towing legally

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Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Neil

You have changed the goal posts slightly. You originally claimed its and I quote "Illegal" to tow a trailer that weighs more than the tug. That statement was inaccurate which you seem to now accept.

You are now claiming that it is unsafe to tow at more than 100%, This issue is not as black and white. There are many factors other than just the relative masses of the car and caravan that fundamentally affect the tow ability and the ultimate stability/safety of an outfit.

There is no universal magic ratio that guarantees safety. The driver must take into account all factors. Lutz has alluded to some.

The 85% figure suggested by many is an arbitrary figure and even this does not guarantee as safe outfit. It is potentially as dangerous to suggest there is a single ratio figure as some inexperienced towers may assume that that figure guarantees safety when it does not.

I have no argument with you about the benefits of keeping the trailer mass as low as possible, as this does tend to improve the chances of achieving a good match.

Each outfit will have its own unique towing characteristics. It is expected that each driver will have the skills to recognise the correct way to load and tow the trailer to keep everything under control at what ever ratio the law and the manufactures permit.
Sep 17, 2006
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Towing Laws-????

I am an American moving to the UK wishing to bring in a touring caravan or 5th wheel as I hope to travel extensively. My delimma is that our pick-up trucks only weigh about 5,000lbs (sorry not good with metric) but are made to savely tox 10,000lbs. So where does that leave me? Also, have tons of questions later if you'll be so kind. Thanks, Jane
Mar 14, 2005
You don't say whether you are coming to the UK permanently or not. If not, no problem, you can drive your American outfit on an American licence for a period of, I believe, 6 months in any 12 month period.

However, if you are settling in the UK, you will need to get the vehicle through SVA (Single Vehicle Approval) and you will have to register it soon after arrival. The following website will give you some information on what is required:

Registering an imported vehicle

I presume that your RV has gas fittings. In addition to some work needed on the vehicle in order to comply with UK Construction & Use Regulations it will therefore also need the gas system to be modified in line with UK safety requirements.

You can still continue to drive on your American driver's licence even after the vehicle has been registered in the UK but after 12 months you will also need to exchange your US licence for a UK one. You will find more information here:

Driving in the UK on a foreign licence
Jul 12, 2005
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So is this illegal or not?

Sep 17, 2006
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Thanks Lutz for the info. All I can say is EEK! Now it's gas fittings too. I read a book about camping in Europe and it said you can use adapters for the gas and (I think they said) step-down inverters for the electric but I will be staying permanently and am guessing it would be hard to register without converterig fully to the UK system. Do you know if that's true? Also, do you know of any forums for people that use American rigs? I see some for motor homes, but am especially interested in caravans or 5th wheels.
Jul 5, 2006
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Hi Jane,

Be careful if you wish to use an American pick up in the UK, the larger ones are actually goods vehicles ie over 3500kg gross weight and require the driver to hold a category C1 licence along with the relevant E entitlement if you wish to tow with it.

Also being a goods vehicle it could be too large for the SVA scheme and require type approval and a goods vehicle test certificate.


Mar 14, 2005
I would imagine that converting the gas system to comply with UK Safety Standards would be mandatory before you can register the vehicle in the UK. Without expert assessment of your particular caravan it's difficult to say whether this would involve more than just exchanging the fittings but I would expect that this is very likely. You may also have difficulty in getting the towbar through the approval process (don't forget that a 50mm towball diameter is the norm in Europe).

Obviously, all the conversion work can be done and there are specialist firms that carry out the task on a regular basis but you would save yourself a lot of hassle if you buy an outfit in Europe.

Depending on where you want to go touring, you may also have difficulty in being allowed on some sites with a big American outfit.
Sep 17, 2006
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Thanks for the info guys. I know it would make sense to buy in the UK for lots of reasons but will be saying good bye to the kids and selling the house next year but not moving to the UK until 2009.I plan to try "full-timing" for awhile here. I'm a nurse and you can accept 13 week assignments in different parts of the country so if I can work up the courage I'd like to try that. Do you all have anything like this in the UK-living full time in a recreational vehicle and travelling wherever the mood strikes you?


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