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May 7, 2005
Do they do cataract removal on the NHS and if so what to they do as apparently I have cataracts in my right eye. Apparently the operation can cost about £5000?
Yes, mine are NHS eyes. I understood privately I could have had more compliant material lens than the then NHS but it was very expensive and my consultant said for minimum real life benefit.
You probably will not want to know what they do, just accept its now very low risk, is painless, quick, out patient, only requiring drops for about two weeks post the event. Both my ops were brought forward by accepting cancellations at very short notices.

Mine were two sessions per eye, an assessment and measuring session to order up the right specificationlens, then two weeks later the op itself. In my case they would only do one eye at a time with about a two month space between these; this to mitigate the risk associated should it go wrong, I understood if number one was a failure they would not do number two. Both were fantastic jobs.
If like friends you don't want the details of the op seek no further.

If like me you have this urge to be informed you can Google it. Basically they ultrasonically fluidised the God given lens and extract this liqueur from its sack, then through a little cut inserted a pre selected plastic lens back into the sack. Your eye is numbed just by the use of a few drops. My sight returned in minutes, I understand some people take into hours to regain proper sight.
Post the op there is a possibility that the trauma can lead to a increase in the opaqueness of the back of the lens sack, this is cured by burning a hole in that sack's rear with a laser. Again totally painless hourish op following a couple of assessment appointments; I had to have one done. I can't remember the exact probability of this happening but was not minimum like one in a few thousand, more like one in 20? Even that might be more related to these cataract ops being much more likely in older people?
Oh forgot, Winchester gave me a rich tea, just the one, and cup of tea post op in the post op waiting room. I was not allowed to drive home.
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Nov 6, 2005
Do they do cataract removal on the NHS and if so what to they do as apparently I have cataracts in my right eye. Apparently the operation can cost about £5000?
Yes, the NHS does lots of cataract operations - they also fund private clinics to do NHS operations to reduce the backlog - going completely private would cost £5-6,000 for both eyes.

The reality is that almost everyone over the age of 40 will start to develop cataracts but most of those won't ever get bad enough to justify removal by operation.
Jul 18, 2017
Yes they do cataracts on the NHS. My wife had hers done that way six weeks apart. But in recent times some trusts have decided to only do one eye. Then as he second eye gets worse they may do that one later. Yet one trust is now doing two eyes at the same appointment, with outcomes being very good. It’s a post code lottery.
A friend of mine who no longer drives due to glaucoma had a cataract removed privately and that cost £6000, but it’s giving him some more time even with diminished vision.
I was told that it is only my right eye that is affected. For many years we used the same optician and I did mention that the vision in my right eye was not as sharp as the left eye.

About 2 years later we tried another optician, part of a chain, and again mentioning the issue, there was no outcome. However due to being supplied with specs that made looking in the distance an issue we then tried a totally independent optician and they told me that I had cataracts in my right eye although I never mention the issue with my right eye.

We put a lot of trust in opticians that they will prescribe the correct specs. I now use reading glasses and driving glasses, but I have no issue viewing the TV without them and can drive safely without wearing my driving glasses.
Nov 11, 2009
Yes, the NHS does lots of cataract operations - they also fund private clinics to do NHS operations to reduce the backlog - going completely private would cost £5-6,000 for both eyes.

The reality is that almost everyone over the age of 40 will start to develop cataracts but most of those won't ever get bad enough to justify removal by operation.
My father had his eyes done in his early 90s which allowed him to keep active and continue to drive until two days before being hospitalised in the hot summer of 2018, but it helped in his subsequent 12 months in a care home as his vision was excellent even at 95. His operation was in a private clinic via NHS funding.
Nov 6, 2005
My father had his eyes done in his early 90s which allowed him to keep active and continue to drive until two days before being hospitalised in the hot summer of 2018, but it helped in his subsequent 12 months in a care home as his vision was excellent even at 95. His operation was in a private clinic via NHS funding.
Both my cataract operations were NHS funded, the first in a private clinic but the second in the Birmingham & Midland Eye Centre (BMEC) to ensure full emergency cover in case my heart caused issues!

The NHS - private clinic arrangements work both ways - my wife needs an eye operation for Glaucoma, for which there's a 9-month NHS waiting list so we're going private to avoid the delay and the op will probably done on a Sunday at BMEC, which I guess is good income for the NHS and better utilisation of facilities.
Jul 18, 2017
The NHS - private clinic arrangements work both ways - my wife needs an eye operation for Glaucoma, for which there's a 9-month NHS waiting list so we're going private to avoid the delay and the op will probably done on a Sunday at BMEC, which I guess is good income for the NHS and better utilisation of facilities.
Unfortunately where we live the local hospital trust is rated as the worst in the country. Again unfortunately sadly we know that is not hearsay. :cry:
Nov 6, 2005
Unfortunately where we live the local hospital trust is rated as the worst in the country. Again unfortunately sadly we know that is not hearsay. :cry:
We're on the border between two major hospital trusts - one is a PITA to get to/from by public transport so we avoid it whenever possible - the other has a very poor reputation but they've always been there when we needed them so we still choose them.

I don't know how their statistics stack up but a recent 24-hour stay in A&E at Gloucester seemed to show that they were a lot less stretched than Birmingham hospitals.
Jul 18, 2017
We're on the border between two major hospital trusts - one is a PITA to get to/from by public transport so we avoid it whenever possible - the other has a very poor reputation but they've always been there when we needed them so we still choose them.

I don't know how their statistics stack up but a recent 24-hour stay in A&E at Gloucester seemed to show that they were a lot less stretched than Birmingham hospitals.
We are in Worcester. Worst of all before Worcester, Redditch and Kidderminster amalgamated under one trust to "save" money. Kidderminster was our hospital of choice.

However in their infinite wisdom and for reasons only known to themselves they virtually shut down Kidderminster hospital and closed the A&E despite the fact that the population was expanding.

There was a huge outcry about this as a long way to travel from Kidderminster to Worcester in an emergency. In addition, the people of Kidderminster had raised money to donate a MRI machine to the hospital and were very aggrieved when it was then transferred to Worcester hospital.

Now it is required back at Kidderminster, but no funds available! You can't make it up! They are slowing reopening it for minor surgery, but still long delays.
Jun 6, 2006
When my wife had her cataracts done they fitted her with wonky vision, one lens distance, one lens reading, she had contact lenses and prescription glasses the same years ago. My contact lenses are the same, one distance one reading, it’s worked well for me for years, saves all the messing around with glasses for this or that. Trouble with graduated glasses you have to have your head at the right angle for them to work, take Dennis Tailor for instance, when he was playing he had his the other way up.
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