Standard of driving?

Jul 18, 2017
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Since the lockdown was lifted I have definitely noticed a difference in the standard of driving especially at round abouts as it seems "Give Way" to the right no longer applies. The other thing is people using the left lane to go straight when the lane is clearly marked to turn left. This almost results in a collision as the car cuts in front of you.
Last week while towing on an A road with numerous curves and bends at about 50mph, a small car attempted to over take us in the face of oncoming traffic causing me to brake harshly. The small car obviously did not have the power to overtake 13m unit even though they were pedalling as hard as they could! They also braked and I thought they were going to hit the back of the caravan the way they pulled in. A little later in the day on another A road with a 40mph restriction we were overtaken by a Discovery who had limited vision ahead. We were doing 40mph at the time.
These are just a small number of incidents we have had over the past few weeks when out and about.
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Jul 18, 2017
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Totally agree,just succumbed and bought a dash cam. Try cycling, they're nuts.Never used my air horn so much!
On Monday when it was really busy two cyclist were riding abreast of one another through the village and there was a long queue of cars behind them and not one could pass. If they had gone single file, cars would have safely being able to pass them. Sadly oNE or two morons on cycles spoil it for other cyclists who are considerate and obey the Highway Code.
Nov 11, 2009
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On Monday when it was really busy two cyclist were riding abreast of one another through the village and there was a long queue of cars behind them and not one could pass. If they had gone single file, cars would have safely being able to pass them. Sadly oNE or two morons on cycles spoil it for other cyclists who are considerate and obey the Highway Code.

That’s not a result of lockdown. Cyclist have been doing that fir a long while. I blame Sir Bradley.


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