes money for them you can be sure they will do whatever they can to prevent it.

Many yrs ago I used to be part of a team that developed industrial cells (batteries) and while I worked for the company the main development team devised a battery (9v pp3 type) that only needed to be put into mild heat to recharge itself. one of the side effects of this battery was that it could be recharged up to 100,000 time. A major batter company (one you all know) got wind of this and paid
Dec 16, 2003
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I know enough about motor manufcaturers to know that Audi will reap advertising benefits from this and future results.

But the huge budgets of this project has to have positive knock on effects for the motorist, as diesel car engineers will get more efficient engines from the research in the long run.

Audi will not bury this sort of research, they need any edge they can get over the other manufacturers.

Audi/VW own Bentley.

With moves on gas guzling limo's, whats the betting on up market performance diesels in the near future ;-)

Audi "manufactured" and timed Bentley's Le Mans win to coincide with their first in house designed Bentley launch. So I doubt that the savvy boys at Audi are just out playing ;-)


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