Hello Neil
You have changed the goal posts slightly. You originally claimed its and I quote "Illegal" to tow a trailer that weighs more than the tug. That statement was inaccurate which you seem to now accept.
You are now claiming that it is unsafe to tow at more than 100%, This issue is not as black and white. There are many factors other than just the relative masses of the car and caravan that fundamentally affect the tow ability and the ultimate stability/safety of an outfit.
There is no universal magic ratio that guarantees safety. The driver must take into account all factors. Lutz has alluded to some.
The 85% figure suggested by many is an arbitrary figure and even this does not guarantee as safe outfit. It is potentially as dangerous to suggest there is a single ratio figure as some inexperienced towers may assume that that figure guarantees safety when it does not.
I have no argument with you about the benefits of keeping the trailer mass as low as possible, as this does tend to improve the chances of achieving a good match.
Each outfit will have its own unique towing characteristics. It is expected that each driver will have the skills to recognise the correct way to load and tow the trailer to keep everything under control at what ever ratio the law and the manufactures permit.
You have changed the goal posts slightly. You originally claimed its and I quote "Illegal" to tow a trailer that weighs more than the tug. That statement was inaccurate which you seem to now accept.
You are now claiming that it is unsafe to tow at more than 100%, This issue is not as black and white. There are many factors other than just the relative masses of the car and caravan that fundamentally affect the tow ability and the ultimate stability/safety of an outfit.
There is no universal magic ratio that guarantees safety. The driver must take into account all factors. Lutz has alluded to some.
The 85% figure suggested by many is an arbitrary figure and even this does not guarantee as safe outfit. It is potentially as dangerous to suggest there is a single ratio figure as some inexperienced towers may assume that that figure guarantees safety when it does not.
I have no argument with you about the benefits of keeping the trailer mass as low as possible, as this does tend to improve the chances of achieving a good match.
Each outfit will have its own unique towing characteristics. It is expected that each driver will have the skills to recognise the correct way to load and tow the trailer to keep everything under control at what ever ratio the law and the manufactures permit.