I don't believe you can compare what is now a regional route like The gran st Bernard that links Switzerland to Italy and is far less used than say 40 odd years ago, to the Austrian extra toll routes on major motorways, i mentioned that you could well come across just touring Austria, as i did. has anyone on here towed up the Gran san bernard route say in the past 20 years? given the route options available? its off the beaten track! as is The munt le schera awesome route don't you agree and the unlined tunnel one way traffic changing hourly or when i used it on a Saturday morning having to wait nearly 2.5 hours , obviously i wasn't towing be warned its 2,5 m wide spooky again anyone every used this route? possibly so as its good for the cheapest fuel and many goods in all of western Europe. again it takes you into Italy and is only good if you are going into duty free livigno or to see the switz dam that the tunnel was build for so again hardly a toll route that one could use to make a comparison to the extra tolls that apply on some major Austrian motorways and dare i say, I've never come across anyone on here mentioning those extra Austrian motorway tolls , surely it is useful to give people the whole picture? .. like i said Austria's a nice place i wont knock it , i wont knock any place but personally i like Switzerland more . ps we did the bernina express 2 years ago tirano to chur and back absolutely awesome and i don't even like railways .sometimes the cost is well worth it quality costs!DianneT said:Who would use the yearly toll in Austria? not the average tourists. You have the choice you pay the tolls for the Tunnels of which the Price is ridiculously cheap, or there are ways around but not always with a caravan on the back. You would have a job to go over the £80 odd you have to pay for the Swiss Vignette, when with a caravan. The 11 Euros for the Katschberg Tunnel also includes the Tauern Tunnel two very long Tunnels.
You have to pay extra for the Swiss Tunnels too Grand St Bernhard 30. 90 CHF.and the Munt la Schera 38.00 CHF lot more than Austrian Tunnels.which are in Euros
A9-Gleinalm 8. 50.& Bosruck 5.00 A10-Tauern + Katschberg 11. 00. S 16- Arlberg 9. 50.. They are the only tunnel charges when travelling in Austria. The other two are to other countries the Karawanken 7. 20 to Slovenia and Brenner to Italy 9. 00. .
We have been travelling in Germany and Austria for over 40 years. When we go on holiday we do not just travel with the caravan we travel around the areas and explore as we did in Switzerland. We found any train journeys we wished to do and mountain railways very expensive. The Jungfrau being over a £100 per person if you went at the crack of dawn.
Don;t be afraid to go to Austria or Germany they are two of the cheapest countries to visit for Fuel especially diesel, Eating out, Food in the shops, Clothing and Visitor Attractions. Most areas and campsites give you discount cards to use for Attractions and Rail/Bus Fares..
First point why on a thread about Switzerland not Austria is Switzerland being slated ? and compared to Austria? second point why would anybody buy a Switz vignette in Euro's! when the currency in Switzerland is Swiss Francs and i stated the proper rate pounds to Swf... earlier.. incidentally the Euro is at 1.14 today which means it would cost 70 Euro's and not 77 as stated above.but atleast its less than the £80 quoted earlier .both your toll prices you gave for the 2 swiss toll tunnels are incorrect one is for a 18 tonne lorry not for a caravan, . Its a positive thing to inform travelers as to what to expect so maybe one should mention that fuel is cheaper in Switzerland than back here in the UK given your own figures , i mean at the end of the day one can only compare prices with those you have back home. nobody has ever claimed Switzerland was cheap, fine so some don't like it each to their own.. bare in mind the state of Luxembourg there is an area named little Switzerland, because of its alpine look note its not called little Austria .enough said really... oh PS you might want to look at the league of shame crime rate for 2015.... not pretty reading the UK tops it Austria comes second followed by South Africa.....!!!!!!!!!!!DianneT said:No doubt about it Switzerland is a very expensive country 38.50 Euro's for Car and same for Caravan = 77 Euro's is still a lot to pay to use the Motorways in a country, Most British Tourists only visit these countries for 1 week to 6 weeks when the Vignette for Austria is only 8.80 Euro's for 10 days and 25. 70 for 2 months. All details for Tunnel charges are on ASFINAG website the Road Authority for Austria and they are well advertised.
Fuel is another expensive item.
Swiss Diesel 1,25 Euro's. Austrian 1.008 Euro's.
Petrol 1.28 1.108
Eating out costs an arm and a leg