Thanks for all the varied opinions.Hello Annette,
In your last post you imply that the incident that befell the overtaking caravanner was precipitated by his/her speed, and that by restricting your own speed you were safe.
I feel you may have made some dangerous assumptions. Let me make it quite clear I do not condone speeding or suggest that anyone should do it. Obviously we do not know what happened, but the incident hat might have occurred could have been due to a number of causes unrelated to the drivers speed: another driver breaking suddenly, a tyre blow out, heart attack etc.
Equally even keeping to the speed limits or driving according to the conditions, these types of events can cause problems to you and your caravan.
In at least one of the posts it is infered that towing downhill is more dangerous, is this because the nose weight of the 'van increases?
I've only towed a couple of times so far and haven't noticed any difference.
Many thanks,