speed cameras France

Mar 19, 2005
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Just got back from another jaunt to France. Came across cameras for the first time. One as your entering the tunnel at Rouen, not sure where it is placed exactly only saw a flash. The other as you exit from the A85 going towards Saumur, its a dark grey box face on to the drivers but not that noticable. Its a pain now that we will have to clock watch our speedo's. What do you all think? I'll be jumping on the Michlin now to for the routes I'm taking they show where some are.


Mar 14, 2005
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You could just watch your speed, and then the cameras wouldnt bother you! Unlike the UK, the French actually only seem to place cameras in real accident black spots, and as such may be a valuable tool to help reduce deaths caused by people who dont want to drive at or below the legal limit.
Apr 2, 2005
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Sorry to come in late on this. Michelin supply a map of France showing all fixed cameras, available in all good bookshops and hypers. Also, www.viamichelin.com will provide routes and maps with speed cameras shown. Very useful as the printed route shows them as part of the route directions. The French are not yet part of the E.U. system for collecting outstanding fines from other countries....but it probably will not be long before they join the others using agencies doing this.....!!!! Beejay
Mar 14, 2005
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Here is a quote from the Lotus 7 Club forum from a member who lives in France:

'It is really happening over in France now. Not just the big N roads or motorways either.

Went down one of the roads yesterday I frequently use, although an N classification it is like an English B road, another new camera.

Went south of the Loire a few weeks ago and again past several new cameras on relatively non major roads.

On my route to Belgium on major roads there seems to be an extra camera added each time I drive it.

Note they are sign posted BUT only say 50 mts from the camera OR on the opposite side of the road to the side taking the picture so you get caught (if speeding) and the other side slow just in case.

So just a big warning to everyone that comes to France not respecting the speed limits, many of the cameras are set very close to the correct limit too AND they will prosecute the English.

PS also don't forget if you are caught doing 50 kph (well 40 in some cases) over the posted limit you WILL loose your licence on the spot (if caught of course).

You have all be warned. Do watch out and warn your friends. It is fast becoming like England.'

You have been warned.
Apr 16, 2005
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My understanding is that they are already part of the EU system for fine collection but they will not pursue collection because the costs of doing so exceed the value of the fine/penalty.


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