there's a storm comming

Mar 13, 2007
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why is it that in these days of global warming and climet change when eco friendly this and that is the modern philosophy are caravans bucking the trend and getting bigger and less energy efficient

yes we can fit solar panels to charge the battery but plug in the hook up just the same, caravan manufacturers dont seem bothered about this either just building bigger heavier vans for us to tow using 4x4s or big heavy cars

and what do we do when we have bought our tow vehicle leave it in the garage when it's not towing, of course not we have paid for it so so it's going to get used, taking the kids to school commuting to work doing the shopping in ect.

not very eco friendly is it,no we might think but thats how things are you cannot stop progress can you just carry on it will be all right

but watch out there's a storm comming it may be out there on the horizon but it's getting bigger and it's comming our way!

when the evromentalists and the politically correct brigade turn their attentions on to us beware our hobby will be in danger it's started allready with Β£400 road tax

proposed road pricing and mot,s for vans are just a start what will be next extra charges for trialers no towing in busy towns and cities council tax charges for vans parked at home and god knows what else

can't happen, won't happen, that's probably what smokers thought 20 years ago and look how that's turned out. we should take a serious look at our hobby and try to change things before they do it for us.

any idea's share them,

mine was to go lighter much lighter I changed the 18ft bessacar and 3litre volvo, (there is only two of us now the kids have grown up) in favor of a light weight bailey and the smallest car possible that would tow it a 1.9 renault but thats just my contribution
May 12, 2006
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" and what do we do when we have bought our tow vehicle leave it in the garage when it's not towing, of course not we have paid for it so so it's going to get used, taking the kids to school commuting to work doing the shopping in ect.

Sorry Colinn,

Please Don't speak for Us. No we don't use our 4x4 for running around town, we use our eco friendly Polo for that. Caravans and Cars are like Houses. The bigger they are the more you pay !!!!.that's it

Val & Frank
Dec 16, 2003
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We have been hammered with council taxes and water charges, home fuel costs and and robbed as motorists for years.

Our pension funds have been plundered and with numerous stealth taxes we are paying for a lot more of out politicians whims than we care to think of.

Blair can come up with every excuse he wants but military action he's been responsible for wipes out any green moves the caravan industry could make many times over.

Because someone drives a larger car and tows a big caravan it does not mean that they have a bigger "carbon" foot print than many others.

Size of car and caravan does not determine the size of house or how green a life style they lead.

We have a big to car and will soon have a big caravan again, but our life style has changed in other ways so why should we or anyone else be punished.

The caravan industry could make some changes in materials and build processes to keep weight down, but the storm will only come if we don't stand up to the numpties running the asylum.
May 12, 2006
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Agree with Cris on this, we recycle everything we can. We keep our central heating as low as possible. Just fitted a new energy efficient combi boiler, bought a fast spin washer to reduce tumble drier cost.Insulated the house.

We have a big Van just for the two of us, so we don't need to lug an awning, thus saving weight/fuel.

For goodness sake what else do you want us to do ????

Val & Frank
Dec 16, 2003
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SNAP - Frank.

My wife was running her own recyling business before I met her in the seventies, she raised her first house deposit as her salary wouldn't finance it by selling waste paper and cardboard and moved in to alluminium before many others.

All my work waste has been recycled ever since I started on my own.

A business coleague has been trying to get a plastic waste product recycled for five years but no one will take it on so it all goes to landfill but we understand it is made from recycled plastic in the first place and imported.

Recently he's been told that diesel and trucking costs make recyling un-viable in the UK, but that a continental company may be interested in collecting if they can fill an Artic lorry every trip.

The joke is that the end user has to pay for supposed green disposal but no one wants to know !

Another case of Ostrich government - Feed off of what is popular and then bury head in sand!
Mar 29, 2006
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What i want to know is are all these so called experts who bang on about global warming, thus giving the goverment an excuse to tax us beyond belief, the same ones who were talking about the comming of a second ice-age when I was at school?
Mar 13, 2007
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hi evereyone

I would not disagree with any of the comments so far, but it is up to us as individuals to do what we can to offset the results of climet change even when it seems pointless doing so.

it is as a group that we can make the most impact and in conjunction with other groups start to make a real difference.

the numpties running the asylum as chris puts are only there because we elected them .

they are sensitive to public opinion though, and if public opinion is for us so to speak, they will leave us alone, if on the other hand public opinion goes against us watch out!.

thats where my reference to the storm comes from and the bit about smoking 20 years ago.

maybe the storm won't come? with a change in the wind direction it might not I hope not because it's just about the only thing (a soon to be retired worked all my life) manual worker has got to look forward to.

lifes trials and tribulations have unfortunatly left there scars and I tend to see the glass 1/2 empty instead of 1/2 full like I did in my youth

cravanning to me is an escape to the counrty a 2weeks break from

back breaking toil trying to keep up with other workers 1/3 my age and I dont want it spoilt

when I can eventually retire and can go anywhere anytime for a long as I like I want to be able to, but fear I wont be able to afford it and if the numpties get involved I wont.

if caravanning is seen to be anti eco friendly and energy expensive they will get involved eventually and only the more well off of us will I belive be able to participate
Apr 17, 2007
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hi evereyone

I would not disagree with any of the comments so far, but it is up to us as individuals to do what we can to offset the results of climet change even when it seems pointless doing so.

it is as a group that we can make the most impact and in conjunction with other groups start to make a real difference.

the numpties running the asylum as chris puts are only there because we elected them .

they are sensitive to public opinion though, and if public opinion is for us so to speak, they will leave us alone, if on the other hand public opinion goes against us watch out!.

thats where my reference to the storm comes from and the bit about smoking 20 years ago.

maybe the storm won't come? with a change in the wind direction it might not I hope not because it's just about the only thing (a soon to be retired worked all my life) manual worker has got to look forward to.

lifes trials and tribulations have unfortunatly left there scars and I tend to see the glass 1/2 empty instead of 1/2 full like I did in my youth

cravanning to me is an escape to the counrty a 2weeks break from

back breaking toil trying to keep up with other workers 1/3 my age and I dont want it spoilt

when I can eventually retire and can go anywhere anytime for a long as I like I want to be able to, but fear I wont be able to afford it and if the numpties get involved I wont.

if caravanning is seen to be anti eco friendly and energy expensive they will get involved eventually and only the more well off of us will I belive be able to participate
Everyone would go off the idea that global warming is happening if they came down to Spain just now. All the time it
Mar 16, 2005
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Climate change, so, really, so.

Yet again man is sticking his nose in something he has absolutely no idea about what so ever..........

Climate change has alway taken part in one form or another,

what we on the otherhand are doing is playing at god,yet again

without actually being even 75% sure of how, why, when, if, what

effect we are contributing and what effect will our insistance

on sticking our noses in will have on the future.......

Problem is there are more than 2 thoughts on how we are effecting

things, biggest problem is most reports come from scientist,

who are on government payroles.

Bit like the police really, who's job is to prove you guilt,and

not even look at proving you innocent.

These scientists groups have a criteria set by the paymasters,

if that wasn't bad enough the paymasters then edit their

findings to suit............

Finally why is it, in normal dailey life we all call politicians

a bunch of W, yet over this issue we trust them, like any of

them know anything about it, remember they are politicians.......
Mar 14, 2005
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What i want to know is are all these so called experts who bang on about global warming, thus giving the goverment an excuse to tax us beyond belief, the same ones who were talking about the comming of a second ice-age when I was at school?
Err.......yes......strange, uh?
Apr 18, 2005
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I really think caravans are the last thing to worry about .As far as weight is concerned caravans have got lighter and cars more efficient .

I was taken ill the other week and rushed into hospital so when I came out I thought I would do my bit for the climate change .

Yes I bought a new Bailey Ranger 620/6 and I will be heading for it just as soon as my caravan arives and if the climate hasn't changed by Paris I will head a bit further south.

Keep on caravanning folks I don't think HM the Queen gives a hoot when all the lights are on in Buckingham Palace do you
Jul 12, 2005
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Many scientists are now saying that we are not the cause or cannot change global warming. So I see this thread as just another attempt to wind up users of this forum.

I do not care that my 4x4 puts out more CO2 than the average car. When the government taxes me out of using it I will return to flying thousands of miles several times a year.

Now, if this was such a problem to you colin then you would sell your car and van and take up bike holidays.
Mar 13, 2007
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well steve there you go thats the other side of the coin isn't it, your opinion is your own as is mine

I am not going to get into trading insults ect as that would give someone a good excuse to delete this thread and the topic is too important for that

however uncomfortable or not anyone is with the situation is up to them but some facts are not in dispute.

1. anyone old enough will remember the pea soupers of a few decades ago caused by industrial polution and households buring raw coal:

the heavy industries closed down households went smokless and the pea soupers all but dissapered.

2. the winds blowing across the equator that brings rain have changed direction causing drought in africa and flooding in asia

3. when public opinion and ultimately politics gets involved in a subject the focus of (that subject) gets changed or destroyed

3. once pulic opinion gets there teeth into
Oct 9, 2006
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My 4x4 is only used for towing the caravan, my wife has a low carbon car and I push bike 10 miles every day to work.

To top it off I fill my car with veg oil.
Mar 14, 2005
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When someone comes up with indisputable facts and a clear and efficiant solution that if fare for all, the 6.2 none catalyst diesel keeps rolling along.


Because if you can argue for something like that, you can argue for anything (and I can).

It's time the politicians got honest.
Apr 26, 2007
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When someone comes up with indisputable facts and a clear and efficiant solution that if fare for all, the 6.2 none catalyst diesel keeps rolling along.


Because if you can argue for something like that, you can argue for anything (and I can).

It's time the politicians got honest.
Ah so caravanners are now THE major factor in global warming... Yeah right????? Well we certainly seem to be paying for it, with HUGE road tax hikes for my Sorrento and road charges coming to a town near you soon.

Never mind, that new Diso owners all ready pay for their carbon footprint for 45000 miles (thanks PC magazine) AND as a caravanner I am not flying all over the world on gas guzzling 747s or similar for my two weeks every year. Frankly why anyone NOT wanting to barbecue their flesh needs to leave these islands for a holiday is a mystery to me anyway.

Ignoring the emmisions from the developing world, cos it's not their fault the planet is in the pickle it is, anyway, they are just catching up in making their full contribution to the environmental disaster.

The actions of the caravan fraternity is miniscule compared to factories, aircraft etc, especially when 'offset' (well it is THE buzz word for saving the planet) against what we would be contributing to emissions if we travelled by other means and took two weeks in Ibiza every year.

I am dissapointed that someone has actually fallen for propoganda against an easily identifiable section of society, large car and big white/off white thing on the back.

Even in terms of road use, to see the traffic jams on bank holiday roads what proportion are caravan rigs? NOT as high as the propoganda would have us believe, therefore meaning that we are not single handedly making the planet uninhabitable for future generations.

And finally how do the government ensure we don't use our Discos, Sorrentos or other suitable towing car, they merely tax them to death for keeping them, so making us USE them for normal travelling AND not having a more economical and envirnmentally friendly alternative when not towing. Makes perfect sense doesn't it NOT.


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