Swimming pool trouble


Mar 14, 2005
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Moderator Note:
Post removed.
Content not suitable for this forum.
If the OP wishes to post such "jokes" please find an alternative forum which will allow it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Some one has jumped in the deep end


Mar 14, 2005
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Quote "Methinks another topic about a certain supermarket as also vanished "

Yes it has, you are quite right.

The subject was raised about two weeks ago, for which I was accused of "promoting" the said supermarket, so it was a duplicate topic, BUT, instead of staying on topic which was about the reduction in points value, it was hijacked into a slagging off of employees.

That kind of hijacking is uncalled for,and as several members of the forum work for such outlets it was certainly not appropriate.
Jun 8, 2010
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It would be interesting to hear from other contributors to see if anybody was offended by the very harmless joke that I posted.To remove it was immature and a gross over reaction.It neither glamourised or criticised the group of people mentioned and the offending word was one used regularly on daytime TV.
Mr moderator is being silly and if he can not laugh at a harmless joke he should not be in charge of moderating jokes.

I would,however,be interested in hearing from anyone who read the harmless joke(no speech marks) before it was removed .


Mar 14, 2005
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Here we go again,,,,,,,,,, every time a posting is removed it is the Moderators fault, it is never the Original Poster who has posted something which is not allowed.
Forum Rules are few and very easy to read and understand, and in this case particularly Rule 1.

As for the "he should not be in charge of moderating jokes."
He, or should I say we, are not here to "be in charge of moderating jokes" we ARE here to make sure that the wishes of the owners of the site, Haymarket, are adhered to and to stop the forum returning to what it used to be like a few years ago.

As I posted above, if you wish to post such items, find a forum which will allow it, it will not be on this Forum.
Apr 20, 2009
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I was one t and had to read it three or four times to try and get my head around it.
When I got my head around it I could'nt believe it was on the forum.

WELL DONE to Damien, swift action taken to which many more contributors need not feel like being SICK .
Jun 8, 2010
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I have re read and understood the rules,in particular Rule 1 and really can't see that it fell into any of those categories BUT big brother has removed it and I must accept his decision ,or their decision .This will prevent any further upset to contributors like Gagakev. If anyone was upset then it was not intended.
Beam me up Scottie!


Mar 14, 2005
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I didn't see the joke but am intrigued by the 'group of people' remark.

If the mods could pass on my email address, could the original poster email it to me and I will give my opinion on it.

I have absolutely no idea what the joke was about, nor to which 'group of people' it refers to. I will back Damian up in his comment about previous posts in years gone by, there was quite often heinous posts made by some people. However, the moderation on here now is very good indeed.

If you don't email me, then I'll post that on here too because whether I see no problem with the joke, or whether I find it funny, I will respond. You asked for other people's opinions.

Many thanks.

Jun 8, 2010
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Hi Lisa I don't know if it will be allowed but I will send you the original joke if I do get your e address.
The whole thing is now a bit of a joke but another opinion would be welcomed.
Thanks, here's hoping.
Apr 20, 2009
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RogerB said:
I have re read and understood the rules,in particular Rule 1 and really can't see that it fell into any of those categories
It doesnt matter if you "cant see that it fell into any of those categories" MORAL standards come to mind.
BUT big brother has removed it and I must accept his decision ,or their decision .
This will prevent any further upset to contributors like Gagakev.
You asked for others opinion, this I gave and trust me as I work in the construction Industry I am not easily offended !!
If anyone was upset then it was not intended.
Beam me up Scottie!
As the post was removed I personally think it would be best now to let it rest.
But I doubt this will be the case as others are now intrigued.
Jan 19, 2008
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RogerB said:
It would be interesting to hear from other contributors to see if anybody was offended by the very harmless joke that I posted.

I never saw the joke but it was, rightly or wrongly, deleted so there is no need to email it to me. I don't wish to be judge or jury after the event. The matter should now be dropped and put to bed without carrying it on.
May 4, 2005
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LMH said:
I didn't see the joke but am intrigued by the 'group of people' remark.

If the mods could pass on my email address, could the original poster email it to me and I will give my opinion on it.

I have absolutely no idea what the joke was about, nor to which 'group of people' it refers to. I will back Damian up in his comment about previous posts in years gone by, there was quite often heinous posts made by some people. However, the moderation on here now is very good indeed.

If you don't email me, then I'll post that on here too because whether I see no problem with the joke, or whether I find it funny, I will respond. You asked for other people's opinions.

Many thanks.


Forward it over Lisa ,I like a good joke.
Oct 30, 2009
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Damian-Moderator said:
Quote "Methinks another topic about a certain supermarket as also vanished "

Yes it has, you are quite right.

The subject was raised about two weeks ago, for which I was accused of "promoting" the said supermarket, so it was a duplicate topic, BUT, instead of staying on topic which was about the reduction in points value, it was hijacked into a slagging off of employees.

That kind of hijacking is uncalled for,and as several members of the forum work for such outlets it was certainly not appropriate.

so the question is why pull the whole topic not just the offending posts.
it may not be politically correct to criticise large supermarkets wether you work for/or have worked for one or not as the case may be but at least the wider general public should be allowed to make up their own mind about it.

Aug 12, 2007
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My opinion, since you've asked for them: I didn't find the joke at all funny. However, what I did find amusing was the fact that the OP originally got the joke wrong, and had to correct himself!
Oct 9, 2010
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I never saw the joke but I'm happy to apologise for the supermarket comment if anyone was really offended. And sorry Damian but my friend is a Doctor and has the neatest clearest hand writing I think I've ever seen and my own Doc's hand writing is also very clear and readable. If I posted "well we all know about Doctor's writing" do any Doctor's frequenting this forum have to get offended. I never posted or saw any slagging off of employees on mass!
There are bad and dopy employees in most jobs, but in other businesses they do not tend to end up on the front line interacting with the paying customers.
If we can't post that we had a dopy caravan servicing machanic ( obviously not namimg names or dealer) for fear that every caravan dealer employee is going to take that as offensive what can we post here? Does Nigel Donnely take offense if Daily Mail journalists lare labeled as twisted hacks?
As a reader of forums I feel that I should moderate my interpretation of what is posted as obviously we do not all agree with all posts but I don't expect a post to be removed as someone questions the ability of someone from my line of work

ps, Ros just told me about the 'Joke'.
Good call Damian
Aug 12, 2007
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I can't now remember who originally posted the unflattering comments about supermarket checkout operators. As you may have gathered, I used to work for 'Very Little Helps', working on the checkouts, shelf filling, warehouse and doing the picking for the home delivery shopping, I did it for nearly 4 years. I have to say I was a bit put out at being labelled a 'twink/miserable git/dozy whatever it was'.......the impression I got from the posting was that it was a sweeping generalisation covering virtually all supermarket workers. However, I didn't complain to the mods about it, nor ask for it to be removed...it's only the opinion of someone I've never met on a forum, and isn't going to have a huge impact on my life!
And, of course, the OP may have had the misfortune to only ever have encountered dozy twinks, LOL (how awful!).

It is a fact of life that there is a small section of society who DO treat all supermarket workers as if they are idiots - well, we aren't all the same, and you get dozy idiots in all walks of life. And thankfully, most customers aren't like that.

As to the joke - as I said before, I didn't find it at all funny and thought it was in poor taste, actually. But then again, we've all got different senses of humour - I tend to laugh at stupid schoolboy-type stuff (I've even been known to laugh when someone falls over - how wicked is that! lol). The world would be a very boring place if we were all identical in our outlook.
Oct 9, 2010
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I'm very sorry Soozeeg and I aplogise to you, but you mis-read what I was saying. I made the 'twink' post, If you read that it was labelling ALL supermarket staff may be you could please re read posts in future as that was not what I meant or what I posted I can assure you

I'm polite to everyone including all shop staff, I just expect the same in return, I don't care how bad a day they have had or what other customers do or how they treat them. All suermarket staff are not dozy twinks likewise nor are all staff awkward, rude or difficult and I don;t appreciate being directly labelled that way by people who do not know me


Nov 12, 2009
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I didn't see the joke that was taken down but the problem with jokes is that not everyone finds them tasteful or even funny although many others might enjoy and appreciate the same joke.
For that reason a public caravan forum which is strongly associated with the leading caravan magazine in the country might not be the best place to share the jokes however inoffensive they may seem at the time.

All mainstream family oriented magazines and publications operate in a politically correct environment, it's the world that we live in however much we may disagree with some of the boundaries that now exist.
This forum is meant to represent the online voice of caravanners and in particular readers of Practical Caravan magazine so a general rule of thumb is that if a comment, statememnt, joke or whatever wouldn't be printed in the magazine for all to read then the chances are that it couldn't be left on the forum.

Nobody enjoys seeing their posts taken down but please bear in mind that the removal of a post for whatever reason is not meant to be taken personally and does not reflect any opinion of the author, only the post or comment comes under scrutiny.

The same thing applies to the comments about supermarket or other service industry employees, even if we have been annoyed at times by someone who is supposed to help or provide a good level of customer service and post our thoughts onto this forum the moderators have to take into account the overall effect that these comments might have on the forum as a whole.

This is why sometimes it might be a better bet to get rid of entire topics, not because of one or two slightly contentious comments but because past experience has shown us where these things can lead to.

Does anybody remember the regular Sunday forum bloodbaths of not so long ago?

Some comment would cause a minor irritation and other members would retalliate (quite naturally) with their own views which would be opposed to the first comment. The thing would start off very quietly and slowly but the comments would become more heated as time went on. Add to the mix one or two 'mischief makers' who enjoyed stirring the pot and before anybody knew what had happened we'd have valued members 'leaving' swearing never to use the forum again, one or two suspensions which always cause ill feeling and the mods being shot at from all sides.

While the mayhem was going on the mods would also be receiving and trying to answer emails from irate members either complaining about untoward comments or complaining because their post had been deleted.
What a nightmare that was !!!

We now have effective tools with which to moderate the forum so those bad old days are gone for good. They were very entertaining for those not involved but the reputation of Practical Caravan forum plummeted and we would read derisive comments about how unfriendly and hostile this forum was on other caravan forums.

That can't happen again so if anyone is upset because their post was taken down we're happy to try to explain but please be assured that it's nothing personal.
Aug 12, 2007
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No apology necessary, OmOnWeelz, but thank you anyway.
As for the suggestion that I re-read posts.....I did actually, a few times. As I said previously, that was the impression I personally got from your post, rightly or wrongly - perhaps your post was possibly a little ambiguous?
Anyway, it's all ancient history now, no harm done to anybody, and we're all still friends


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