The Pearly Gates
40 Gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their Transit vans and caravans.
St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones up God, saying. 'I've got 40
travellers here. Can I let them in?'
God says 'We are over quota on Pikeys. Go out to the Pearly Gates and tell them to choose
between them which are the 12 most worthy, and I will let just the dozen in.'
Less than a minute later St Peter is on the phone to God again. 'They've
gone', he tells God.
'What?' says God, 'All 40 of them?'
'No, the Pearly Gates'.
40 Gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their Transit vans and caravans.
St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones up God, saying. 'I've got 40
travellers here. Can I let them in?'
God says 'We are over quota on Pikeys. Go out to the Pearly Gates and tell them to choose
between them which are the 12 most worthy, and I will let just the dozen in.'
Less than a minute later St Peter is on the phone to God again. 'They've
gone', he tells God.
'What?' says God, 'All 40 of them?'
'No, the Pearly Gates'.