
Jan 2, 2006
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It seems that the reason they ae on strike is because they have only been offered 2.45% what a shame maybe they should think of people on fixed incomes who get no increase at all ,I am on strike tomorrow because they have not increased my incapacity benefit by more than the cost of living.
Jun 25, 2007
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Plotter, thanks for your support - not!

Sorry that you're on a fixed income but that doesn't mean that everyone else isn't entitled to a fair pay rise. It'll actually cost me more to lose 2 days pay than I'll gain from my payrise as I only work 3 days during term time at present but 2.45% is just not enough. It's ok for Gordon Brown and his cronies to get only 2.5% as 2.5% of their income is a damn sight more than 2.5% of mine and most of the other public sector workers' salaries. Plus, MP get their 20-odd thousand 'John Lewis' list for expenses. Everyone knows that the true cost of inflation is far more than the Government are quoting, just taking into account the rising costs food, utility bills and fuel shows us that.

I'm not a militant, I just want a fair deal for myself and my young family. Plus, I want to be able to carry on using my caravan!

Jul 11, 2006
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It seems that the reason they ae on strike is because they have only been offered 2.45% what a shame maybe they should think of people on fixed incomes who get no increase at all ,I am on strike tomorrow because they have not increased my incapacity benefit by more than the cost of living.
Think yourself lucky to get it, I was kicked off it apparently Ischemic heart disese, quadrupule by pass surgery and angioplasty isn't enough to qualify.
Jan 2, 2006
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I agree but then I would.I like many others have worked for 40+ yeas and paid into pensions and built up savings to provide for myself in retirement.Thats a great plan but then my wife developed cancer and was off work for over 18months,with some incapcity benefit ,due to her illness the surgery I needed had to wait and by the time she was recovered I then needed major surgery resulting in me being unable to work now for over 8 months.Result our savings are depleted and cannot get any other help as she works 35 hours.So our retirement now looks very bleak.So sorry if I don not show to much sympathy.
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

I do feel sorry for the mass of people who find themselves in the same position as plotter but for every one of them that are in that situation there are hundreds who are much better off (unforutatly usually those who never worked) that find being on benifits much more lucrative than working sad, but there it is.

the people that are working unfortunaly get the worsed deal to someone on minimum wage or just above 2.5% increase in a insult because 2.5% of F.A is still F.A.

our company reached a 5 year pay scale deal of inflation plus 0.5% per year in 2003 this years increase came out 47p per hr or
Jun 20, 2007
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The tanker drivers had to the fortune to have the ablity to hold the country to "ransome" so to speak.So it was a fore gone thing that they would get their asking price.What do these lastest stikers have??-nothing except inflicting more misery on the vunerable people who really need their help!
Jan 21, 2014
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Sorry, but I can't justify that!

Unfortunately for those of us who work in the private sector, we won't get the pay increases public sector workers are demanding, therefore to fund these increases, private sector workers lose out hands down!!


Mar 14, 2005
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Wendy I worked hard at school and college, I've worked since I was 18. (When I was 11, I started my own enterprise by walking people's dogs and charging them a fee, selling blackberries to the local green grocer, then as I got older, I worked in shops during the school holidays, Saturdays etc).

Through the years, I've gone on to get further qualifications etc, etc.

There's plenty of jobs in the public sector if people try hard enough to get them (from cleaners to management - not that I'm putting cleaners at the bottom of the list, they are just as important as everyone else).

Aug 25, 2006
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The Councils have a budget and they should stick to it.

How they choose to split it up is another matter.

Want more money? No problem. Just shed some jobs.

Its about time the public sector grasped a bit of reality.

I recently went four years without an increase because the small firm I work for wasn`t making a return, but I`m still employed and we eventually came out of the slump.

Get more of the public sector privitised, it won`t work for all aspects, but for many it will. Let the employees learn about market forces which affect the world (not just their ofice or canteen) and so determine whether they will have a job next week.

Also, lets get away from all this "key worker" crap. Yes, there are key workers, Doctors, nurses, low-paid health workers, possibly police. FULL STOP.

The rest should be on the same (volatile) footing as everyone else.

Do I get value from my taxes? NO

Do I get value from my council? NO

Do I support the current strikes? NO

If the public sector workers were so hard done to and felt so strongly, they would leave and join the private sector, but we all know this will never happen as they know when their bread has been buttered, and thats why they fight like hell if the word `privitisation` is uttered.
Jan 21, 2014
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Wendy I worked hard at school and college, I've worked since I was 18. (When I was 11, I started my own enterprise by walking people's dogs and charging them a fee, selling blackberries to the local green grocer, then as I got older, I worked in shops during the school holidays, Saturdays etc).

Through the years, I've gone on to get further qualifications etc, etc.

There's plenty of jobs in the public sector if people try hard enough to get them (from cleaners to management - not that I'm putting cleaners at the bottom of the list, they are just as important as everyone else).

Lisa, sorry but I can't see what your background history has to do with public sector pay?

If you feel you are not being financially rewarded for the job you do, and with your qualifications, maybe it's time to look elsewhere?!
Jan 19, 2008
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Public sector workers cover a hell of a lot of people and different grades. Not all of them are on strike. Infact personally from where I live I don't know who is on strike. All I have heard is four local schools have been affected, why, I don't know. The refuse men were working normally, such nice men, very nice men :O) Notice I said men because due to the nature of the job they haven't bothered to diversify because none of the "burn ya bra brigade" would want that job ;O)

heh! heh! heh!

So tell me, who is on strike because it's having no affect where I am and it's not even mentioned on the radio.
Mar 14, 2005
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Some people don't get pay rises - my husband didn't for nearly 3 years, whilst doing two peoples jobs - he left and got another job, isn't that what most people do.
Jun 24, 2007
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Some people don't get pay rises - my husband didn't for nearly 3 years, whilst doing two peoples jobs - he left and got another job, isn't that what most people do.
I am a teaching assistant in my local school i am in unison and am on strike for more pay we work damn hard and i think we deserve it!!


Mar 14, 2005
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I have absolutely NO intention of looking for another job, I am very happy where I work thank you. I moved over to a managerial post and I got a massive hike in my salary.

I'm just showing my support for the lower paid people out there.

Aug 13, 2007
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Good luck to the strikers, i fully support you.

When you seen what our government ministers give to themselves, i say good luck to the council workers.



Mar 14, 2005
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Good luck to the strikers, i fully support you.

When you seen what our government ministers give to themselves, i say good luck to the council workers.

Thank you Angela. Greatly appreciated.

Lisa xx


Mar 14, 2005
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Some people don't get pay rises - my husband didn't for nearly 3 years, whilst doing two peoples jobs - he left and got another job, isn't that what most people do.
Well said Yorkie, I think you might find that some people are actually a little jealous of people who work in the public sector.

Lisa xx Up the revolution.


Mar 14, 2005
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Public sector workers cover a hell of a lot of people and different grades. Not all of them are on strike. Infact personally from where I live I don't know who is on strike. All I have heard is four local schools have been affected, why, I don't know. The refuse men were working normally, such nice men, very nice men :O) Notice I said men because due to the nature of the job they haven't bothered to diversify because none of the "burn ya bra brigade" would want that job ;O)

heh! heh! heh!

So tell me, who is on strike because it's having no affect where I am and it's not even mentioned on the radio.
Really, that's not up to your usual standard of 'wheel 'em in', try a little harder.


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