Truma ultraheat

Mar 8, 2019
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Me again!
I've plugged into mains at home, set all the dials correctly, (electric only), and all that's coming out is cold air!
Does it take hours to heat up or is something wrong?
By the way I'm using a very short cable with just the 3pin plug and the caravan plug on the other end. Does this make a difference? Should I use the long cable?


Mar 17, 2007
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Hi. No it doesn’t take hours to heat up. Initially there will be cold air coming through but warmer air should start coming through in a few minutes. I am not technical enough to help much further but I do know that if it wasn’t switched off in the right order on its previous use, i.e. Truma turned off at the panel BEFORE master switch is turned off, then it might need resetting. The instructions for this should be in the manual.
I will have a quick google and come back to you.


Mar 17, 2007
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Don’t feel bad. The joy of Caravanning is the daft mistakes we all make; like the time we couldn’t work out why the air awning wasn’t going up: then discovered we had left all the valves open. :cheer:
Glad you had a simple fix
Jun 17, 2011
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In reality it’s best to put the heater on for a few minutes and then put the fan on. This should ensure hot air. Even without the fan the caravan should warm up on convection.
Mar 14, 2005
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waffler said:
In reality it’s best to put the heater on for a few minutes and then put the fan on. This should ensure hot air.


Unlsess Truma have changed the way the fans work, they have an auto setting which monitors the temperature of the air passing through the fan. If the air is cool, the fan runs slowely, and when the air temperature rises, then fan will speed up. Truma did this to prevent the fans from blowing cool air when the heaters thermostats reduced the heating power.

waffler said:
Even without the fan the caravan should warm up on convection.

This is true, and whilst warmer air will always rise to the top leaving cooler air at the bottom, the action of the fan mixes the air more which reduces the temperature difference top to bottom.

Convection alone can cause the hot head cold feet situation, which may feel fine for a short while, but people soon begin to find it less comfortable especially when sitting and relatively inactive. Using the fan evens out the temperature more effectively producing a more comfortable temperature regime.
Jan 3, 2019
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On a similar note..when using the truma system for heat only (not hot water) does it still need water in the system?
I ask because i have the caravan sat alongside the house with the electrics plugged into the house 240v sockets, occasionally i will fire up the heating to stop it getting damp etc but as the caravan is up against the fence on the off side i dont have room to hook any water up so it only has what is in the system from the last trip. The heater seems to work ok but wasnt sure if running it without a fresh supply of water would have any effect on the boiler?
Oct 12, 2013
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We are the same at the minute we have ours hooked up at the house and I have the heating on but we have the blown air heating so no water is needed for ours if yours is the same .
Mar 14, 2005
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steve2019 said:
On a similar note..when using the truma system for heat only (not hot water) does it still need water in the system?
I ask because i have the caravan sat alongside the house with the electrics plugged into the house 240v sockets, occasionally i will fire up the heating to stop it getting damp etc but as the caravan is up against the fence on the off side i dont have room to hook any water up so it only has what is in the system from the last trip. The heater seems to work ok but wasnt sure if running it without a fresh supply of water would have any effect on the boiler?

This wil depend on the model of heater you have, The Ultraheat in this thread does not use water. I sugegst you consult your heaters operating instructions


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