Today I have stopped smoking!

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Mar 14, 2005
First of all Diane well done for kicking the weed into touch - I hope you manage to resist temptation and kill the habit for good. Every time you think of buying a packet of ciggys put the money one side and see how quick it will mount up and use it as a bonus for yourself and family. It must however be hard as your working environment includes the sale of tobacco. Now the down side - will it be safe for me to go to T***O (Brewery Lane) in future for my deisel? Do the staff there know of your new ways and the possible backlash of a frayed temper? hehehehe.

In response to Plotter's comments regarding teachers, as you are probably aware I am a retired College Lecturer who was employed on a full time permanent contract. We had longer holidays than the schools and they were paid leave. And yes I did enjoy the nice long holidays with pay and now I enjoy the good pension I am receiving for 30 years of contribution. So all you hard working, short holiday individuals - TOUGH. I enjoyed every minute of mine and with no feeling of guilt at all SO THERE. again hehehehe
May 29, 2007
Hello All, well i am still off the dreaded weed and it has now been 2 weeks. The urge to kill Ade over the weekend went away on Saturday afternoon, when we pulled in to our Campsite.

Had a lovely time and we are back safe and sound from our second time out.:)
Jan 2, 2006
Diane,that is great news after two weeks you are now an ex smoker,and you are now into the rest of your life as such which is a tribute to your will power and determination.Take it from me you will love to tell others 'why not give up it is easy I did'

Well done stick with it you have done the hard bit.
May 29, 2007
Well people, its now been 4 weeks and still off the fags! I thought you lot said i gets easier? I could still eat one every day and find my self going passed shops and am tempted to go in and buy a pack.
Jan 2, 2006
Diane look at the last post that was two weeks now its four take it from me you are now a non smoker and you have done really well just put it to the back of your mind and your next target is nop longet tomorrow it is the next four weeks so aim for say Sept 1st.
Jan 2, 2006
Diane look at the last post that was two weeks now its four take it from me you are now a non smoker and you have done really well just put it to the back of your mind and your next target is nop longet tomorrow it is the next four weeks so aim for say Sept 1st.
Remember this advice comes from an ex smoker who gave up 12 years ago.
Mar 14, 2005
Diane - you are surely over the worst by now. Keep up the resistance and watch both your health improve and the money in your purse increase so that you can enjoy life and be a fitter person - WELL DONE
Jul 25, 2007
Hi Diane,

I stopped smoking 2 1/2 years ago. I started aged 11 and stopped aged 49 ..... took me a long time !!!

I no longer get the urge to smoke and can even stand next to someone who is smoking without it bothering me (outdoors).

The main thing that keeps me a non smoker is this:

I consider myself to be like an alcoholic in that I KNOW if I smoke even just 1 cigarette I will be back on 20 a day straight away.

ps: Note to Moderators: No offence is intended to any alcoholics and no alcoholics were harmed in the making of this posting.
Mar 14, 2005
Well done, Diane. My Dad (thirty a day until he was 65 - died at 66)once told me that a boy starts smoking at 16 to prove he's a man: he stops at 50 for the same reason!


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