Truma motor mover isolation key

Oct 23, 2014
Hi, early on in the year on our first trip out in the caravan, I failed to ensure the access door to the mover isolation switch was locked prior to moving off. Needless to say it opened on route and the only key for the switch got lost. My wife purchased two new ones on ebay. Needless to say when we went out the next time, neither worked and we ended up manhandling the van into position. My question is, are these keys universal or is there a key for truma separately to other makes ????. I have seen keys at different prices. I am convinced they differ. My Battery is fine as is the control box. Any advice is gratefully accepted
Mar 14, 2005
I suggest you contact the manufacturer, who will be able to tell if a spae key can be supplied or if the whole switch needs to be replaced.
Oct 3, 2013
Can't see any reason why these switches should have different keys,they are only off the shelf on/off switches.Maybe there are different manufacturers of isolation switches with different actuation arrangements.As the prof says make sure the key you get is for the switch that is fitted.
I'm sure I've seen spare switch operating levers for sale at the local accessory shop - better to try your local shop and talk to someone rather than use internet.
Oct 23, 2014
Thanks everyone, I did ask at the local servicing garage and was told that there can be a difference between the protrusion at the base of the key which only has to be slightly larger or smaller for it not to work. I will get onto Truma and see if I can get the correct key.Again many thanks
Mar 14, 2005
No familiar with the Truma switch but if it is a simple high current DC switch then have a look at battery isolator switch B15 for which a spare key is £1. This type of switch is the standard fitting for Powrtouch movers.

When I had a van with the mover isolator in the battery box, I attached the key to the tie-in strap which goes round the battery with a piece of cord long enough to permit operation and left it stored in the box.


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