Speed Cameras

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Mar 14, 2005
Do us a favour and collect another three points so that the roads will be a little safer for the law abiding motorist. There does not seem to be any logic in your attitude. If the law is there and you break it you deserve to meet the consequences so stick within the law whether you agree with it or not. I would therefore suggest that you obtain acopy of a train or bus timetable for reference - you will require it before very long.
Mar 14, 2005
A thought I had from reading the "poor hard done by motorist" speel - How was the van "obscured" if you got a fixed penalty? Surely it would not have been able to see you? As a 24 yr old man(?) people forever moan about us "boy racers". Thankfully in 7 years I havent had an accident or any points on my licence. Yes I sometimes exceed the speed limit and EVERYBODY has at sometime - that is a fact! I save money by always trying to be driving within the speed limits( I stick to them ALWAYS on a 30,40 or 50 limit road), (better fuel economy too!)I maintain a safe distance and OBSERVE what else is going on the road around me. Many other drivers annoy me - middle lane hoggers, the driver who sits right on my bumper to force me out of the way (safest thing for me to do is ease off in that situation to minimise the possible accident). If people were re-tested every few years I would hope that driving standards in Britain would improve and so with it the figures for road safety. I do not wish to presume, but were you too busy trying to get the car in front out of the way to continue your journey at excessive speed, that you were only looking as far ahead of you as the cars' number plate? Funny though - I passed on my second test and on both times I had two minor faults for observation - I dont think I'd suffer the same fault now as I didnt just see passing the test as a licence to do what I want "because I could". My colleagues laughed when I bought a Driving Standards Agency book last year to freshen up my driving skills! Its suprising how we pick up some bad habits. Driving is an earned privilege, not a right - The 12 point system may make you realise that soon when your right will be taken away. Take your fine, hopefully learn your lesson and be grateful that this is all you got, not a manslaughter charge for speeding and being involved in an accident. If your're numbers up..........so time to take my 'van and go back to Scotland - they drive much better in the Highlands!
Mar 14, 2005
Comment from Jon

"you can get prosecuted for driving at the max allowed speed if you have or cause an accident by doing so when the conditions did not allow".

I would be surprised if this is true, however I would applaud it if it is.

As others have commented its a sod if you are caught but the 'sensible' speed limit on the motorways is more 85 than 70. conversley 20 not 30 is more apt on a busy high street or passed my house on a 10 foot wide road.

Good drivers 'drive to the conditions' and keep their eyes ahead, not on the speedo.
Mar 14, 2005
Did you expect a sympathy vote here Mike, It's clear from the responses that typical road users do not tear around like idiots. I have been a car owner since the mid 1960's and have owned cars which have power and speed but I can honestly say that I have never driven at 84mph. Slow down, wear a flat cap and knitted cardigan.
Mar 14, 2005
last summer I was towing on the A303 in Wilts. on a 60mph road, in a line of traffic which was doing 58 mph.(I know this by back tracking GPS data) I was clocked by a camera because I was exceeding the 50 mph limit imposed on towing. I queried with Wilts Police because a) I didn't realise cameras could tell I was towing, & b) surely I was safer keeping up with the flow of traffic, rather than keeping to 50 mph & causing frustration. So next time there are complaints of caravans causing holdups on the A303 blame Wilts police (bless enm all).
May 21, 2008
In one way I agree with mike, I keep to the speed limit in built up area's and go with the flow on the motorways. Perhaps the police would be better deployed giving out on the spot fines to the 50 or so plonkers I saw yesterday hogging the middle lane of the M40. In doing so these idiots effectively reduced the motorway to a dual carriageway, let alone break the law. They also posed a serious risk to us all as even more moronic people decided to undertake them. I am by no means a fast driver despite being an AIM but road safety is about all aspects of driving not just speed.
Mar 14, 2005
Mike,30 replies so far,congrats you have brought the forum to life.now tell us about your caravan exploits,im sure it was you on the M5 this summer,or is it simply to tell us your car can do 144mph,no, its just a wind up
Mar 14, 2005
why does the goverment make law that all cars have speed limiters fitted just like they did to all trucks over 7.5 tons a few years ago.done in the name of safety,NOT.you did not get the lanes clogged up like you do now
Mar 14, 2005
Have you ever analyzed the way speed cameras are set up to catch car drivers, and not other road users? If you travel on a motorway, or most roads for that matter, the cameras are set to 70. Lorries are restricted to 56, so any lorry breaking the limit by 14 MPH - a fair old percentage - is allowed to do so. The police say that lorries don't speed, well they would think that as their cameras are not going to catch them. Another protected group are motorcyclists. Most mobile cameras look at the front of a vehicle. Motor bikes do not have front number plates. I really think that the police are only after cars as there are more of them to get revenue from.


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