I know what you are saying and fully accept that these are law, But the point i am trying to make is that i feel, like a lot of people in this contry feel, that this goverment has gone to far. Yes i agree Charles Kennedy need a kick in the pants, But there we have a perfect example of how far people will go to get votes, as not really agreeing with something , just doing it for the sake of his party.
The other point i was trying to make was when i grew up (last week), My mum never wiped the kitchen with sterile wipes, if was bleachable then it was bleached, if was'nt it got boiled or washed. We watched the telly if we could'nt go out, but if was nice we were off. Some of the stunt we pulled would make mother today hair curl, The point is no one died!
Why is the goverment trying to tell every one how to bring up children, i was 5 in 1971, i grew up through the northern irish conflict, i witnessed the gulf war, i watch them raise the mary rose, i watch them take down the berlin wall,The point is some many sad and happy things have happenend, I and all the people i grew up with are still alive and yet this goverment seem to want control everyones chain of thought. At the end of the day it boils down to 2 things , Money and votes.
We don't need a nanny state, We need a goverment that is here to do as the people want, That includes the freedom of speach, the right to protect your propery, The right to make your own choices and the right to bring up your children as you see fit.