Never having given the matter a great deal of considered thought, I watched `Question Time` with some interest and a relatively open mind.
Unfortunately, at the end of it I really wasn`t in a position where I`d get into a heated, principled argument over the rights and wrongs of this particular issue. It`s far too important and complex to permit snap decisions.
I do have a few comments however:-
1. Whilst I would vehemently deny any charges of homophobia, I am livid at the corruption of our language by the cosy use of word "gay". The correct term is homosexual, look it up. It is not derogatory.
2.I was intrigued that the panel member who went along the lines of "all religions have their own ideas and views, the only rule that must count is the rule of law" ( maybe not pararhrased too well). So we won`t be seeing Seikhs wearing turbans on motorbikes anymore??
3.Valid point made in the `Yorkshire Post`today. We can expect the Government to ride roughshod over the wishes of the Catholic church with their peaceful protest and dialogues. Would the same disregard be shown to a mass protest, disruption and the threat of bombs by Muslims? Some may regard this as inflammatory, but is merely a question that was asked and I have not attempted to be drawn into an answer.
This is a very sticky piece of legislation to have to debate, and I for one can`t see how a satisfactory resolution will be found, without alienating one sizeable section of the population or another.