Wonder if you mind me widening the scope of your original post, Anthony, to include that other scourge of our daily life - the reversing "beep, beep, beep" of industrial machinery. I think the legislation which allows it(or is it prescribes it?) was very badly thought out and establishes strange principles. In what other aspects of our use of machinery in life does the use of "beep, beep, beep" (or similar device) put the responsibility on to some person other than the driver for his actions ? To do so assumes that such 'other person' has the intelligence/ability to interpret the information he/she/it is being given - what about deaf people, infants, animals ? In our cars we are required to have a horn. The Highway Code tells us that this should not be used as a 'get out of my way' device, but rather as an 'I am here'. By using it, in no way are we absolved from our responsibilities, and in the event of it being a deaf person/infant/animal, we collide with them at our peril.
Of course, all of this does not touch upon the social use of the 'beep, beep, beep'. In urban areas, as many as 6/7/8 hundred people can suffer days and sometimes weeks of torment because ONE man is working !!!
If a piece of machinery is reversing, it should only be doing so under the control of an intelligence, i.e. either the driver by means of a reversing camera, or by an assisting workmate.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest - I'm going to have a great day now !!