Stolen Caravan

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi im looking for a caravan that was stolen in Cheshire last week (28/10/04 )from a secure compound in the early hours its an Avondale Rialto 640/6 Twin axle with Ivory paintwork Vin No:SGAT000AV10002276 it has been suggested that Gypsies may have taken it, me & the family are heartbroken as we,d only had it 4 days & it was uninsured as we were waiting on quoteS, If anyone has any information i,d be very grateful, Thank you
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Julie, so sorry to hear your awful news - I'm sure we'll all keep our eyes peeled and do hope you get your van back - provided you do, get it microdotted by somebody like Thiefbeaters, they claim 100% recovery of any nicked 'vans. We had ours done and got a big discount on the insurance. Good luck - what do they Police say?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Julie, I feel so, so sorry for you. It just sickens me that people work hard and save for their pride and joy and then this happens. Hope you get it back soon. George T.
Mar 14, 2005
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OMG Julie !

A Caravanners worst nightmare.

So how secure was this secure compound then ?It does make you wonder sometimes when you pay through the nose for 'secure' storage.

I hope you manage to get it back. I hate the fact that scumbags will steal others possessions without having to work for it.Makes my blood boil. Good Luck.Did you have it marked in any way? On the roof perhaps?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Julie,

so sorry to hear about your stolen van,I would be so angry if it ever happened to me.Last year our friends who we were holidaying with us in France came back to England a few days after us and were driving the same route from Portsmouth to York where we live,and decided to stop for a comfort break at a motorway services.He left the van and started to walk to the restaurant etc then remembered he hadnt checked if the hitchlock was secured, by the time he`d turned back to walk to his car it was too late,the car was there but the van was not.It seems like someone was waiting for the right opportunity to hitch up and drive off!He reported it to the Police and told the insurance co.and heard nothing until about 2weeks later When he was contacted by Lancashire Police to say that his van had been found on a "Travellers" site among several others, the theives had changed the cris altering the last digit from a "0" to an "8" everything in the van had gone (contents of cupboards,bedding,clothes etc.)but the rest of the van escaped relatively unscathed apart from some damage to the door lock and a small dent the van was repaired and re-stocked but i dont think they feel the same way about it as they used to.I do hope you are lucky and find your van it seems to me that there is always someone out there that thinks they have a devine right to take anything that does`nt belong to them without any conscience whatsoever... Good Luck!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Julie

Sorry to hear of your rotten luck. On a practical note if you get a van for next year I have quite a lot of spare gear you can have as a gift- Wheel lock-H. U. cable-water and waste containers and lots of other bits and bobs. Good Luck. Harold
Mar 14, 2005
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I can totally sympathise. Someone tried to steal our van 2 weeks ago from a local site. They damaged the front of the van but luckily our hitch stayed on and they gave up. We where advised by police as well that it was probably gypsies. A friend had hers stolen by gypsies from a site called Southerness, she had it only months. Its terrible, my heart gows out to you I hope you get it back and the they catch who stole it.


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