Speed on sites

Sep 27, 2015
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I'm going to have a moan about speed now, it might be un important to some people but it's one of my pet hates on site, why is that the older end (but not confined to) of the caravanning commnity who should know better and mainly in 4x4's have trouble engaging 1st gear and letting the engine tick over speed carry them across the site, it seems virtually every time we are on site we see people driving at stupid speeds on site even when there are children playing, get a grip and slow down.

Oct 28, 2006
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Couldnt agree with you more.The best ive seen is speeding and using the phone to send texts whilst driving on sites.Very very poor show.I do wonder though does a vehicle travelling at 10mph on site actually look faster to a stationary person.I dont know.
Sep 27, 2015
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Good god, that's unacceptable on all levels, to be honest Seth 10mph would look fast to a stationary person but then again I always drive at walking pace on site, first gear foot off gas pedal, are we all in so much of a hurry these days putting the safety of others on site at risk.

Aug 11, 2010
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ummm .what is a stupid speed? I've used sites with 5 mph and 10mph speed limits . never made a mental note of which type of vehicle 2 or 4wd was driving above the posted speed limit but to suggest it was mainly 4x4s or indeed mainly older people is somewhat ridiculous as is using the term "they should know better" !! better than who? a 30 something or 40 something! i don't drive a 4x4 but my observations over the past 2 decades have been that in the main its the young family man who tends to still have a lot of bravado running through his veins.
of course its just an observation nothing more as is the Original posters .
Jun 20, 2005
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Forty years ago I had Bravado running through my veins but now I feel more sensible :kiss:
I hate stereo typing. It takes all sorts from all walks of life B)
May 7, 2012
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Speeding on site can be a problem and I have seen many bad examples of this but I do not think it is confined to any group of people. Large sites with long straight roads do encourage this and some thought as to site design would help.
Cirencester CC site did have a notice up saying anyone caught speeding would have their site barrier card taken and have to use the car park until they left. Not sure if it was implemented but if so it might be a deterrent.
Jul 31, 2010
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In my experience, a lot of the site wardens and their staff fail to observe their own speed limits.

It makes it difficult to have a moan at the people on the site if they can point the finger at the staff.
Feb 9, 2009
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The C&CC site at Kingsbury Water Park are running a 5mph campaign. when booking in you are advised to make sure you keep to the limit and if the Wardens do see speeding they do signal the driver to slow down.
When we were there last month it did seem to be working
Mar 13, 2007
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hi people, just another observation from an older ex caravanner, do the wardens/owners also make sure that kids on bikes tearing round also observe the rules on speeding, or are these what the limits are intended to protect, short answer no, after all using the speed humps as BMX jumping ramps is just a form of playing, isn't it. well thats what someone told me last time I complained.
there is no excuse for anyone to speed on site no matter what vehicle they are in charge of,
I have been overtaken leaving a site more than once by a Mobility scooter doing a bit of grass tracking in order to get passed.
Oct 28, 2006
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Your talking about kids here.Very much the same as dogs,they dont see danger.Their on holiday,enjoying themselves.They dont really take notice of the b... end in the focus st thinking he,s driving a full wrc rs200 at some rediculas speed.Lets face it if a kid on a bmx runs into you,its not like being run over by a car is it?The limits are there to protect people in general.
Mar 14, 2005
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Frankly it's nothing new, and I'm not condoning it, but drivers are so used to ignoring speed limits every where why should caravan sites be any different?

Its just another example of how antisocial people become when they sit behind their steering wheel
Aug 8, 2015
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Oh where to start !

Firstly @ Sheffield Sean, Not all 4x4 drivers are speed freaks, I see you do not drive one which is perhaps where your prejudice stems.
Most 4x4 big diesels will tick over and crawl along as apposed to petrol cars which as we all know are a faster vehicle and you only have to touch the throttle for it to shoot away.

@ Steve W most wardens will adhere to speed limits because we are well aware of the dangers. We too are fed up of the general public speeding on site.

We are in general treading a fine line in dealing with this problem. On the one hand our intervention is welcomed by the majority but on the other hand we will be seen as over sensitive busy bodies that are only there to clean up the mess that they leave and spoil their holiday. It is a hard one to police, but we do our best.

As for kids on bikes, that is another problem that concerns me. They as children do, are only playing and do not enjoy the wardens saying anything at all, but when we do politely point them to the play areas or ask them to slow down we sometimes get the parents complaining that we are again spoiling everyone's holiday. Unfortunately it's a no win situation.

I do not wish to offend anyone with this post but only ask that next time you are on site please cut the wardens a bit of slack as we do our best.


Kate Taylor

Jul 18, 2012
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We agree with you, children (and in fact all of us) should be able to relax on campsites, without the fear of being run over. Most people do drive slowly and carefully on campsites, though, don't they? Or maybe I've just been lucky!
Sep 27, 2015
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JonnyG said:
ummm .what is a stupid speed? I've used sites with 5 mph and 10mph speed limits . never made a mental note of which type of vehicle 2 or 4wd was driving above the posted speed limit but to suggest it was mainly 4x4s or indeed mainly older people is somewhat ridiculous as is using the term "they should know better" !! better than who? a 30 something or 40 something! i don't drive a 4x4 but my observations over the past 2 decades have been that in the main its the young family man who tends to still have a lot of bravado running through his veins.
of course its just an observation nothing more as is the Original posters .

It's not an observation, it's a fact, after all it's common sense to drive at a walking pace on site, or do you drive at stupid speeds on site :angry:

Sep 27, 2015
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If you go back and read my original post Phil, you can clearly read I state not confined to 4x4 drivers and older people, your right I don't own a 4x4, and it's a little presumptuous of you to assume I'm an anti 4x4 person don't you think, as I'm NOT.

Jun 20, 2005
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SheffSean said:
....., why is that the older end (but not confined to) of the caravanning commnity who should know better and mainly in 4x4's have trouble engaging 1st gear and letting the engine tick over speed carry them across the site........

You started the stereotyping. Maybe you could say middle aged persons driving estate cars?
In truth there will always be the selfish 0nes from all ages and walks of life.
Sep 27, 2015
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It was a personal observation not stereotyping mate, this is why I mentioned not confined to, I'm a very considerate driver on and off the roads.



Mar 14, 2005
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Lets not get sidetracked by reference to any particular vehicle.
Speeding on site is done by drivers of ALL types of towing vehicle, and I feel for wardens trying to limit the number of totally inconsiderate drivers who think that speed limits do not apply to them.

I often see comments like "my car will not go at 5MPH", if that is what the owner states then perhaps they should not be driving at all.
Slow speed control is more important than aiming a car at a destination and putting foot to metal to get there.
Oct 28, 2006
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One thing with children that worrys me and ive got three of them is the lack of common sence.When we were young if we saw a car we automatically moved out the way.But now the sight of a car seems to draw them in.Another problem with the 4 x 4 type is the lack of rear vision underneath the rear window line,especially considering the height of a youngster.Again nothing to do with speeding.
Jun 2, 2015
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I have to agree about the reduced rear vision in a larger car, my terrano is terrible compared to every other car that I have had. I don’t think that any one particular type of car or age group is responsible and from experience folk with children are just as likely to speed. I will however make an observation, I think that you are more likely to see cars driving too fast on large, pitch-anywhere sites such as some in the New Forest where, especially around bank holidays where groups of friends turn up in inexpensive tents from Argos (sorry if that sounds snobby), drink late into the night and generally have a jolly old wheeze together. I love these pitch anywhere sites if the truth be known and I have been guilty of drinking into the night it must be said (and yes in years gone by the warden has told us to keep the noise down) but I think that you are less likely to see the speed restrictions flouted when the majority of the patrons have invested in more expensive equipment; better quality tents, trailer tents, folding campers, caravans, motorhomes, etcetera. Perhaps the investment in equipment is buying into the lifestyle rather than using camping as an alternative place to have a party? Sorry if I have offended anyone, especially regarding inexpensive tents, I have owned a couple of them in the past myself so no offence is meant. I think that perhaps once folk have subscribed to the lifestyle by investing in more expensive equipment, they become more aware of those around them and less focused on establishing their own territory (queue links to the windbreak thread) and locking out the rest of the site. In our brief caravanning careers it is certainly noticeable how much more friendly and considerate the community seems to be…. Or maybe I am in for a big shock over the coming year. :dry:
Jul 31, 2010
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seth1 said:
Your talking about kids here.Very much the same as dogs,they dont see danger.Their on holiday,enjoying themselves.They dont really take notice of the b... end in the focus st thinking he,s driving a full wrc rs200 at some rediculas speed.Lets face it if a kid on a bmx runs into you,its not like being run over by a car is it?The limits are there to protect people in general.

Then end result can be exactly like being run over by a car.

Somebody in my road was knocked over by a child riding on the footpath.
The old lady broke her hip and died from pneumonia while in hospital.
Mar 14, 2005
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SheffSean said:
It's not an observation, it's a fact, after all it's common sense to drive at a walking pace on site, or do you drive at stupid speeds on site :angry:

What's common sense got to do with it?
The fact is everyone by its definition is endowed with 'common sense' yet and that tells them its OK to do these things. So common sense produces a variety of outcome and in these cases its actually poor sense.

What these people lack is good sense.
Jun 20, 2005
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There's only one solution imo. Take off the velvet glove and bare the iron fist. Two cautions from the Warden's and then you are banned from Club sites for one year :evil:
Aug 11, 2010
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SheffSean said:
JonnyG said:
ummm .what is a stupid speed? I've used sites with 5 mph and 10mph speed limits . never made a mental note of which type of vehicle 2 or 4wd was driving above the posted speed limit but to suggest it was mainly 4x4s or indeed mainly older people is somewhat ridiculous as is using the term "they should know better" !! better than who? a 30 something or 40 something! i don't drive a 4x4 but my observations over the past 2 decades have been that in the main its the young family man who tends to still have a lot of bravado running through his veins.
of course its just an observation nothing more as is the Original posters .

It's not an observation, it's a fact, after all it's common sense to drive at a walking pace on site, or do you drive at stupid speeds on site :angry:

i suppose i could have made it clearer my reference was toward the vehicle type you were referring to ie 4x4.. rather then the "what is a stupid speed .reference. but as you want to make a claim that" it is a fact " then what is a fact is 6 mph a stupid speed is 8mph a stupid speed? people can run faster than that .so it was a legitimate question..I cannot see any reason what so ever for your getting angry .as a 50 something maybe i just do know better!!!!!!!!!!


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