I contacted the technicians at Haymarket earlier today to advise them of reports that the forum had been running slowly on Tuesday after earlier issues with loading speed last weekend.
Austin the website technician, who looks after most if not all of Haymarket's multiple and various websites, has kindly replied to thank forum members for their continued patience and understanding and to explain that the variations in forum loading speed have been caused by large amounts of internet traffic also using the server that Practical Caravan forum shares.
The websites, including this one, are gradually being put onto new servers but this is taking some time.
Austin has assured me that he will look into the situation to try to find out what stage the work to resolve these and other issues has reached.
Hopefully when the work is completed the forum will have fewer issues with speed, but all internet forums are subject to unfortunate glitches from time to time and we are very grateful for the reports that are posted on the forum which alert us to these and other issues.
Please be assured that whenever members report difficulties or technical issues they are always forwarded by moderators and investigated by the technicians.
The forum appears to be running normally again today since Austin's intervention.