Toilet Chemicals

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Nov 12, 2009
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hey folks, thanks for all the replies, very much appreciated seeing this is a caravan owners forum. waiting to hear from scotchlad, he seems to be puzzled that a request relating to caravanning can have so many replies to the original post. might be because its caravan related :)


Mar 14, 2005
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I just guess, a bit of blue and a bit of pink. If when flushing, the pink looks a bit pale, just add some more. Easy.

Mar 21, 2007
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A septic tank uses bacteria to break down human waste products so that the eventual liquid that returns into the earth soak away or river is clear and free from harmful chemicals. Chemicals like formaldehyde kill off this 'good' bacteria make the septic tank smell and pollutes the environment that it ends up in(the earth).We have tried various environmental toilet chemicals, some are septic tank friendly some are not and still kill the 'good' bacteria, some smell ghastly when used in the chemical toilet and the waste breakdown process starts. Even if the campsite you are using has mains drainage why would you want to use all of these seriously harmful chemicals in the drain system anyway, we have a planet to consider for our children's sake. A septic tank is a way of life if you live in the countryside as you have to consider all chemicals used around the home if you want your tank to work and not become a waste cesspit's have found by trial and error that Fenwicks Top and Tail meets my requirements for a toilet chemical fluid that does everything you need e.g.-it works, it smells o.k., it lubricates the rubber seals, it comes in one bottle and you don't need other chemicals for flushing or clearing black spots that can happen in your flushing water. I wish it had been on the market years ago!!! I sell it per dose (to cover top tank and bottom tank) for 40p this barely covers the cost of the fluid so that people do not have to buy a whole bottle. I would have thought that adopting this type of stance in the use of chemicals would have been appositive reason for visiting my campsite. Hopefully this answers the points raised by the other contributors, if anyone knows of any other fluids that can meet my requirements I would be pleased to hear about them. The views stated above have been formed by my own experiences and from reading various books and articles on the workings of septic tanks. Jim McCosh Proprietor Walled Garden Caravan and Camping Park,Kilkerran,Maybole,Ayrshire.

Mar 14, 2005
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It amazes me that so many people are conned into believing that they even need this stuff. We use, and always have used, disinfectant, and we empty the loo every two days, as the resulting effluent is going into the sewers anyway . Ask yourself "Do I put toilet chemicals into the loo at home".....and you've got your answer.

We've never, ever had a problem with disinfectant, and we are full-time permanent caravanners . Naving a background in nursing we would not ever put our hygiene at risk.
Mar 21, 2007
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A septic tank uses bacteria to break down human waste products so that the eventual liquid that returns into the earth soak away or river is clear and free from harmful chemicals. Chemicals like formaldehyde kill off this 'good' bacteria make the septic tank smell and pollutes the environment that it ends up in(the earth).We have tried various environmental toilet chemicals, some are septic tank friendly some are not and still kill the 'good' bacteria, some smell ghastly when used in the chemical toilet and the waste breakdown process starts. Even if the campsite you are using has mains drainage why would you want to use all of these seriously harmful chemicals in the drain system anyway, we have a planet to consider for our children's sake. A septic tank is a way of life if you live in the countryside as you have to consider all chemicals used around the home if you want your tank to work and not become a waste cesspit's have found by trial and error that Fenwicks Top and Tail meets my requirements for a toilet chemical fluid that does everything you need e.g.-it works, it smells o.k., it lubricates the rubber seals, it comes in one bottle and you don't need other chemicals for flushing or clearing black spots that can happen in your flushing water. I wish it had been on the market years ago!!! I sell it per dose (to cover top tank and bottom tank) for 40p this barely covers the cost of the fluid so that people do not have to buy a whole bottle. I would have thought that adopting this type of stance in the use of chemicals would have been appositive reason for visiting my campsite. Hopefully this answers the points raised by the other contributors, if anyone knows of any other fluids that can meet my requirements I would be pleased to hear about them. The views stated above have been formed by my own experiences and from reading various books and articles on the workings of septic tanks. Jim McCosh Proprietor Walled Garden Caravan and Camping Park,Kilkerran,Maybole,Ayrshire.

May 21, 2008
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I can understand you point Ogre.

However, one poin tyou might want to consider is that the toilet bowl is made of plastic and as such certain bodily functions tend to stick to a plastic bowl more so than thay would on a household ceramic loo. The pink flush is designed to leave a slippery surface on the bowl, long enough to allow the solids to go to the tank. If you read your instruction book for the loo they recommend a flush before you sit and start. (desperately trying not to be too graphic)

Also might the disinfectant (being a harsh chemical) have an adverse affect on the surface of the plastic.

I am going to stick (pardon the pun) with the cheaper caravan chemicals as they do the job without the risk of any chemical reactions. (Ker Boom)

I would not advise putting blue chemical containing famaldahyde and a strong disinfectant in the same tank. the resulting gas is very toxic.

Steve L.
Nov 4, 2004
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I believe famaldahyde is a banned substance and Thetford products are famaldahyde free.The pink and blue act as lubricants as well as the blue helping to break down the waste.

How you can say "Ask yourself "Do I put toilet chemicals into the loo at home".....and you've got your answer." for one i dont leave my waste in a plastic container for 2 days at home.
May 21, 2008
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Hi Mikey.

Your point is valid. The chemicals to act as anti adheasives and lubricants.

I know thetford do say their loo products are famaldahyde free, but some are not.

Having worked in the poultry shed industry, I can tell the wif of it a mile away. When the sheds are fumigated (fogged to us shedders)no one is allowed to work inside or outside the sheds because of the famaldahyde content in the mist.

My basic safety point was though, that one can by mixing seemingly inocent chemicals from the kitchen cuboard, create a dangerous and if the right items used explosive result.

And before some smart alec ask's me to specify the products, I most definately won't.

Sorry to be so abrupt, but budding demolishion experts and piromaniacs need not apply.

Steve L.
Aug 14, 2006
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Hi James, after reading your spiel regards top and tail there is an other product available in granular form call KEM you half one satchet between top and bottom tanks and it does all the things which are important to us.
Feb 21, 2010
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i use One Chem its a new product i bought it on the caravan channel last year. It has a measuring thing built in! its a small bottle you use it for both the flush and the cassette thingy (new to caravanning so dont know its name) Smells great, i still have loads left and we've been on loads of outings.
Feb 21, 2010
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i use One Chem its a new product i bought it on the caravan channel last year. It has a measuring thing built in! its a small bottle you use it for both the flush and the cassette thingy (new to caravanning so dont know its name) Smells great, i still have loads left and we've been on loads of outings.
Forgot to mention there is NO formaldehyde in this product, so i cant do any embalming while I'm away.
Jan 12, 2007
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i do it the easy way...............slop a dollop of blue in the casset.....dollop of gordon ramsey says "done"...same with the flush

i wouldnt use anything other than pink and blue because i belive that as well as the plastics possibly being damaged...the rubber seals will be damaged too

hgv dave