Truma Motor Mover

Sep 25, 2005
Hi all,

After years of neck twisting reversing and many a collision or near miss with shed, greenhouse, gate post and various other articles en rout to my vans parking spot at the side of my garage, I have finally admitted defeat. My new Pageant Bordeaux (ah the bliss of the fixed bed) will be delivered in a few weeks and wiil be fitted with the new S type mover. My concern is that to reach the resting place, the van passes over a gravel area at the side of my house. Will this be an issue with the motor mover? I will change the jockey wheel for a pneaumatic one to stop ot sinking - my worry is gravel stuck to the tyres and wrecking the rollers. will this be the case? do I need to spend more of my wine fund on boring old slabs for the van to roll on?


Mar 14, 2005
I have a Truma / Carver mover which I use on gravel.

I find it works OK, although I always place my main wheels on gripmats when I stop.

This avoids gravel sticking to the tryes, which can then interfere with the operation of the mover.
May 12, 2005
you will find that gravel will get in the rollers unless it is particularly large gravel, I have had this happen several times, as yet there has been no damage to the rollers,but I think its only a matter of time, it is very unnerving when you hear it grinding, I always stop and extract it with a screwdriver,I have just had the drive Tarmaced and if I were you I would invest in slabs, you only need two tracks.

good luck Tony A.
Dec 30, 2009
Hi Carl, Ive just put 2 concrete tracks down to stop any issues with the chippins laid. Very small outlay for a great effect and will last for years.

Kevin H
Sep 3, 2002
Interested to read about the potential problems with gravel, getting in the rollers etc. Does this mean that hardstandings (which are becoming more common on sites now) would create a problem. Has anyone any experience to pass on?
Mar 14, 2005
Interested to read about the potential problems with gravel, getting in the rollers etc. Does this mean that hardstandings (which are becoming more common on sites now) would create a problem. Has anyone any experience to pass on?
Yes David, you are correct, this is a problem and the chippings can get stuck in the tyre grooves, I have found that when I leave a pitch I just reverse up to my van without using the mover, on the way home the vast majority of chips are thrown out on the journey and all is well by the time I am home. When back at home I engage the mover and remove any stubborn chips which may affect the rollers
Mar 21, 2006
Hi, I have had a Carver/Truma for 4 years now with no difficulty over any terrain, rollers are still original and in as new condition, fitted to 1450KG Senator so they work hard. Have ordered new Se Truma mover for new van so expecting same good service from that.



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