With regular traffic reports on caravan accidents no doubt towing is more dangerous than solo driving.
Yet we now have to worry ourselves about mirror safety as well.
Sure thing broken glass is a danger, but Nigel you have offered up what appears to be factual data on lives to be saved and serious accidents to be avoided with new E marked mirrors. So are these new mirrors going to prevent all deaths and accidents or just reduce them.
You appear to be blatantly scaremongering Nigel without offering up days dates and times re all the serious mirror deaths and serious accidents.
If I and others could face prosecution and become uninsured due to having older mirrors or any other changed E mark products
are we supposed to guess that regulations have changed or just chance that we see such information on a web site forum
I would judge that Government, EC and Manufacturers such as yourself would be liable for not making proper widespread public announcements re such changes if many are now "law breakers". Surely we are not left to break the law and then be prosecuted as powers that be have failed us
If Milenco has sold and is selling E marked products that have a limited useful life due to E mark changes is the company not liable for misleading the public re the useful life of the product. Surely your products should carry a useful life expectancy warning.
Your warning re insurance and breaking the law is scaremongering Nigel as you give no factual evidence that this is the intended action by the authorities. If non E marked dangerous mirrors are on sale, surely retailers would be more liable than the purchaser in the event of a serious accident.
If we are now in such great danger from vehicle mirrors and face prosecution or becoming uninsured are you not duty bound as a responsible manufacturer to make this wider public knowledge if our government has failed in their duty to motoristsIf Milenco has sold and is selling E marked products that have a limited useful life due to E mark changes is the company not liable for misleading the public re the useful life of the product. Surely your products should carry a useful life expectancy warning.
Your warning re insurance and breaking the law is scaremongering Nigel as you give no factual evidence that this is the intended action by the authorities. If non E marked dangerous mirrors are on sale, surely retailers would be more liable than the purchaser in the event of a serious accident.
If we are now in such great danger from vehicle mirrors and face prosecution or becoming uninsured are you not duty bound as a responsible manugacturer to make this wider public knowlege if our governement has failed in their duty to motorists