Yes, mine are NHS eyes. I understood privately I could have had more compliant material lens than the then NHS but it was very expensive and my consultant said for minimum real life benefit.Do they do cataract removal on the NHS and if so what to they do as apparently I have cataracts in my right eye. Apparently the operation can cost about £5000?
You probably will not want to know what they do, just accept its now very low risk, is painless, quick, out patient, only requiring drops for about two weeks post the event. Both my ops were brought forward by accepting cancellations at very short notices.
Mine were two sessions per eye, an assessment and measuring session to order up the right specificationlens, then two weeks later the op itself. In my case they would only do one eye at a time with about a two month space between these; this to mitigate the risk associated should it go wrong, I understood if number one was a failure they would not do number two. Both were fantastic jobs.
If like friends you don't want the details of the op seek no further.
If like me you have this urge to be informed you can Google it. Basically they ultrasonically fluidised the God given lens and extract this liqueur from its sack, then through a little cut inserted a pre selected plastic lens back into the sack. Your eye is numbed just by the use of a few drops. My sight returned in minutes, I understand some people take into hours to regain proper sight.
Post the op there is a possibility that the trauma can lead to a increase in the opaqueness of the back of the lens sack, this is cured by burning a hole in that sack's rear with a laser. Again totally painless hourish op following a couple of assessment appointments; I had to have one done. I can't remember the exact probability of this happening but was not minimum like one in a few thousand, more like one in 20? Even that might be more related to these cataract ops being much more likely in older people?
Oh forgot, Winchester gave me a rich tea, just the one, and cup of tea post op in the post op waiting room. I was not allowed to drive home.
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