Springer that has not barked!!

Jul 30, 2007
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About 2 months ago,my wife took pity on a Springer Spaniel just along our road that was always kept out in the garden.
Although it had a wooden shed to sleep in,it very rarely seemed to have food or fresh water and never went out for a walk.
After speaking to the owner many times,she persuaded the Springer owner to let him live with us.
He agreed,and now the Springer (Spirit)now happily lives here and gets along reasonably well with our little Shi-Tzu (Oscar) who runs the house..lol.
Spirt has began to gain weight,his coat is starting to shine again,he loves his walk every day(whatever the weather)and a good 2 hours of chasing the ball each weekend.
Just one thing though.........he has not barked!!!!!!!
Not once!!!!!!
Does anyone know if this is normal?
I mean....we are not complaining as Oscar more than makes up for the barking..lol
Would love to hear from anyone with any info on this.
Jan 17, 2010
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I know quite a few spaniel owners either springers or cockers who i've met through walking my dog, And to be honest i cannot recall ever hearing any of them bark.Spaniels are working dogs and some times the last thing you need is a noisey working dog, Saying that if he as now found a loving happy home and is healthy and has a waggy tail i would'nt worry.
Jan 21, 2014
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Our Springer rarely barks!

He'll bark if he's left on his own for a short while, which isn't very often, and he'll sometimes bark if the door bell rings - but that's all. I can leave him in the garden for a good while, and you won't hear a peep from him - he'll just stand and stare at me through the kitchen window when he's ready to come in!
Dec 14, 2006
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My friend's Springer (Ruby) never barks - ever! She's a lovely dog, and when she gets excited she just runs about madly - and does that lovely Springer-type jump - but doesn't bark.
Jun 20, 2005
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Our two Springers only bark if someone knocks on the door or if they hear an unusual noise outside. Otherwise they are silent.They never bark in the field on on walks.
Your Spirit has been kept outside and trained to be quiet. Once he gets used to his new inside home I'm sure he will do his guard dog bit. Look on the brightside. There's nothing worse than a dog that constantly barks!
I assume he isn't deaf?
Jul 30, 2007
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Thanks for all your replies.
I thought that maybe we had rescued the only Springer without a voice box...lol
No he isnt deaf.......he can hear the top of the doggy food container open from 1 mile away.....ha ha.
Hes so loving and friendly,but does seem to be a little bit timid at times,especially when I reprimand Oscar(the Shi-Tzu)if hes being naughty and use a louder than normal voice.
Maybe some previous owners didnt treat him as they should have done.
Oh well,hes going to be pampered and loved for the rest of his life so maybe over time,he will forget his past and enjoy the rest of his life with us.(Thats if we can sort out his smelly breath.....god it really smells
A trip to the vet last week didnt show up any dental problems so from now on,kissing full on the lips is right out of the question.


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