Today I have stopped smoking!

May 29, 2007
well people it has now been 24 hours since i had my last ciggarette. I have not yet kill the husband or kicked the dog. I don't feel too bad at all? Any one else out htere given up the dreaded weed?
Jan 19, 2008
I could tell you had stopped smoking Diane. I could read your post without it being clouded in smoke. Well done and keep it up :O)
May 29, 2007
Ria, Not really worried about saving a tree in some third world country,who if the boot was on the other foot, would probably think nothing of getting rid of every last one of our trees.

What i am trying to do is to prolong my life and in my sixtys to have a better quality of life than my dad, who is incidentley dying from a colapsed lung, Kindney failure and has both h & S valves gone in his heart.

It was a wake up call i can tell you! As everyone thinks its the big C that gets smokers. Well smokers read this! My dads poor state of health has not been helped as he has smoked 30 a day for as long as i can remember, and if he had not of smoked 30 a day his lung would not of colapsed and his valves would'nt have clogged and so on!
May 10, 2007
The article I posted in the July 1st thread had some interesting points I had never come across before.

I think you may be saving more than yourself Diane but then again most smokers only seem intersted in themselves and not what efects others.


May 29, 2007
Selfish am not, aware of own health, i am. A tree hugger i am no way. I mind my own. I own a 4x4 coz i want town a 4x4, I don't drink coz i don,t like the taste. In short i am my own person.
Mar 27, 2005
Hi Dianne

Well done keep it up.

You are right do what you want to do and if you stop smoking you will be able to do it for longer. And that is the key, a longer life. I come from a family of smokers but I never smoked, and I always feel quite sad when I see folk light up. I know its none of my business what others do and they would have the right to tell me that but I can relate to your family problems in that I lost my father a couple of years ago through cancer as a result of smoking. People at the time said he had a good innings and I guess at eighty he did but the fact remains if he had not been a smoker how much longer would he have lived for and what a better quality of life he would have had at that?

Ria is of course right but the ecological issue should be seen as a bonus to the true issue which is your health and wellbeing
Jan 2, 2006
Dianne keep it up I was a heavy smoker but gave up around 14 years ago after about 30 years on the weed.I found it amzingly easy to give up but it is down to will power.That is easier said than done I know that but try not to think day to day but by the week.Personally whilst my lungs will now have returned pretty much to normal I have to say I have had more illness since packing up.

That said like yourself it is you and you alone that matters and that does not mean that the likes of Ria are correct to think of yourself is not being selfish,but of course teachers often consider themselves to be better than everyone else and to know better than others but of course they have the time to think about these things given the vast amount of paid holidays they have.

I bet that stirs up a reaction.

Dianne keep up the good work.


Mar 14, 2005
Dianne keep it up I was a heavy smoker but gave up around 14 years ago after about 30 years on the weed.I found it amzingly easy to give up but it is down to will power.That is easier said than done I know that but try not to think day to day but by the week.Personally whilst my lungs will now have returned pretty much to normal I have to say I have had more illness since packing up.

That said like yourself it is you and you alone that matters and that does not mean that the likes of Ria are correct to think of yourself is not being selfish,but of course teachers often consider themselves to be better than everyone else and to know better than others but of course they have the time to think about these things given the vast amount of paid holidays they have.

I bet that stirs up a reaction.

Dianne keep up the good work.
Well said. That deserves a round of applause.

May 29, 2007
Thanks people for your support. It seems that Ria's post has been altered to seem not as offensive as it was. My not so sedated reply has also been altered. Thank you mr. Mod, but i meant every word. I must admit today i could kill for one puff, but i am not going to give.
Jan 19, 2008
Thanks people for your support. It seems that Ria's post has been altered to seem not as offensive as it was. My not so sedated reply has also been altered. Thank you mr. Mod, but i meant every word. I must admit today i could kill for one puff, but i am not going to give.
The longer time goes on the more determined and resolute you will become in not lapsing. In my own case if I had lapsed, the embarrassment in showing how weak I was helped a lot in seeing it out. As I've posted before, I was quite surprised how easy it was after the first couple of days.


Nov 12, 2009
Good luck in giving up smoking Diane

If its of any help to you I found that drinking lots of water helped when I gave up. I dont know if it was the water itself, or just the act of getting up and getting the water whenever the craving became more acute(distracting myself from the nicotine craving) but whatever you do, stick it out!!

Things can only get better from here on in. Enlist the help of your family,friends, your G.P. should be able to help, take a walk, read something,chew something, have a rant on the Forum- nobody ever died or was made ill by any of the above! After a day or two you WILL start to feel better. When a couple of weeks have gone by, spend the money that you would have wasted on tobacco on something good instead.
Jan 2, 2006
Dianne,I obviously do not know what you said originally but I could make a good guess,anyway as LB says stick with it and show everybody how strong willed you are.As a point to be politically correct I am not sure you can say you would like a puff:eek:)
Jul 2, 2007
I am new to the forum, just been reading these posts with great interest. I totally against smoking, i think it is the most obnoxious, money wasting habit that any one can have. But on saying that what really gets up my nose is the holier-than-thou attitude of the anti-smoking brigade.

What i want to know is now the anti smoking have had their way will they be happy to pay extra tax to the goverment for the lost revenue.

my wife is a smoker and i am always nagging her to give it up for her own health and not to save "any trees".

Please do not move to July the 1st Thread.

Well done and keep it up!!
May 10, 2007
Having the will power to give up a habit that has so many un-invited and un-wanted negative effects on others. I would expect a reforming smoker to take some pride and strength from not only helping themselves but helping others be they a blood relative passive smoker or a stranger across a crowded room or someone in the third world.

That does not lessen the fact that they are helping themselves.

As far as I remember, my posts remain the same.

If Plotter's holiday Teacher jibe was aimed at me he should take more note of posts, as he would then realise that I and many others in Teaching get no paid holidays.

Nothing worse than an ex smoker on their high horse claiming will power when millions of others have the will power to live life without a nicotine crutch.


Jan 19, 2008
Ria, with the greatest of respect, by your own admission you haven't smoked so you will never be able to speak with authority on what it's like having smoked and become addicted. I agree with some of your posts regarding smoking but do what you should be able to do best, post on what you have experienced in life :O)

Just a friendly observation you will understand ;O)
Jan 2, 2006
A smoker who is giving up is not a reforming smoker as this implies that they have commited some offence.As regards helping others I presume we refer to trees!however what about all those poor starving people in the third world countries who scratch a living from the tobacco industry are these less important than trees some obviously think so but maybe we should not go there as that could be seen as being controversial for the sake of it I would not wish to be part of that.

The so called jibe was not aimed at anyone in particular but seems to have hit a nerve in some quarters but again some folk thrive on controversy.

At the end of the day as I have siad before good luck Dianne in your efforts in helping yourself,nowt wrong with that.
Jan 19, 2008
Apparently Greece has the highest percentage of smokers in Europe. Apparently they are the only country in Europe to grow tobacco. Is this to be self sufficent? Apparently no, the tobacco they grow is crap and unsmokeable to Europeans. What do they do? Sell it to African countries where it is acceptable :O)
May 10, 2007
Your Lordship.

"Ria, with the greatest of respect, by your own admission you haven't smoked"

I think you need to explain yourself .

I posted some points I had never been aware of before that might be of interst to others having read the July 1 thread. I have been aware that many people are given sympathy and even breaks at work as they are in need of a ciggie,

Poor souls who can't cope with life's foibles or stresses without lighting up, "crawling up" the wall as they can't get out of the office or work space to light up whilst others do their full shift.

I note you are commenting on Muslims and Basque separatists, I assume you to be of Spanish Islamic extraction then.

Take note on your own observation old boy :0)

I echo Plotters comment and good luck to Diane for kicking the smoking habit.

Plotter seems to be jealous of teacher's holidays or why else would he make the comment, I've never been in the position to be a full time teacher with paid holidays and have never wanted that sort of position. So it does not affect me.

But I am a teacher and at least respect those who do the job full time with little thanks or understanding from others outside the profession.

Take note of Lord B's observation Plotter.

Read the post I made in the July 1st thread you will note that it states that tobacco production has very negative consequences on soil and production workers health so the third world worker is not exactly getting a good deal with land stripped of nutrients and health issues for himself.

To me it sounds like exploitation again of many third world people who know nothing of the consequences for their land and health and for what end. SMOKE!

Jan 19, 2008
Your Lordship.

"Ria, with the greatest of respect, by your own admission you haven't smoked"

I think you need to explain yourself .

I posted some points I had never been aware of before that might be of interst to others having read the July 1 thread. I have been aware that many people are given sympathy and even breaks at work as they are in need of a ciggie,

Poor souls who can't cope with life's foibles or stresses without lighting up, "crawling up" the wall as they can't get out of the office or work space to light up whilst others do their full shift.

I note you are commenting on Muslims and Basque separatists, I assume you to be of Spanish Islamic extraction then.

Take note on your own observation old boy :0)

I echo Plotters comment and good luck to Diane for kicking the smoking habit.

Plotter seems to be jealous of teacher's holidays or why else would he make the comment, I've never been in the position to be a full time teacher with paid holidays and have never wanted that sort of position. So it does not affect me.

But I am a teacher and at least respect those who do the job full time with little thanks or understanding from others outside the profession.

Take note of Lord B's observation Plotter.

Read the post I made in the July 1st thread you will note that it states that tobacco production has very negative consequences on soil and production workers health so the third world worker is not exactly getting a good deal with land stripped of nutrients and health issues for himself.

To me it sounds like exploitation again of many third world people who know nothing of the consequences for their land and health and for what end. SMOKE!

"Nothing worse than an ex smoker on their high horse claiming will power when millions of others have the will power to live life without a nicotine crutch".

Nothing like blowing your own trumpet and putting yourself on a pedestal, is there Ria? Not for the first time either ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
Dianne keep it up I was a heavy smoker but gave up around 14 years ago after about 30 years on the weed.I found it amzingly easy to give up but it is down to will power.That is easier said than done I know that but try not to think day to day but by the week.Personally whilst my lungs will now have returned pretty much to normal I have to say I have had more illness since packing up.

That said like yourself it is you and you alone that matters and that does not mean that the likes of Ria are correct to think of yourself is not being selfish,but of course teachers often consider themselves to be better than everyone else and to know better than others but of course they have the time to think about these things given the vast amount of paid holidays they have.

I bet that stirs up a reaction.

Dianne keep up the good work.
Clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap.
Jan 19, 2008
The only comment I made Ria, regarding ETA and the Basques was in reply to Rioja stating it's not ETA that is bombing my homeland .... unless you know better :O)

Does that in your eyes make me an authority on the Basque region?

Take note on your own observation old girl :0)
Jan 19, 2008
Oh dear, I'm forgetting all about the original topic :O(

Carry on Diane, theres a good girl and when you have kicked the habit whatever you do, don't become an "ex smoker on their high horse claiming will power when millions of others have the will power to live life without a nicotine crutch".

Hehheh! ;O)


Mar 14, 2005
Good luck Diane, you sound like a strong person to me, you'll carry it through.

To the others - I expect 'James' will be popping online soon to post on his 'wifes' behalf........

Mar 14, 2005
When I read the exchange between Ria and James / Diane I thought that perhaps Diane was in a mood from the withdrawal symptoms.

I gave up the dreaded weed some 20 years ago, dropping from 60 - 80 a day (yes 60 - 80). I found that I was perfectly calm and in control throughout, it was just that every other b-----d wanted to pick an argument.

Keep it up, it is worth the struggle.


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