First of all Diane well done for kicking the weed into touch - I hope you manage to resist temptation and kill the habit for good. Every time you think of buying a packet of ciggys put the money one side and see how quick it will mount up and use it as a bonus for yourself and family. It must however be hard as your working environment includes the sale of tobacco. Now the down side - will it be safe for me to go to T***O (Brewery Lane) in future for my deisel? Do the staff there know of your new ways and the possible backlash of a frayed temper? hehehehe.
In response to Plotter's comments regarding teachers, as you are probably aware I am a retired College Lecturer who was employed on a full time permanent contract. We had longer holidays than the schools and they were paid leave. And yes I did enjoy the nice long holidays with pay and now I enjoy the good pension I am receiving for 30 years of contribution. So all you hard working, short holiday individuals - TOUGH. I enjoyed every minute of mine and with no feeling of guilt at all SO THERE. again hehehehe