Mel said:Looks like Bristol knows how to attract the Welsh.
As a Welshman living in Bristol I feel qualified to chip in here
The whole of Bristol pretty much has been turned into a hotch potch of 20 zones mixed in with 30s. You turn on to one road and it's 30. Drive for a bit, turn onto another and it's 20. No-one ever knows quite what they are on and it's causing chaos.
Take the A38 Gloucester Road- 30. Turn right onto Wessex Avenue (across a pedestrian crossing) and it's 20 (as indicated by a tiny little sign literally just as you go through the junction and are busy watching the kids waiting at the side of the road),-2.5836624,3a,75y,123.29h,66.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDVLsDbuBBJOExPlVRw_pWg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
What you don't get from that street view is the steepness of Wessex Ave- it really is a sharp downwards incline. So you go all the way down, and if you missed the tiny little 20 you're speeding all the way (sticking to 30, which is what is has been since the stone age). At the bottom, just in front of the great big 30 sign (where it reverts to 30 again for the next road),-2.5836624,3a,75y,123.29h,66.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDVLsDbuBBJOExPlVRw_pWg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
the police have got a real habit of sitting with a camera van. Not cricket really to stick a camera van just before a great big 30 sign on a road with very poor signs to indicate it's a 20. It's not addressing dangerous behaviour, it's taking the mickey out of people trying their best.
The road I live on, not far from there, is a proper side street. it does have 20 plastered all over it (including painted on the road surface in figures as big as a car). However, it is a rat run and I kid you not every single weekday morning from 07:00 to 08:45 and every single weekday evening from 17:00-18:00, cars are bombing up and down it at 60+ (just as I'm getting my 4 yr old in and out of the car). Every now and then the Police send a camera van, who sits there at the top of the road from 11:00 until 15:00 whilst the area is like a ghost town, presumably eating doughnuts. Come on, don't catch the chap accidentally doing 22 because they didn't spot the signs, get the idiots flying down at warp speed on a daily basis! Bang bang bang bang - 10 tickets in one week (one for every day both directions), and let's see how quickly everyone bicycles down it because their license is in the bin.
Don't even get me started on the residents parking (that every single councillor in Bristol voted against but were ignored by the mayor, and massive petitions were raised against)....