Mick & Paddy reading headstones near a church,Mick says there,s a bloke here that was a 152,Paddy replies what was his name??
Mick says Miles from London!!
Mick says Miles from London!!
did you hear the one about the robot ... no can't repaet it here as it might be racist LOLAll moderation may be seen as lopsided, dependent on the viewers perspective.
The general concept is not to have personal attacks on others, not to be outright abusive, not to deliberately post argumentative posts to gain some kind of response to make the forum a difficult place for people to feel at home.
If I have proven moderation can be losided, then I am happy that you , or anyone else can see that I am actually human, and not a damned robot.
Hi euro ,
0n this occasion I totally agree with you about the jesting of the joke , but then again if you hadn't said it then one of the " those that PC " would have , vermently argueing that during the potato blight poor Mickalas and paddivil were struck down by evil kingedward-sprouts with spud guns on the charge etc etc etc .
Just seems the some people want to keep check on the rest of us , maybe because we might have a little joke between ourselves , looks like 1984 has arrived late and BIG brother or sister is watching . Ooops will i get shouted down ( you bet ) hehehe
Well said,Luke.Hi Gary im 100% IRISH i can safely say us micks and paddys take no offence to those type of jokes,after all most of them start with paddy irishman,paddy englishman and paddyscottsman. Keep it up theres nothing wrong with having a sense of humour.
Hi Luke,Thanks at least some people have a sense of humour..Hi Gary im 100% IRISH i can safely say us micks and paddys take no offence to those type of jokes,after all most of them start with paddy irishman,paddy englishman and paddyscottsman. Keep it up theres nothing wrong with having a sense of humour.