On the point of the black bits coming from the rinse tank, we have always used a Pink rinse. Thetford, Elsan or other makes, and we only noticed the black bits in the first few months of having our caravans from new. After that no more black bits.
It's really strange because until quite recently I can honestly say I had never had the "black bits" issue.
My wife and I have tried to reason why but no conclusion. It may have been a "brand" of fluid that's started it off - we have bought stuff from Robinsons Caravans which is branded with their name but obviously they will have sourced it from a manufacturer.
So your experience is the bits appeared for a few months after purchasing your new van whilst in my case they seem only to have appeared much later in the day. (We bought our current van new in 2019)
Sounds like Sam has had better luck with the Elsan Green but, as he says, not easy to be certain.
I've cleaned out all water from the toilet and flushed through until clear water appeared before "winterising" the van some weeks ago. So the new rinse from Chemiphase will be properly tested on a clean system. I'll report back of course.
Incidentally, as referenced earlier, I sent my order to Chemiphase this morning and I've already received an email telling me it's been shipped! That I do count as reassuring - just need the fluid to compete with well known brands that are FAR more expensive than £2.16L.
To make a fair price comparison obviously dilution ratios need counting in.
For the Chemiphase they say 1% added to fresh water and, as other brands state, cover any solids.
For the pink flush the advice is contradictory and I've phoned to clarify. At one point they state 100ml of the pink to every 10L of water. Later they talk about a dilution of 5:1. These clearly contradict.
The technician was surprised to see this and agreed that it is inaccurate and confusing. Presumably it will be corrected. His advice was that 100ml of pink should be added to a full flush tank of water - that is to say 100ml added to approximately 3-4L which he judged would be the capacity of the tank (No idea how accurate that is though).
I suspect that most of us add a "glug, glug" of fluid rather than measuring - at least I do I admit. I'll try to be more "scientific" when checking this stuff out.
Just another thought. I've bought both flush additive and toilet waste additive. After checking these out I may find that using the toilet waste fluid in both flush AND waste will be the way to go all other things being equal. That way each flush tops up with correctly diluted (1%) fluid.
And lastly at the price this stuff is using a far stronger concentration would still leave it cheaper than most of the best known brands. I'll experiment.