Whilst it may be of academic interest to see how other political systems might legislate and define towing requirements, foreign systems should not be assumed to be acceptable in any other country. There may be some allowance for temporary visitors to use approved foreign systems for a short defined period of time, but for the long run or permanent domicility all local towing protocols should be fully adhered to. Always check the destinations towing law requirements before entering a foreign area.
Regardless of where you are across the globe, the mechanical challenges of towing center axle counter balanced trailers will have similar causes and effects, so the real need for good loading and outfit matching applies everywhere, but local laws and limits vary as might any advisory information.
The Australian system depicted above by Sam, uses different names and acronyms compared the the UK for parts of the outfit, and apparently the advisory values for tongue weight (Nose Load) also differ to the UK.
I am impressed with diagrammes they use as I think it shows detail of how some of the criteria should be measured. Based on many comments here in the forum its clear how some criteria are not fully understood, and that can easily lead to incorrect loading, and an illegal outfit.