Swift Group Waranty

Apr 7, 2008
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Hi All

Our Abbey GTS416 is two years old in May. To date we have been thrilled with its performance. At the week end on the first trip out of the year, only one week after picking it up from service, my wife spotted a leak from the vanity sink in the bathroom. On closer investigation there is actually a circular crack in the plastic around an inch long where the plug hole has been formed and drilled, and I would think where the plastic is therefore thinest and been stressed during manufacture. No worries I thought after reading the warranty book carefully, it is covered. Wrong!! After speaking with Highbridge Caravans this morning I have been informed that Swift have rejected to date all warranty claims regarding repairs to this sink on the basis that the damage is caused by products used for cleaning. For one my wife never uses such things in the van. Secondly there is a warning note on the sink from new not to use anything other than warm water to clean, therefore thats all that has been used. The sink has to be fixed and I will reluctantly have to pay. I will however having sought advice from my niece this morning who is a solicitor be making a claim in the small claims court. Anyone else out there had/having the same problem?

Swift can of course claim what they like, however evidence based testing needs to be present and I hope they have it. Products need to be fit for purpose and not need replacing every couple of years after minimal/light use.

Thanks for any replies

Nigel T
Jan 3, 2007
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Nigel.....The exact same thing happened to our 2005 Abbey Spectrum washroom sink last year (also when the van was two years old).

We emailed photos to our dealer and they then got approval from Swift to replace the sink FOC under warrenty. The sink was duly ordered and we had it fitted a couple of weeks later.

On talking to the fitter at the time he said they had repalced about 4 of these sink units in three months and he thought the fault was because the plastic around the sink drain is too thin and the flexing of the pipes when the van is in motion causes undue pressure on this part of the sink, which is the weakest part of the sink.

I suggest, providing there is no evidence of damage caused by you using the incorrect cleaning materials, that you take the matter up as a formal complaint.

good luck, Mal
Feb 26, 2008
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I used to have a Swift Challenger 490SEL & whilst on holiday in Bayonne, the whole sink plughole broke away leaving a large hole in the bottom of the sink. On reflection I think this was a combination of thin plastic around the plughole and the pressure exerted on the area when pushing the plug into place. All I could do was panic & didn't have time to think about Warranty repairs etc. I just went off to the local M Bricolage and made up a large washer type arrangement by cutting the centre out of a stainless steel sink strainer & using the remaining outer edge + Using some sealant etc. + the old plug hole centre, I was able to put it all back together again & it worked perfectly. What I have now looks perfectly OK, is stronger than It ever was before and all for 3-4 euros. Don't bothr getting a new sink (with all the hassle), do it yourself.
Aug 4, 2004
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Take Highbridge to the small claims court and you will win hands down as you are cocvered by the Sale of Goods Act and the basin is an integral part of the caravan. Your issue is with the dealer and not Swift.

Lots of useful advice at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/
Nov 13, 2007
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Please get in touch with us and let us have a look at your case. Our email address is enquiries@swiftleisure.co.uk or telephone us on 01482 875740.

Ideally we need your serial number but we should be able to find your details with your postcode.

I will tell the team to look out for you.


Apr 7, 2008
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Thank you Kath, I was rather hoping that you were going to reply.

Highbridge have rung me this morning and we are arranging to have the sink fixed. They are normally very helpful and are more concillitory today about under warranty or not. Its nice to know that you are there for help.

Nigel T
Apr 22, 2008
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I had the very same issue with a Sterling 2006 model, which I purchased via Nene Court dealers, they agreed to change it under warranty. I do note that this is a very common defect and the plastics company who make these needs to be advised that the product is simply not fit for purpose, but only Swift can take this up with them. Best of luck