Today I have stopped smoking!

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Mar 14, 2005
When I read the exchange between Ria and James / Diane I thought that perhaps Diane was in a mood from the withdrawal symptoms.

I gave up the dreaded weed some 20 years ago, dropping from 60 - 80 a day (yes 60 - 80). I found that I was perfectly calm and in control throughout, it was just that every other b-----d wanted to pick an argument.

Keep it up, it is worth the struggle.
Jan 2, 2006
'at least respect those who do the job full time with little thanks or understanding' that about sums it up no longer a vocation but merely for self gratification irrespective of the fact the job is well paid (not to mention the holidays of course.LB worked in the Ambulance service and LMH for the fire service but I doubt it is for the thanks and understanding.

Anyway we digress,there may be many crops that are harmful to the soil in fact I would venture to suggest all of them as they remove nutrients.

So you Ria should be fully supporting Dianne for seeking to reduce the harm albeit to fewer workers in the industry than previously do no doubt to reduced demand.Her effort will add to the reduction in income to the government but no doubt some well paid workers will have no problem in paying more tax.

Some figure to mull over:-

80% men smoked in 1948 now 25%

48% women """""""""""""now 23%

May 29, 2007
Hello people, just an update, still have'nt killed anyone, but the dogs not talking to me. STILL NOT SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005

May 29, 2007
I am not using patches or gum. As a matter of fact have beengiven these new tablets, And as we live in wales there no prescription charges. Sorry!


Nov 12, 2009
Well done, keep it up. Is today going to be your 4th day? You are getting to the point now where, having done the most difficult part it would never be worthwhile going back. (not that it would anyway) you are a non smoker now. By the way,I always used to say its easy giving up smoking- i've done it loads of times :0)
Jan 19, 2008
I am not using patches or gum. As a matter of fact have beengiven these new tablets, And as we live in wales there no prescription charges. Sorry!
You are over the worse Diane, it gets easier from now on :O)
Jan 19, 2008
I am not using patches or gum. As a matter of fact have beengiven these new tablets, And as we live in wales there no prescription charges. Sorry!
BTW - don't think you could never smoke another *** Diane, because you could. Even after 15 years I could still smoke a *** but the difference is you no longer crave for one.
May 29, 2007
Thanks LB, I was hoping i will get better. And yes today is my 4th day though LB said to count in weeks not days, So i just want to get through the first week and i can say i have done it. I remember when i gave up before and was temted back to ciggies i did'nt like the taste and never liked the taste, Thats what keeping me going.

Huge Thanks to everyone for your support.

Will update you all when i have done a week! :)


Nov 12, 2009
I see that on the 6 o clock news it says that Charles Kennedy the ex Liberal Democrat leader has been spoken to by police for smoking aboard a train. Do as I say, not as I do. He had his son with him too. What a shining example.
May 29, 2007
is this a free country any more? Are we aloud to make our own choices any more, I think not. Not unless this goverment stops trying to turn this country into old russia. No not joking we are not even aloud basic choices anymore.

When i a youngster(last week) We spent our summers roaming the field armed with sandwiches and bottles of pop which we all drank out of, we never wore shoes, and got very tanned. We lived on fish fingers and beefburgers and sausages made from the buchers. If you misbehaved, you got a smack, if your mum was'nt around , and you were naughty you got a smack from some elses mum.

Yes some things have changed for the better and a lot of things for the worse But one things for sure they must have done it right back then, Cos were all still around alive and kicking.

Makes you think, This goverments political correctness has gone to far, the greenies are being aloud to take over, An this country is being turned into a police run state!

Ah, that feels so much better.!!!
Feb 3, 2006
Diane, you are starting to loose it, but hang on in there ,don't give in to temptation.Make it 7 days without a *** !


Nov 12, 2009

My point wasn't wether we agree with the new laws or not, there are a good many things going on in this country that I dislike. What I was saying is that you and I have to abide by the law, but Charles Kennedy M.P. had the opportunity to vote in Parliament on this issue. Having done so he should at least stick to laws that he helped to pass. B.t w. I too remember those far off summers of long ago, the only difference is when I was a kid they hadn't invented beefburgers etc :)
May 29, 2007
I know what you are saying and fully accept that these are law, But the point i am trying to make is that i feel, like a lot of people in this contry feel, that this goverment has gone to far. Yes i agree Charles Kennedy need a kick in the pants, But there we have a perfect example of how far people will go to get votes, as not really agreeing with something , just doing it for the sake of his party.

The other point i was trying to make was when i grew up (last week), My mum never wiped the kitchen with sterile wipes, if was bleachable then it was bleached, if was'nt it got boiled or washed. We watched the telly if we could'nt go out, but if was nice we were off. Some of the stunt we pulled would make mother today hair curl, The point is no one died!

Why is the goverment trying to tell every one how to bring up children, i was 5 in 1971, i grew up through the northern irish conflict, i witnessed the gulf war, i watch them raise the mary rose, i watch them take down the berlin wall,The point is some many sad and happy things have happenend, I and all the people i grew up with are still alive and yet this goverment seem to want control everyones chain of thought. At the end of the day it boils down to 2 things , Money and votes.

We don't need a nanny state, We need a goverment that is here to do as the people want, That includes the freedom of speach, the right to protect your propery, The right to make your own choices and the right to bring up your children as you see fit.


Mar 14, 2005
Never mind the smokers, what about the bright sparks who decided to grant pubs 'all day opening hours'. Night clubs open till 4am? You should see some of the sights in the city centre at that time coupled with the violence. I'm dreading it when my daughter reaches the age where she wants to go into the city centre at night time.

Jan 19, 2008
........ and allowing children into pubs. A parent cannot as much as lay a finger on their child but they are allowed to take them into bars which up until now was full of smoke. They are allowed to witness drunken behaviour that goes with booze like profanity and fighting.

We are an alkie nation as it is but whereas before the over indulging after 2am went on in their homes now they can pour it down their necks till the cows come home.

City centres are like open sewers from people urinating in alley's or shop doorways (ok I know thats always happened in France).

When I was working we used to have to have an ambulance stood by in the town, probably so we could dash out and catch the drunk before their head hit the deck. Girls were worse than males for bad behaviour and some couldn't care less what they flashed at you. That was the only bonus of being on weekend nights ... hehheh!
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Diane,

Congratulations on giving up, sorry to hear about your Dad but this same thing has happened to lots of people that I have met and worked with over the years.

I gave up in 1959, having spent nearly two years in Germany national service , where you could buy 20 packet of duty free senior sevice for 10p.

Back in civvy street the same 20 packet of cigarettes cost about 40p, so I stopped as i was saving up to getting married.

In those days there where no health warnings on the packets, we where all unaware of the damage smoking could do to you.

My father in law died at the young age of 63 suffering from the damaged lungs through smoking.

Not sure what people are refering to when they mention trees.

Feb 24, 2007

I am a smoker and at the moment i dont want to give up ... my choice and no one else's.

Why on earth did this government not give us a choice, why not have smoking and none smoking pubs, clubs, etc.

Its a question of do as we say or your in trouble.

It just makes my blood boil when everyone has a go at us. We are not lepers.

When i go for a drink socially i smoke away from my friends or in a restuarant wait until i am outside , i respect the non smokers and all you get is moaned at. Like i said in previous post just wait until the council tax rises to pay for the smoke police who will be moaning now .... not us we did not ask for this law.
May 29, 2007
Well folks one week done, i have now been a non smoker for a whole week. I have developed a horrible tickle in my throat that makes me cough, is this normal.

Well at least the headaches have stopped and the urge to throw something has left me and best of all the dogs talking to me again!!!:-}
Jan 19, 2008
Diane, lining your airways are minute hairs called cillia. These help to keep your airways including your lungs clear of dirt by a wave like motion which if I recall rightly is called peristalsis ( a similar action happens in the oesophagus and intestines to help move food).

From years of smoking these cillia are damaged but will eventually recover after having stopped. Don't be surprised if you start coughing up a lot of mucous either eventually, that will show that your airways are repairing themselves. One thing that is certain is it will take time to repair itself so stick at it girl.
Mar 14, 2005
I would like to echo these sentiments, Diane. It's a great thing you are doing. Along with all the other people that have decided to take back control of their life, you're through the hardest point. Don't get me wrong, it still isn't going to be easy to achieve, it will require more determination from you and support from the people who care. At the end of the day, it's going to be worth it, not for saving money or helping the NHS. Not for a multitude of reasons, the only one that matters is you, it's because it's good for you. Don't worry about putting weight on, that can come off later. Or that you seem irritable on occasion, that won't last either. It takes guts to make the decision to stop, don't let it get you down. Regular posts on here by your good self may be beneficial to both your and others that may want to give up. It only gets easier from now on in..
May 29, 2007
Thanks Lol,Not been such a good day today nearly fell off the wagon at one point. ( See post"Thought about killing the Husband today").
Mar 14, 2005
You don't need me telling you not to smoke Diane, you know that already. You will come across times when the temptation is great, but those times will become less frequent and shorter in duration, I promise. Besides, in a recent court case, when a wife killed her husband, after giving up smoking, she was acquitted and given a merit badge for her 3rd week off the weed.

Kidding! Don't go and kill the husband yet, not until you have your first month merit badge, at least!


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