Speed limit in Germany

Apr 23, 2007
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In researching my trip to Italy later in the year I have discovered that my outfit is limited to 80kph when travelling in Germany. This appears to be because my caravan has not passed a German MOT test. If it has passed I am allowed to travel at the normal 100kph (62mph).


- Is this true?

- Is it enforced?

- Does it still stand for brand new caravans (ie new cars in UK do not need an MOT for 3 years)

- What would the fine be

Many thanks
Jul 30, 2008
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Yes it is 80kph when towing caravan old & new unless it goes through German special test and is fitted with shock absorbers for starters.

This does make travel in Germany more "leisurely". If you are in a "rush" might be better to go down through France or chill out and go with the flow.

Travel at weekends is certainly better in Germany as there are very few lorries about on the roads.
Oct 2, 2008
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All the overtaking bans apply to you as well.

I can tell you from personal experience (and I have the letter issued from Flensburg thanking me for my payment and have a nice and safe time in Germany) that yes it is enforced.

What would the fine be?

50euro plus. Depending on the officer.But I have to say Germany is one of the fairer EU countries.

The polizei won't bother you if you travelling upto 90kph i.e. keeping up with the flow of the trucks.
Apr 23, 2007
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Thanks Alan & Ben.

Thats what I was thinking, 90kph is roughly about an indicated 60mph anyway. Or maybe you meant an indicated 90kph?

Good job I've given myself plenty of time.

Apparently you can put your 'van through the test to obtain the required certificate. This lasts for life as well. But who wants to hang around an MOT test centre for a couple of hours?


Mar 14, 2005
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This might help re the TUV test for Tempo 100 Tempo 100

You do have to find a suitable test centre near your route. Last year, despite bing in Germany for many weeks we did not bother. Interesting towing at lower speeds had quite a positive impact on my fuel economy! Whilst I appreciate it is a risk I tended to keep up with the trucks as if you don't you can get angry truckers tooting you for going too slowly-in their view, regarless of the law!

Also anyone driving in some of the major cities wil also need an Umwelt Plakette for their car. It can be applied for before you go but is expensive through the official website, have a look here Umwelt Plakette

Mar 14, 2005
I don't know what overtaking ban Ben is referring to. Normally, cars towing a caravan are not subject to the same overtaking ban that is applicable to lorries. An overtaking ban for caravans (and cars towing trailers) only applies where explicitly signposted as such.

The thread seems to suggest that Germany has an exceptionally low speed limit for caravans. I hasten to point out that most countries have the same 80km/h limit and this applies to lorries, too (although you wouldn't think so judging by their actual speeds). France and Belgium are the exceptions.
Apr 23, 2007
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Whats this 'Umwelt Plakette'?

And I thought it was just the british government that was ripping its people off.

As I'm only driving through the country I won't need one. I'm overnighting in Luxembourg and Austria.

I really can't see me getting pulled by the pol pol for keeping up with the trucks. But if there is a truck in front of me doing 80kph/50mph then I'm probably going to overtake it at 90 or 100.

Mar 14, 2005
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Whats this 'Umwelt Plakette'?

And I thought it was just the british government that was ripping its people off.

As I'm only driving through the country I won't need one. I'm overnighting in Luxembourg and Austria.

I really can't see me getting pulled by the pol pol for keeping up with the trucks. But if there is a truck in front of me doing 80kph/50mph then I'm probably going to overtake it at 90 or 100.

Umwelt Plakette, see details in link above.



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