Suggest a forum?

Nov 19, 2007
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I attempted to use the "Suggest a forum" using the link but could not scroll down to, or find, the submit button. Therefore I will suggest it here:

A forum for wardens to post their experiences & story's. In one season alone I could write a book however just two examples: we have had guests get snotty with us when we inform them kite flying is banned - we then point up to the high voltage wires overhead only to be told "so what?" On another occasion a man literally burst into the office raving about the water not being hot enough in the showers, he was really abusive when all he had to do was ask how the showers worked - this was less than 3 minutes after I had been informed on the telephone that a well loved guest & his daughter had been killed in a road accident on the way to our site. I so wanted to shove this mans head down the toilet and pull the chain but I didn't, I put my professional face on, I smiled at him and said I would sort the problem right away. We need a forum where we can a least let off a little steam & where the small ignorant minority of people can get some idea of what we as wardens have to put up with. On the upside we could also share the amusing story's and experiences. I feel more positive just having suggested the forum and I am sure it would help both the hard working wardens and perhaps those few who forget we are there to help if only you let us.


Mar 14, 2005
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I think your idea would be great, and will ask that it be included in the new forum , which is....................................................................................................on its way
Mar 14, 2005
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(I think your idea would be great, and will ask that it be included in the new forum , which is....................................................................................................on its way)

And would this be an all singing,all dancing forum? I hope so and I am looking forward to it already!

Jan 19, 2008
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Quote "would this be an all singing,all dancing forum"?

;O) Don't hold your breath, it's been on the cards for over 12 months and still waiting. Lord Hezza is having a hard time of it lately and cannot really afford to go into his ass pocket just yet.


Why restrict it to Wardens? What about stories of the Public experience of Wardens, some of whom could give lessons in being a 'jobsworthy'. The wardens who insist on cutting the grass in the middle of a quiet sunny afternoon and then drive over the hardstandings so the stones fly up against your van. The wardens who totally ignore you standing in front of their counter until they deem it is time to possibly ask you your business. Chatting to their colleagues is far more important of course. The wardens on South Coast sites who know that many of their visitors have to leave early to catch the Channel Ferries but although present in the shop counting newspapers etc, refuse to allow you to collect a pre ordered one, 5 minutes before the opening time of 8 am. I have noticed that in both the main Clubs there is often a 'power syndrome' at work.

I suspect that virtually everyone who has worked in retail, business or many industries has many experiences of clients, customers they would rather had not appeared on their doorstep that day.
Mar 14, 2005
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Sometime ago I suggested a new section on the forum for "Hobbies & Interests". It was openly accepted by the moderators of the day but now it appears that it has been filled in the recycling bin.
Mar 26, 2008
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I assume by warden we are talking CC sites or C&CC sites.

I can't say that we've had and real problems with wardens and just tend to get on with things on site.

But we all pay the same fee to belong to these clubs and it is very annoying to find wardens over occupied with their mates and pals. Apart from knowing of some preferential treatment for wardens friends we've found it very annoying to be signing in at sites and find that wardens friends pushing in for info or to buy some milk or something as we are trying to do our business.

If wardens and management want to tell their stories it's a two way story line.

Some may not be so keen for a two way trade.

We're CC members and see the CC as commercial sites the same as any other.


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