So why should YOU feel guilty over YOUR carbon footprint...?

Nov 7, 2005
Those of you who have endured scorn, guilt and financial pain over your decision to drive 4X4s/large cars, will not have failed to notice the further supreme irony and shameless contradiction of this Labour Government's green credentials during the management of the Tony Blair circus yesterday.

While you and I are exhorted by them to take action to save the planet, consider the Blair contribution to cutting down his carbon footprint:-

A convoy of big cars to Northolt.huge fuel-guzzling twin-engined private jet to Teesside.further convoy to Sedgefield.two hours later the whole process reversed.

Add to that Sky News helicopter in the air at both ends, hundreds of press and huge TV vehicles obliged to drive north, plus endless other security and support staff.

And for what? To announce something that we all knew anyway.

And why Sedgefield. Because it's his constituency. But hang on, he's not resigning as a local MP, he's resigning as Lab leader/PM. That's a NATIONAL issue - and surely it's most logical place is in Downing Street or Labour HQ, from where every other major announcement is duly made.

So Blair chose to debunk the whole shenanigans to the north-east just so that he could be among friends!!!

And what can we look forward to? Six more weeks of criss-crossing the country by Brown and his co-horts for hustings on a process that is a foregone conclusion anyway!

Ok, so it's their choice to do it that way because of the 'due process' but equally it should be our choice to do things the way we want to.

So next time, you get in your big caravan-towing car, or jet off on a hard-earned hol abroad, will you feel guilty? Or will you remember the sham that this energy saving lark is??

(Oh, at the end of the day, I am sure Mr Blair turned off his TV standby for the night - mustn't waste energy must we??)
May 25, 2005
We couldn't agreee with you more. We were really annoyed to see what went on yesterday with the PM carbon footprint. He is the PM and should have announced the decision from the doorstep of No. 10.
Mar 14, 2005
Don't do as I do - do as I say. He will have his protection gaurds even when he does retire as MP when he steps down at the next election. Wonder how many free holidays he will have when he is no longer a PM or MP?
Mar 14, 2005
He won't need any free holidays, Colin. Have you heard about his projected earnings over the next few years, plus his pension? Mind, that won't stop him taking any freebies, while crusading for a greener (read more taxed) world.

Is G.B going to be any better as leader though?
Mar 14, 2005
Stand back Colin, this might make your blood boil...

As the results rolled in, it emerged that Mr Blair will abandon politics within weeks and pocket a record
Nov 7, 2005
ON THE OTHER HAND, Lol, he's a marked man, as is his entire family.

Second only to Bush in the extremist world's most despised man list!

I wouldn't be in his position for all the money in the world, especially as he is now going to find his security guard very dramatically reduced...!
Mar 14, 2005
With all his earnings will he be paying British income tax or will he be able to invest his earnings with offshore accounts? Now how do you think his conscence will dictate to him?
Mar 14, 2005
Must be nice to know your pension rose in value so quickly just before you retired. Unfortunatly if you are not in receipt of an M.P.s pension then there is every chance your funds will have been raided by the leader of the Mc-mafia (soon to be our next prime minister). Still unlike Tony you can always keep on working longer into life.

Nov 9, 2006
hi all

regarding our carbon foot prints my wife and i tow a superstorm with a sorrento,we have just planted 65trees srubs and the like in our front garden (to hopefully screen the van from potential thieves)does the planting of the above put us in credit with our carbon (tax),and if so will we be entitled to a rebate!!

Nov 7, 2005
In current loony speak Jim, you are surely well in credit...congratulations sir.

Is it not utterly laughable that we can all absolve our environmental sins by...planting a tree or three...!

If that's all it takes, I'll happily fund a small forest...and then I can drive my big 4x4 with a clear conscience, jet across to Australia for the annual hols (no, let's do it more often, just for fun), turn the central heating up, and blitz the Christmas lights so that my house can be seen from space.

Someone's having a larf...

(Thinks: If April's fabulous weather was down to global warming, what's the explanation for the downturn in May...?)
May 12, 2006
Thinks: If April's fabulous weather was down to global warming, what's the explanation for the downturn in May...?)

Just asked my wife that same question !!!!!!!!!!!

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
Blame it on the Government. This notion of Global Warming being down to Joe Bloggs and his like is totally misleading. Eminent scientists including Dr. David Bellamy has proven that it is a natural cycle which happens over many thousands of years and that this is a further happening of previous events. Fair enough there is a certain degree of the problem which can be contributed to man but the input by man compared to nature is minute. The Government are acting in the manner they are, just to be seen by the loony green voters that they are doing something and also as another form of stealth tax which veryone appears to be accepting because the British government is a caring government. What a load of rubbish and the majority of people are gullable to believe them. I will continue to drive my 4x4 and I do not have double glazing or cavity insulation as I think it is unhealthy not to have air circulating in the house. I do grow my own vegatables as I think all the pesticides, etc. in use in mass farming is bad for my and the family health and also GM crops is messing about with nature and should not be allowed. Carry on like this and we will end up having GM humans. Lets get back to local produce rather than flying in fruit and vegatables from half way round the world. This would help to satisfy those green people - as a child the only green people I came across was the Mecan and the Martians in Dan Dare in the Eagle comic - perhaps this is where the greens have come from, being comic strip charactures.
Nov 7, 2005
Couldn't have put it better myself Colin - hey, I've got double glazing AND cavity insulation (and loft insulation)...that must surely knock a couple of trees off my bill - will the world survive, I ask!!
Mar 14, 2005
Blame it on the Government. This notion of Global Warming being down to Joe Bloggs and his like is totally misleading. Eminent scientists including Dr. David Bellamy has proven that it is a natural cycle which happens over many thousands of years and that this is a further happening of previous events. Fair enough there is a certain degree of the problem which can be contributed to man but the input by man compared to nature is minute. The Government are acting in the manner they are, just to be seen by the loony green voters that they are doing something and also as another form of stealth tax which veryone appears to be accepting because the British government is a caring government. What a load of rubbish and the majority of people are gullable to believe them. I will continue to drive my 4x4 and I do not have double glazing or cavity insulation as I think it is unhealthy not to have air circulating in the house. I do grow my own vegatables as I think all the pesticides, etc. in use in mass farming is bad for my and the family health and also GM crops is messing about with nature and should not be allowed. Carry on like this and we will end up having GM humans. Lets get back to local produce rather than flying in fruit and vegatables from half way round the world. This would help to satisfy those green people - as a child the only green people I came across was the Mecan and the Martians in Dan Dare in the Eagle comic - perhaps this is where the greens have come from, being comic strip charactures.
The above is written by a qualified building surveyor so I think I know what I am talking about regarding construction.
Mar 14, 2005
Colin why in new housing are they trying to seal the property from all heat loss by excessive insulation and then introducing a minimum of trickle vents to the heads of all windows of habitable rooms? Also if a gas fire is installed there must be permanent vent to the outside in order to allow air to circulate against a build up of possible carbon monoxide.
Mar 14, 2005
Does anyone else find the words "carbon footprint" as irritating and annoying as I do??????

Why dont they just call it pollution like in the good old days.

People might take it more seriously then.
Mar 13, 2007
Blame it on the Government. This notion of Global Warming being down to Joe Bloggs and his like is totally misleading. Eminent scientists including Dr. David Bellamy has proven that it is a natural cycle which happens over many thousands of years and that this is a further happening of previous events. Fair enough there is a certain degree of the problem which can be contributed to man but the input by man compared to nature is minute. The Government are acting in the manner they are, just to be seen by the loony green voters that they are doing something and also as another form of stealth tax which veryone appears to be accepting because the British government is a caring government. What a load of rubbish and the majority of people are gullable to believe them. I will continue to drive my 4x4 and I do not have double glazing or cavity insulation as I think it is unhealthy not to have air circulating in the house. I do grow my own vegatables as I think all the pesticides, etc. in use in mass farming is bad for my and the family health and also GM crops is messing about with nature and should not be allowed. Carry on like this and we will end up having GM humans. Lets get back to local produce rather than flying in fruit and vegatables from half way round the world. This would help to satisfy those green people - as a child the only green people I came across was the Mecan and the Martians in Dan Dare in the Eagle comic - perhaps this is where the greens have come from, being comic strip charactures.
b******s no futher comment required
Jan 19, 2008
We have these runs of "must say" words/phrases rose. Take "absolutely", "basically", "at the end of the day" or "not fit for purpose". I agree with you, very irritating.
Nov 7, 2005
...and what about 'like'...Not as in you like something or you are like someone...but as in 'I was, like, terrified'...

I don't like it...

(This could start a whole new post...)
Nov 7, 2005
...and what about 'like'...Not as in you like something or you are like someone...but as in 'I was, like, terrified'...

I don't like it...

(This could start a whole new post...)
...and then there's m'lud...m'lud...

or: O) hehheh!.......!!!!!


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