This Years Weather - How has it affected you?

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Apr 30, 2008
This is our first year of caravan ownership and have been out 4 times so far,

1st trip,weekend away, north yorks, it rained.

2nd trip, week in Scarborough, rained all week but the final day. Came home to 'hottest week of the year so far'

3rd trip, week in Norfolk, it rained. Came home to the next 'hottest week of the year so far'

4th trip, weekend in North yorks, and you've guessed it it rained.

Has it put us off? Absolutely not, we love it.

Be warned however that we are taking the van to the caravan show in Birmingam 18/19 Oct and are in Padstow, Cornwall 29/4 to 3/5

next year.
Feb 24, 2008
We had 2 weeks of rain in cornwall last year so decided there and then that we'd be going back to France this year for our main holiday in search if some sun. A week's wind and rain in Devon earlier this year convinced us we had made the right choice.

Been back a week now after two glorious weeks in the Loire valley. Weather superb - great time had by all.

Bad weather certainly dampens the spirits a bit but I'd have a week away in the rain over a week at home any time. Just make the most of it and enjoy the time with the family.
May 22, 2008
The terrible weather really ruins my time away in the van, weekends are ok but the week we had in Cranfield Near newcastle in NI was a total wash out.

We have 4 kids, and two miniyure schnauzers, and believe you me 6 nights with all of this, with an awning that leaked like a an onion sack, waste of time.

I like nothing more than sitting out, in dry weather, not nessecilary sunny, and the kids can run about, and we all have our space.

Makes for a much nicer break.
Aug 23, 2008
Looks lake you have hit a raw nerve with this one Anthony. I am the one who has posted the Topic on Siting my Van in Spain as I have had enough. Like many others I plan a Holiday be it a 2 week or weekend break. As the time aproaches I start to think about sitting outside, enjoying the weather with a Beer in my hand.But in reallity we all end up sat inside watching the Rain. Last week we had 4 nights in London on Abbey Wood site. Not to bad during the day but bounced down every night. Then on to Sunny dale near Mablethorp. Rained every day, evreyones Vans up to the Axles on sodden pitches. I will either site abroad or sell up and start using the Parrafin Budgie again. Global warming my A**e.
Jul 4, 2005
Hi All,

I started this post about 3 weeks ago. We finally did get to Godrevy Park CC site if a little late due to rain and wind. Happy to say weve just returned from about 10 days where we only had a couple of days light rain - very little Sun though! As people have said in previous posts its down to your clothing to stay dry, but when you have a 5 and 7 year old it's not always that easy and can get very expensive trying to keep them occupied!!

My wife very wisely said we should take the awning down on Saturday evening as it was dry but I was chilling out in a little bit of late sunshine and wanted to relax after a days surfing. So I got up early this morning in the dry and started very quietly pulling the pegs (6.30am) by 7.30 it was hammering down!! And there she stood, looking out the door at me with that 'Told you so' look.

So to sum up we got our 10 days of good'ish' weather and can't wait until next Easter which will be our next venture out.

Finally I think its a shame we wont use the van until next year but thats how it works for us!!!

Happy caravanning...and if anybody wants an Immaculate Abbey 6 berth with fixed bunks, 3 years old, weve got one for sale as were looking to get a new one for next Year!.....Roll on Easter!!!.......
May 25, 2005
Our problem is that we have a very wussy dog who doesn't like to get her fur wet! There you go!!! This is very tonge in cheek! Most dog owners would feel the same about wet doggy smells in the caravan! Unless you are very posh!

Feb 15, 2007
Can`t get any sunshine anymore but will not stop me caravanning just probably have a week abroad next year as well as normal caravan weekends, i`ll cut my 2 weeks in the "summer" to one anyway its gettin just as cheap to go abroad
Aug 28, 2005
I Caravan all year round ,being self employed ,and near retirement ,i just take off when i feel like it , i dont normally go away bank holidays ,i try and wait until every one is returning home ,but on top of the UK breaks ,i have also taken the caravan down to Spain for a month at Xmas , and i have just returned from 3 weeks in southern France with daytime temperatures of 33 C allthough we did have one night storm and one day overcast ,but when the weather is good i dont think you can beat a UK holiday


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